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We Have The Peak Oil Myth; Now Peak Water, Too? (VIDEO)

We Have The Peak Oil Myth; Now Peak Water, Too? (VIDEO) | peak-water-2 | Agenda 21 Chem-trails & Geo-Engineering Environment Government Corruption Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal US News Weather Modification

Peak water, like peak oil, is a myth. Primary water exists in abundance under the Earth’s crust.

*Editor’s Note: Republished from March 28, 2015. With all of the new information pointing to directed energy weapons targeting North California’s wildfires and the manipulated droughts, it’s time to take another look at this topic. 

Peak Water is the idea that, like peak oil, water is a limited resource that we are running out of. The water crisis occurring in California (and elsewhere) is a water crisis hoax in the sense that we are being conditioned to accept artificial scarcity as real scarcity. Artificial scarcity is an age-old trick used by merchants to suppress the supply of a resource or product in order to increase its price. This financial trick is especially noticeable in the oil industry (controlled by the usual New World Order elite families). The Rockefellers propagated the peak oil myth at the Geneva Convention in 1892. John D. Rockefeller used his paid scientists to contend that as oil is composed of hydrogen, carbon and oxygen, it must be a residue from living matter, and thus it is a fossil fuel! Twisted logic indeed. The Russians discovered that oil was abiotic decades ago. Oil is normally drilled at 30,000 feet, whereas real fossils are normally not found below 16,000 feet; the whole thing is a scam. Now, new information brought forth by researcher Deborah Tavares of StoptheCrime.net suggests we may well be looking at another fable – this time “peak water”.

Control Water, Control Life

Nefarious war criminal Henry Kissinger stated that to control nations, you control oil, and to control people, you control food. He might have added that to control Life itself, you control water, because there is barely any life on Earth as we know it that could survive without water. Many have predicted that the wars of the 21st century will be fought over water, not oil or other subterranean resources. There is good evidence that part of the reason Gaddafi was taken out was because he was so successful in constructing an amazing aquifer system to adequately hydrate the people of Libya. And, we know from researchers such as Dane Wigington that satellite images show geoengineering chemtrails all over California and its coasts. He theorizes the geoengineering of the Pacific is causing the Californian drought.

So, at one level of the game, water is a resource that is practically limited, and is already being fought over with powerful weapons, both admitted (military bombs and weapons) and mostly unadmitted (HAARP and geoengineering) ones. But what if this is all a cover? What if there is an unlimited supply of pure water that could easily be tapped that the Controllers are not telling us about?

We Have The Peak Oil Myth; Now Peak Water, Too? (VIDEO) | peak-water-water-cycle-300x199 | Agenda 21 Chem-trails & Geo-Engineering Environment Government Corruption Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal US News Weather Modification

As this diagram shows, peak water is myth due to the existence of primary water from the Earth’s mantle.

Peak Water vs. Primary Water

The people at the Primary Water Institute say there is just such a thing – primary water. It’s the water just below the Earth’s crust, in the mantle. It is not the water you think of as ground water. It is not part of the normal hydrologic cycle of evaporation and condensation, which they classify as a secondary cycle. Listen as Deboarah Tavares interviews Paul Power who explains the concept of primary water. The illustration above also shows it. The existence of primary water clearly busts the idea of peak water, and shows that we are being lied to yet again by Big Government and the mainstream media about matters of vital importance to our lives.

What’s the Point of the Peak Water / Water Crisis Hoax?

The water crisis hoax fits right in to the UN Agenda 21 plan for global domination. By engineering a drought and pretending there are no viable solutions, the Controllers will drive people off their land and out of their homes in search of wetter areas. This facilitates a land grab and allows Government and corporations to seize more land (either for free or dirt cheap), and pressures people to move into big megalopolises where, in alignment with Agenda 21, they will have to live in shoebox-sized apartments – to save the environment, of course.

Meanwhile, by very real means such as a combination of HAARP and geoengineering, the Government is creating massive food shortages (since such a high percentage of many crops are grown in California), causing stress of lower and middle income individuals and families who are faced with rising food costs and potentially even a lack of food.

We Have The Peak Oil Myth; Now Peak Water, Too? (VIDEO) | drought-®-peak-water-300x217 | Agenda 21 Chem-trails & Geo-Engineering Environment Government Corruption Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal US News Weather Modification





Libya’s “Water Wars” and Gaddafi`s Great Man-Made River Project


The Out-Of-Control Growth Of Fictitious “Mental Illness” (VIDEO)


The Out-Of-Control Growth Of Fictitious “Mental Illness” (VIDEO) | pills-money-big-pharma-profits | Big Pharma Medical & Health Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Mental illness has the become the slapped-on label increasingly applied to many people all over the world in the last few decades, thanks to the unholy alliance between Psychiatry and Big Pharma. The trend is shockingly apparent in America, but it’s happening all over the globe. For the most part, ordinary people with ordinary feelings of ups and downs, highs and lows, are being told there is something wrong with them, that they are “mentally ill“, and that they need psychiatric medication. These days, if you occasionally feel down or depressed, watch out: Big Pharma is targeting you for its latest mind-altering chemical concoction.

What is Psychiatric Medication?

First of all, let’s define what is meant by psychiatric medication. It is a synthetic drug, designed to treat mental illness, which has a psychoactive effect, i.e. it alters the chemical makeup of your brain and nervous system. These include:

– Antidepressants (such as the common SSRI drugs like Prozac, Paxil, Celexa and Zoloft);

– Antipsychotics (such as Abilify);

– Stimulants (such as Ritalin or methamphetamine);

– Anxiolytics (such as Valium);

– Mood stabilizers; and

– Depressants.

The Rise of Psychotropic Drug Use

A 2010 Medco report found that around 1 in 5 American adults took at least 1 psychiatric medication in 2010; in women, the rate was 1 in 4. The US spent around $2.24 billion in 1986 on psychiatric medication, but over $30 billion in 2005 – and it keeps rising.

Psychiatry Uses Behavior and Peer Consensus, Not Symptoms, As Basis for Diagnosis

The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of psychiatry is a listing of all known psychiatric diseases. Yet did you know that all the listed diseases are arrived at by voting and peer consensus? The diagnostic criteria are voted into existence. This is politics, not science.

Psychiatrists have yet to conclusively prove that a single mental illness has a biological or physical cause, or a genetic origin.

Let’s pause for a minute on that one. The implications are staggering.

The DSM uses behavior, not physical and measurable symptoms, as the basis for its diagnosis. It does not determine whether someone is mentally ill, or suffers from mental illness, by standard diagnostic tests such as a blood test, saliva test, urine/stool sample, x-ray, brain scan or chemical imbalance test. It has admitted as much through numerous channels:

“There are no objective tests in psychiatry-no X-ray, laboratory, or exam finding that says definitively that someone does or does not have a mental disorder.” — Allen Frances, Psychiatrist and former DSM-IV Task Force Chairman

“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bull. I mean, you just can’t define it.” — Allen Frances

“There is no blood or other biological test to ascertain the presence or absence of a mental illness, as there is for most bodily diseases. If such a test were developed … then the condition would cease to be a mental illness and would be classified, instead, as a symptom of a bodily disease.” — Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, New York University Medical School, Syracuse

Busting the Idea of a “Chemical Imbalance”

For decades psychiatrists have claimed that mental disorders are the result of a “chemical imbalance” in the brain. But what does that mean exactly? Is there one perfect chemical balance or standard of health by which they measure disease? If so, what is it? What are the perfect levels of every chemical and hormone we must have to be “mentally sound”? Clearly it would be impossible to define this, so what are the ranges? Wouldn’t the range depend on many factors such as age, gender, environment, etc.? Who decides when someone’s chemical level leaves a certain range and becomes pathological? What is the basis for this?

Too many questions, and not enough good answers.

In truth, the idea of a “chemical imbalance” underpinning “mental illness” is really an attempt to try to make invented psychiatric diseases sound scientific. Listen to the words of some of the doctors below discussing psychiatry:

“At present there are no known biochemical imbalances in the brain of typical psychiatric patients—until they are given psychiatric drugs.” — Peter Breggin, Psychiatrist

“While there has been no shortage of alleged biochemical explanations for psychiatric conditions…not one has been proven. Quite the contrary. In every instance where such an imbalance was thought to have been found, it was later proven false.” — Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, Harvard Medical School psychiatrist

“Virtually anyone at any given time can meet the criteria for bipolar disorder or ADHD.  Anyone.  And the problem is everyone diagnosed with even one of these ‘illnesses’ triggers the pill dispenser.” — Dr. Stefan Kruszewski, Psychiatrist

Mental Illness is Essentially an Invented Disease

The bottom line in all of this is that mental illness is essentially an invented disease. If there is no way to prove that anyone has it, through the normal means of a blood test, saliva test, urine/stool sample or any other standard diagnostic test, how do we know it even exists as an illness or phenomenon? Without any scientific or objective way to test the label of mental illness, how can we know that doctors are not unintentionally – or intentionally due to bribery – falsely diagnosing people and turning them into patients?

At one point homosexuality was considered a mental illness. It has since been voted in and out of existence.

Now, in fairness to Western Medicine and Big Pharma, there are undoubtedly people who need mental help. But how we can trust doctors and psychiatrists to tell us who they are, when bribery and corruption is so rife in the industry, and billions of dollars are at stake?

Not so long ago, psychiatrist Leon Eisenberg confessed on his deathbed that ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) was a fictitious disease. Yes, he admitted that “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” Due to this deception, millions of children have forced to ingest the psychoactive drug Ritalin (chemically similar to amphetamine or speed) with a slew of dangerous side effects such as heart palpitations, headaches, stomach aches, nervousness (including agitation, anxiety and irritability), insomnia, decreased appetite,  nausea, dizziness and addiction. It’s legal speed – so of course it’s addictive.

We can only hope that when enough people become aware of Big Pharma’s attempt to pathologize normal behaviors, they will seek other means to heal any mental disturbances they are experiencing, especially by the tried-and-tested psychotherapy (counseling), which is completely non-invasive.

And lastly … did you ever wonder why the elite through (Big Pharma/Psychiatry) are so focused on mental illness? To get normal people on pills and/or locked up, but also to institute a system by which dissenters and free thinkers can be declared mentally ill or unstable and be “legally” removed from society.




The difference between a medical diagnosis and a psychiatric diagnosis

Is Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder?


Is Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | diet | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

It’s time for an intervention. We need to talk.

Are you concerned about the stuff they call “food” at the grocery store?  Do you opt for whole foods most of the time, and feel unwell if you eat so-called “junk food”?  Are your views about food causing you to make changes in your day-to-day life? Do you believe there is a connection between the food you eat and your physical and mental well-being?Is Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | ir?t=nutr0c-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0143117432 | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

Then, it’s time to face reality.  If you choose to eat food without chemicals on a regular basis, you, my friend, are mentally ill.

It’s called Orthorexia Nervosa.

A study found on PubMed explains. (Wow, it’s like they know me.)

Orthorexia is an obsessive-compulsive process characterized by extreme care for and selection of what is considered to be pure ‘healthy’ food. This ritual leads to a very restrictive diet and social isolation as a compensation. Orthorexics obsessively avoid foods which may contain artificial colours, flavours, preservant agents, pesticide residues or genetically modified ingredients, unhealthy fats, foods containing too much salt or too much sugar and other components. The way of preparation, kitchenware and other tools used are also part of the obsessive ritual.

Huh.  They say that like it’s a bad thing.

Don’t despair. If you’re a sufferer, there’s help. The same study states:

Treatment of orthorexia require a multidisciplinary team involving physicians, psychoterapists and dietitians. In some cases, antiserotoninergic drugs may be required as part of the treatment.

So the long and the short of it?

If you want to be healthy, you’re sick. You need a team of doctors and dietitians to cure you from trying to be healthy. And maybe some medicine. The desire for good health is an illness, and Big Pharma and Big Medical wants you to be better. And by better, they mean you should have no hesitation whatsoever about consuming the garbage passed off as food in the grocery stores.

Wow, I’ll bet that raising as much of my own food as possible really means I’m in need of intervention.

Just to clear up any confusion, it’s not about weight loss.  Doctor Thomas Dunn is an associate professor of psychology at the University of Northern Colorado who co-authored a paper in Psychosomatics, outlining the diagnostic criteria for the disorder. “It’s different than going overboard because you want to be skinny. Rather, it’s linked to people who are trying to be as healthy as they can be.” (source: New American)

Corporations are losing money when you make healthy choices.

Gosh, do you think this could have anything to do with plummeting sales for processed food companies? There are a lot of corporations with skin in the game. An article on Natural Society by Christina Sarich noted that sales are down for the following food manufacturers (Wait – is my orthorexia nervosa showing when I say that the word “food” should never be followed by the word “manufacturer”?)

  • ConAgra (Hunts, Swiss Miss, Chef Boy Ardee)
  • Kraft (Oscar Mayer, Jell-O, Maxwell House, Velveeta)
  • Kellogg
  • Campbell’s Soup
  • Coca-Cola

Of course, companies like this have a very vested interest in making you think you’re crazy for not eating their offerings. And they have big advertising dollars. Perhaps that’s why the mainstream media is FULL of articles letting you know you have an eating disorder – because their advertisers need you to think you’re nuts.  And it’s a two for one deal for the media outlets – they can push treatment options that are available from their other advertisers.

For example, our good friends at CNN (who, incidentally had an ad in the sidebar for a Big Pharma medication on this article) explain:

There’s now a name for people dangerously addicted to all things healthy — a sufferer of orthorexia nervosa. Characterized by disordered eating fueled by a desire for “clean” or “healthy” foods, those diagnosed with the condition are overly pre-occupied with the nutritional makeup of what they eat. They rigidly avoid any food they deem to be “unhealthy,” or spend excessive amounts of time and money in search of the “most pure” foods…The condition is under-studied, and no one knows how widespread it is.

Articles from The Wall Street Journal and ABC News make it seem as though by refusing to consume processed foods or GMO foods, you are at risk of becoming malnourished. In the extreme examples they give, it’s obvious there is a far deeper issue than a desire to avoid junk food and eat cleanIs Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | ir?t=nutr0c-20&l=ur2&o=1 | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests . Most of us that opt for healthful, healing diets don’t obsess over things like broken egg yolks, yet we’re all grouped together by the media.

Meet the “Experts” Who Think Healthy Eating is a Sign of Mental Illness

What’s more, the people who should be able to help identify eating disorders are being professionally indoctrinated. Last year, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics received a “fact” *cough* sheet outlining the alleged benefits of processed foods from the International Food Information Council. It’s important to note that the IFIC receives funding from Cargill, Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, Yum! Brands (the parent company of Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC, and WingStreet), General Mills, Mars, McDonald’s, Monsanto, PepsiCo,  and Red Bull.  You know, all of the companies that produce the recommended processed foods that will benefit your diet.  Here’s a look at that handout, if you’re interested.

If you wonder why many people are so confused about what constitutes good nutrition you need look no further than the propaganda being spouted by these so-called “experts”.  There is a real problem when the people sponsoring the nutrition lessons are the very purveyors of GMO crops, potato chips, soda pop, and fast food.

Many people are out there trying valiantly to make the best possible choices for their families on limited budgets, but they must combat the constant disinformation and now, scrutiny with regard to their mental health.  These folks are being deliberately deceived by food manufacturers, but even worse, by professional societies like the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Maybe if there wasn’t so much toxic garbage out there being offered as “food”, people wouldn’t have to be so diligent about what they consume. Maybe the people with the real mental disorders are the ones pushing the chemical laden, non-food crap in a bright, cheerful box, a box that contains things which are known to cause cancer, reproductive difficulties, hormone disruption, gut disorders, and inflammation.

Maybe they should come up with a name to identify those who display enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior.

Oh yeah. Wait. They did that already. There is a diagnosis for those people.

They’re called psychopaths.

And they’re the ones calling healthy eaters crazy.

Let me enable you with these resources:

What to Eat When You’re Broke

The Eat-Clean seriesIs Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | ir?t=nutr0c-20&l=ur2&o=1 | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy EatingIs Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | ir?t=nutr0c-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0143117432 | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet DictocratsIs Opting Out Of Processed Food The New Eating Disorder? | ir?t=nutr0c-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0967089735 | General Health Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

Nutrition 101: How Processed Foods Make Us Fat, Malnourished, and Sick

CBS News Gives Saudi Crown Prince a Platform to Lie


 CBS News Gives Saudi Crown Prince a Platform to Lie | mohammed-ben-salmon | Mainstream Media Propaganda World News

Last November, the NYT tried reinventing the ruthless Saudi dictatorship through its interview with crown prince Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) by pseudo-journalist Thomas Friedman – a disgraceful exercise in deception.

Riyadh is the Arab world’s most ruthless regime, a despotic crime family, masquerading as legitimate governance – its rule absolute, no opposition tolerated, no civil or human rights afforded ordinary Saudis, no speech, media or academic freedoms, nor right of assembly, association, internal movement, foreign travel, or religion.

Saudis have right to choose their government or have easy access to education, healthcare, public housing, legal services or social ones. Political parties are banned. So are collective bargaining rights and Internet access.

Arbitrary arrests and detentions are commonplace. So are state-sponsored kidnappings and disappearances – due process and judicial fairness denied. Torture and other abuses substitute.

Besides its oil, Saudis are best known for public beheadings, whippings, torture, political imprisonments, sponsoring terrorism, wars of aggression and other lawless actions.

They’re honored guests in Washington, other Western capitals, even Israel, praised by US media scoundrels, ignoring their high crimes.

60 Minutes is CBS News’ premiere newsmagazine program – its longest-running one, aired since 1968. The NYT once falsely called it “one of the most esteemed news magazines in American television.”

None exist today. The era of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite ended long ago – no one in US electronic or print media approach their stature today.

CBS News disgracefully gave MBS a platform to lie. He took full advantage, falsely claiming Obama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11.

He was dying in a Pakistani hospital months before the incident. Western media, including the NYT, BBC and Fox News, reported his death in December 2001 – repeat December 2001. Obama didn’t kill Osama, as falsely claimed.

CBS correspondent Norah O’Donnell perpetuated the myth of responsible Saudi reforms, saying “it looks like what you’re trying to do is change things here at home” – giving MBS a chance to misportray reality in the kingdom.

It’s run by Islamic extremists. Not according to MBS, blasting Iran, calling its government a dangerous “Islamic theocracy next door,” claiming Saudis “liv(e) very normal lives like the rest of the Gulf countries,” adding:

We’re “just normal people developing like any other country in the world until the events of 1979,” meaning the Iranian revolution – failing to explain the Islamic Republic is the region’s leading peace and stability champion, neither attacking or threatening other nations.

MBS claiming he’s involved in “taking Saudi Arabia back to what we were, a moderate Islam” belies its regional and domestic ruthlessness, its support for ISIS and other terrorist groups, its imprisoning, torturing and tolerating no opposition to its tyrannical rule.

King Salman, MBS, and other Saudi officials want information about their ruthless agenda suppressed.

MBS turned truth on its head claiming the kingdom believes “in many of the principles of human rights. In fact, we believe in the notion of human rights.”

Its tyrannical record speaks for itself. Human and civil right in the kingdom have always been nonstarters.

MBS is no political reformer. As defense minister, he orchestrated naked aggression on Yemen, along with Washington and Britain, supplying the kingdom with most of its weapons and munitions, supporting its illegal blockade – the war creating the world’s gravest humanitarian crisis.

MBS lied claiming Yemeni Houthis use Iranian missiles against the kingdom. Blockade prevents any weapons from entering the country, along with enough food, medical supplies and other essentials to life.

He lied calling Ayatollah Khamenei “the new Hitler,” a disgraceful remark.

He lied claiming Iran “wants to expand…in the Middle East very much like Hitler who wanted to expand at the time.”

The Islamic Republic seeks no territorial expansion. It wants regional peace, not wars the Saudis support with Washington. It wants a nuclear-free Middle East, these devastating weapons eliminated.

A CBS 10-person team, including correspondent Norah O’Donnell, spent a week in Saudi Arabia for the story it called “Heir to the Throne.”

It gave MBS a platform to misportray the region’s most ruthless Arab state as a normal country – perhaps for its royal family members still in favor, not for its countless victims domestically or abroad.

Why Does Modern Medicine Have a Big Problem with Natural Health?


Why Does Modern Medicine Have a Big Problem with Natural Health? | big-pharma-fda-1024x683 | Medical & Health Natural Health Natural Medicine Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests

By Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News

Well, there is the money, of course.

When millions of people forego expensive and toxic medical drugs; when they rarely see conventional doctors; when they don’t receive vaccinations and don’t have their children vaccinated; when they opt for natural remedies; when, worst of all, THEY STAY HEALTHY, this is a hammer blow to drug-based medicine.

These “natural health” people are also going against The Plan, which is a cradle-to-grave system, whereby humans are diagnosed with 30 or 40 diseases and disorders during their lifetime—requiring large amounts of toxic and debilitating drugs—and then they die. Note: The effects of the drugs are labeled “diseases,” which in turn are treated with more harmful drugs, resulting in new diagnoses of “diseases,” and so on. It’s a self-feeding, self-replicating parade of destruction.

You can see the final stages in nursing homes, where the elderly are warehoused. On their night tables are a dozen or so drugs. The tragic end-game.

This pathetic, vicious, pseudoscientific medical assault is praised to the skies, as “the best” in human care. On television, hired hands parade through show after show, insisting that modern medicine is the most brilliant program ever devised for the human race.

At the same time, untold millions of people who opt for natural health expose, by their choices, this titanic lie.

Here is how medical propaganda works, in the big picture. When delivered by competent caring personnel, acute crisis emergency care can produce remarkable results. People who have been damaged in accidents, who develop sudden life-threatening situations (unconnected to medical drugs) can be put back together. However…

Propagandists then parlay this specific success by pretending it applies over the whole field of medical practice, in every aspect. This assertion is absurd, false, and highly dangerous.

The case of a person who is lying in the road after a car crash, and a person who is suffering from chronic immune-system weakness, are as far apart from each other as an ant in Idaho and a rocket on the moon.

The propagandists’ job is to make these two people “the same.” They both need medical care, and medical care is wonderful. The big lie.

More and more people are waking up to this deception, and they are pursuing non-medical means to arrive at a better state of health and maintain it.

The scale is tipping in the direction of natural health–herbs, nutritional supplements, proper food, exercise, clean water, “alternative” practitioners.

Medical propaganda is on a long decline of failure.

That problem is very worrying to the medical cartel.

When you’ve had populations under your control for a long time, with the simplest kind of public relations; when you’ve been very sure your tactics were working; when you’ve blasted the same messages with the same rewarding results; you suffer from overconfidence.

When your tactics don’t work anymore, you don’t know what to do.

Your only option is trying to MANDATE medical treatment. You put populations in a box. You demand they obey.

Now you’re heading toward a showdown. At what point will your prisoners decide they’ve had enough?

Here is a statement to shake up the princes of modern medicine:

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

For decades, authors have been punching holes in medical myths. Their efforts have not gone in vain. Educated readers have been taking their findings to heart.

The truth has been trickling up, down, and sideways in the culture. Remember, we are talking about people’s view of, and concern for, their own bodies. There is nothing abstract about this. The desire for knowledge is intimate. The empty word from on high, spouted by experts, can easily take a back seat. When the issue is pain and suffering vs. well-being, people will shrug off what they’re supposed to think and they will dig for answers.

Here are several statements from a widely beloved American physician, Robert Mendelsohn. During his life, his views served to awaken readers all over the world:

“Modern Medicine would rather you die using its remedies than live by using what physicians call quackery.”

“Almost half of the 100,000 or so surgeons we actually do have right now are superfluous. Those 50,000 or so extra unsheathed scalpels do a lot of damage.”

“The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunization…..There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease.”

“When I was Senior Pediatric Consultant to the Department of Mental Health in Illinois, I cut out a certain kind of operation that was being performed on mongoloid children with heart defects. The stated purpose of the operation was to improve oxygen supply to the brain. The real purpose, of course, was to improve the state’s residency programs in cardiovascular surgery [by training new surgeons], because nothing beneficial happened to the brains of mongoloid children—and the surgeons knew that. The whole idea was absurd. And deadly, since the operation had a fairly high mortality rate. Naturally, the university people were very upset when I cut out the operation. They couldn’t figure out a better use for the mongoloid children, and, besides, it was important to train people. In prepaid group practices where surgeons are paid a steady salary not tied to how many operations they perform, hysterectomies and tonsillectomies occur only about one-third as often as in fee-for-service situations.”

“I can remember when if a hospital’s incidence of Caesarean deliveries went above four or five percent, there was a full scale investigation. The present level is around twenty-five percent. There are no investigations at all. And in some hospitals the rate is pushing fifty percent.”

“Today your child has about as much chance of contracting diphtheria as he does of being bitten by a cobra.” [In the DPT vaccine, the “D” stands for diphtheria.]

Mendelsohn, Ivan Illich, and many other rebel authors have cut across the full range of medical propaganda. They’ve raised red flags on every front. You can’t overestimate the effect they’ve had.

In private meetings, medical cartel front men complain, “The people aren’t listening to us!” They’re right. That’s what happens when gross lies and deceptions are spread out across the planet.

You can diagnose and damage some of the people some of the time, but you can’t damage all the people all the time.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

Media Narrative Falling Apart: Only 10% of ‘March for Our Lives’ Protesters Were Teens


 Media Narrative Falling Apart: Only 10% of 'March for Our Lives' Protesters Were Teens | Talbot-March-for-Our-Lives_01 | Mainstream Media Propaganda Protestors & Activists US News

By The Daily Sheeple

Despite the mainstream media’s unending fixation on the “March for our Lives” protests, their narrative is beginning to crumble.  The media is giving the wrong impression about who made up the march last weekend and one researcher has done the survey to prove it.

It’s not a big surprise the media spins everything in favor of their agenda. They have used propaganda to brainwash the masses for years and this is just one more little bit of evidence that should erode their credibility further. On;y about 10% of those who marched in the “March for our Lives” were actually teenagers.

“My research tells a different story about who participated in the March for Our Lives — and it is more complicated and less well-packaged for prime time,” University of Maryland sociology professor Dana R. Fisher wrote in a Wednesday story for the Washington Post.

Media Narrative Falling Apart: Only 10% of 'March for Our Lives' Protesters Were Teens | rights-e1522084423984 | Mainstream Media Propaganda Protestors & Activists US News

The students did not pull this off on their own either, as the media is leading everyone to believe.

With the help of some well-resourced benefactors, including Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney, the survivors organized an extraordinary rally in D.C. and sister marches around the country in a mere six weeks.

However, the young faces of the advocates have created an assumption that “youth” and “students” are the core of the movement. My research tells a different story about who participated in the March for Our Lives — and it is more complicated and less well-packaged for prime time. –Washington Post

While the media focuses solely on teenagers, the data tells a vastly different story. Approximately, 90 percent of the crowd was actually adults.

Fisher said that during the March for Our Lives, her team sampled 256 people who were randomly selected (about every fifth person according to her account). This gave the team the chance to provide evidence about who attended the March for Our Lives and why. The average age of adults in the crowd was just under 49. So far, the data set includes surveys collected from 1,745 protest participants.

Like previous gun-control marches, the March for Our Lives was also mostly women. Whereas the 2017 Women’s March was 85 percent, women, the March for Our Lives was 70 percent women.

Even more interesting was that the new protesters (those who hadn’t protested before) were not motivated by the issue of gun control. In fact, only 12 percent of the people who were new to protesting reported that they were motivated to join the march because of the gun-control issue, compared with 60 percent of the participants with experience protesting.  They claim to be protesting wars and Donald Trump in general.

Some, Fisher said, came for entertainment. The march offered a free concert which was done to draw a bigger crowd and many didn’t actually care much about the reason the march was even organized.

Unsurprisingly, 79 percent of those marching identified as “left-leaning” and 89 percent reported voting for Hillary Clinton.

It sure seems like marches are being organized just so people can publicly announce their offense at something and the media can blow it out of proportion.  Propaganda is a fascinating tool to control the public.

10 Truth-Seeker Terms That Are Nonexistent To The Typical Blind Sheep


10 Truth-Seeker Terms That Are Nonexistent To The Typical Blind Sheep | sheep-sheeple | Consciousness Government Corruption Propaganda Sleuth Journal Society US News

The gap of consciousness, knowledge, and awareness between those that genuinely seek truth and those who blindly believe what they are told by government and mainstream media without challenging the information, is at an all-time high and getting worse. The widening differences between truth seekers and those who are hypnotized in the matrix of lies and mass media fed government propaganda, is greater than its ever been. Though I have no way of measuring this, I can’t imagine we have ever seen such a wide gap in consciousness amongst people living in the same era, sharing the same general standards of living and technology. No, I’m not talking about merely differences in points of views, opinions, and personalities. And I’m not talking about differences in class or economic status. I’m talking about a wide gap of consciousness and enlightenment about the reality of our world that is manifesting within humanity today.

My point is based on the fundamental principle that “government” (and all its mouthpieces, as it exists today) is fundamentally opposed to truth. In the presence of truth, government (as we know it) cannot exist unless it is transparent and truly reflects the will of the people. This concept of a true transparent ‘Republic’ reflecting the will of the people is so far from the current model we live in now that it is laughed at by many today and is considered a near utopian, primitive, outdated idea. This idea often described by Liberals as utopia and outdated is however at the root of our very own Constitution. These widely different views of the world are also typical of a society divided against itself and is largely reflected in the use of words.

One must first understand that there is such a thing as a widening gap of knowledge and consciousness. This mental and spiritual energy difference and wide manifestation of human consciousness is undeniable and its tension can now be cut with a knife. Don’t believe it? Listen in on conversations between genuine truth seekers and their polar opposites, those that believe mainstream media lies. Between truthers/critical thinkers and their intellectual, spiritual and fundamental opposites- the hypnotized masses- those deeply mentally enslaved in the matrix of lies- the makings of a large consciousness gap exists and their use of words gives them away.

Most people whether they realize it or not, belong to one of these groups. How can you tell the difference? Listen to the words that regularly come out of your mouth. Truth language, based on knowledge and understanding of factual events of the present and past, versus conditioned and engineered language and perceptions entirely engineered by government, is what we are talking about.

Throughout history, the meanings of words, grammar and language have played a key role in defining the journey of humanity. Humans use words to communicate, and words have power and important meanings. Great contrasts in word usage can thus be used as a gauge to determine the level of conflict in a generation. This is true today as much as in any other time in history.

That said, here are 10 key terms that for the most part are completely nonexistent in the minds of the average unassuming blind sheep whose entire paradigms are engineered by government propaganda. Meaning that for the most part, if you even mention the term to these people, they will give you a confused look as if they’ve never even heard the term before. Many truth seekers themselves fail to realize that what is common knowledge to you is completely alien to these consciously debilitated and mentally enslaved brainwashed sheep. Here are some of the terms that make for a great vocabulary litmus test which you can use to test the brainwashed sheep in your life.

1- Controlled opposition – As simple as it may sound. Most sheep have never thought about this concept because it is often related to corrupt controlling governments, specifically the U.S. government and its (Intelligence) strategies for infiltrating and controlling political movements whose purpose is to expose government at some level. The strategy of controlled opposition, so alien to brainwashed sheep, is thus employed by often placing individuals in leadership positions of groups whose purpose involves some sort of activism. Since those that are asleep in the matrix don’t ever consider the concept of oppressive government unless they are reading about ANOTHER government, they think while it can happen to other countries, it would never happen to us here in the U.S.. Thus this concept is entirely foreign to them.

2- False flag – False who? That is the likely reaction you will get from those who are still asleep in the matrix of lies. (pardon the constant reference to ‘matrix’ but it really is bests described as a matrix of lies). Clueless to what a false flag is even dedicated activists who are otherwise still asleep in the matrix of lies will protest wars never even considering that the war they are protesting about was started by a false flag event like Vietnam or Afghanistan. Watch the look of confusion and disorientation as you explain to a sheep that a false flag is simply creating a catastrophic event or attack of some kind, then simply blaming it on an enemy that you wish to attack. The meaning is so simple. It’s one of the oldest military tricks in the book, yet sadly today, given our wide gap in consciousness and knowledge, many have no clue what a false flag means.

3- Fractional reserve banking – Fractional what? Yes, that will be the typical response from someone completely asleep who is not by chance an economy expert or banking professional. I’m talking about your average sheep. They will have no idea that this is the master scheme employed by the western banking system to create money out of thin air. The entire scheme of how money is created by the private Federal Reserve and the entire western-global banking system of today is for the most part completely unknown to the masses. Few if any sheep realize that banks can lend out ten times the (pretend) money (which they don’t have) for every single loan they create that gets transferred to a receiving account. None of them realize that these banks then turn around and charge interest on this very money they never had to begin with. The receiving account in this example is the bank of the person or company who sold the item to the buyer (ie car dealer etc). This ability to perpetually create money and thus real debt for which they will ruin people’s lives if not paid back, may be quietly one of the great human slavery tools of our times and a concept far too overwhelming for the average person to wrap their heads around.

4- Geoengineering – Good luck finding sheep who have heard this word or know what it is. Few if any of the brainwashed masses have been able to wrap this concept around their heads. The idea that scientists here in the U.S., (many who are likely carryovers from Project Paperclip) are actively experimenting genetically and microscopically, to manipulate nature and play god on behalf of government and mega-corporations. From chemtrails spraying of chemicals in our skies to manipulate the climate to tampering with our food and replacing natural food with genetically modified organism, geoengineering is sadly and shockingly to the large masses, still an unknown word.

5- Compartmentalization of knowledge – This is exactly how the U.S. military manages to fool soldiers into believing their mission is noble and worth dying for. Understanding this one powerful and deceptive technique would unlock a sea of knowledge for anyone who wants to learn how military does what they do. It describes how military orders are trickled down the chain of command on a “need to know” bases. And it explains how important it is that knowledge about the true nature of a mission is revealed only to the very few at the top, while others below are told only what they need to be told in order to carry out the mission. In other words, compartmentalization of knowledge is a fancy term to explain how they lie to military soldiers to ensure the mission carries out. With all the wars today, you would think this phrase would be common knowledge especially within our military, but apparently knowledge about the concept of ‘compartmentalization of knowledge’ is itself compartmentalized so the sheep can’t ever connect the dots and are thus easily controlled.

6- Cognitive dissonance– Another phrase that most brainwashed sheep will never think of, or ever for a minute consider they are experiencing themselves. If you find a brainwashed mainstream media believing sheep who has even heard this term before, rest assured they will never have considered that they are experiencing this disorder themselves. Like an invisible enemy ‘Cognitive dissonance’ looms in the background of every piece of truth that the sheep hear. And that is the unsettling feeling, the mental contradiction that arises when information you hear, while it may appeal to your common sense and reason, conflicts with the belief system and paradigm you are committed to. Faced with the decision to accept or reject, this information is then rejected leaving the person with an awkward feeling or anxiety referred to as cognitive dissonance. Sadly most brainwashed sheep are completely unaware of this term much less have considered confronting their own cognitive dissonance about the new world order and the lies we are told daily by the mainstream media and government.

7- Agenda 21– Test your zombie friends out for yourself. Ask them, have you heard of Agenda 21? Then watch their reaction. Very few know of or have ever heard of the U.N.’s Agenda 21. They simply have no idea what it is. Again, these are terms that truth seekers take for granted and they forget how ignorant most people are of these programs and terms. Much less will they know that Agenda 21 is the global blueprint for enslavement, monitoring, control, and taxation of all of humanity globally under the guise of “sustainable” living.

8- Nano-thermite– Even 13+ years after the globalist terror attacks of 9/11 and years after 3 teams of independent scientists discovered nano-thermite in the dust samples of the World Trade Center proving controlled demolition of all 3 towers once and for all, the blind mainstream media (and Popular Mechanics) believing zombies have no clue what nano-thermite is. They have no idea it’s been used for controlled demolition at least as early as the mid 1930’s in Germany (Reichstag dome), or that together with cutter charge technology (which is patented) nano-thermite is a great tool for large-scale military style controlled demolition, like the kind we saw on 9/11. Despite all of this knowledge easily and freely available to the general public, most blind sheep will look at you like you are a crazy conspiracy theorist as soon as you say nano-thermite.

9- GMO– Even with labeling becoming more common, especially amongst food companies whose products are GMO-free (non-GMO), the masses for the most part still have no idea that most of what they eat is genetically modified and has been altered by Genetically Modified Organism. Forget understanding what makes a food item genetically modified, we’re just talking about the term itself. Sadly, most of the brainwashed sheep who reject and ignore knowledge about GMO’s (and other genetically related alterations of nature) are the same ones mostly consuming GMO foods. It is highly likely that cancer rates amongst brainwashed (mainstream media believing) sheep is likely to be much higher than it is amongst truth seekers who are often committed to eating healthy and completely avoiding GMOs. I’d be very interested in seeing a poll comparing the health status of two groups- those that have never heard of GMO and those who have.

10- Orwellian– Finally, the term ‘Orwellian’ comes from the George Orwell novel ‘1984’ where Orwell depicts a society so brainwashed by government propaganda that it literally flips the value of what is good and what is evil to its exact opposite, just as we see today. Ask an un-awakened sheep about who said ‘war is peace’, ‘Freedom is slavery’, ‘ignorance is strength’ or what any of this means. Ask them if they know what is an Orwellian society, but don’t expect them to know. Don’t expect them to see that ‘1984’ is frighteningly similar to today’s America.

Today, as we have seen throughout human history, words have become the very thing that separates truth seekers and blind sheep. Government has not only created its own words to use as a weapon (ie “conspiracy theorists”), but it has also created an unreachable threshold to isolate the minds of those controlled by mainstream media-government propaganda. As a result of this mental isolation, terms that are otherwise now common knowledge to anyone who opens their minds to truth and thinks critically, are completely unheard of by these poor mass mind control subjects.

Let us not take for granted the power of words and how words can be used to widen the gap of consciousness and thus push the masses into deeper and deeper unawareness.


One solution for this widening consciousness and awareness (or lack thereof) is to keep sharing the information with as many people as you can. Let’s consider that though this widening gap of consciousness exists between truth seekers and sheep followers, so does the growing numbers of people that are waking up. Ultimately, truth is slowly winning and will prevail. Let us keep exposing the deceivers, share articles like this and help bring more awareness and awakening until we see a critical mass effect. Till then, simply sharing these terms and concepts and helping others become more aware of them will help us break through some of the denial and narrow the knowledge gap that exists.

Keeping You Outside the Building – Parkland High School Shooting has 70 Cameras, Only 4 Released (VIDEO)

Keeping You Outside the Building - Parkland High School Shooting has 70 Cameras, Only 4 Released (VIDEO) | Keeping-You-Outside-the-Building-Parkland-High-School-Shooting-has-70-Cameras-Only-4-Released | False Flags Gun Control Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda Special Interests US News

[image: Getty]

“The short memories of Americans is what keeps these false flag attacks moving forward.”

We’re seeing Facebook, YouTube, Twitter scrubbing the eye and ear witnesses as to what contradicted the CIA-controlled narrative when it came to what allegedly took place at Parkland High School in Florida.

(We found the ones that have been reposted)

Student Alexa Meidnik was talking with Nikolas Cruz during this alleged shooting.

Snope “Fact Checkers” claim that this was a false report!

Parkland Teacher’s First Thoughts After Seeing Shooter: “Why Are The Police Here?”

“Useful Idiot” David Hogg’ was coached by the propagandists (Thanks to Vimeo this one was restored.).

BOMBSHELL!!David Hogg, being coached to memorize his lines! BLATENTLY INSANE!- from Robin Westenra on Vimeo.

Parkland, Florida High School Student Reveals There Was A Scheduled Police Drill On Day Of Shooting

CNN pushed for a gun debate within 2 days without a shred of evidence released to the American people of what took place inside of that school.

Then, we witnessed a national walk-out of students who are being used to throw-off the old form of government in an attempt to bring in the new.

Of course, the CIA-controlled media would have you overlook the students nationwide who walked out in support of the 2nd Amendment.

CNN is so rabidly anti-Second Amendment that they went so far as to broadcast a fake news story about an AR-15 purchase.

Are the American people going to figure out the games that conspirators play?

They now have the sheeple in America’s attention off of what it needed to be on, and that was a derelict deputy outside of the high school building.

They have Americans focused in on what they want the people to be focused in on through divertive measures.

This reminds me of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Over 200 people ran to the grassy knoll where they claimed that the shots were fired from, including 2 police officers, and the television cameras diverted the viewers to the book depository (Isaiah 5:20).

So obvious is this false flag event (Jeremiah 11:9) that CBS reported on March 16, 2018 the deputy outside of the building who “failed to protect.”

They talk out of both sides of their mouths. How does this fit the anti-gunners narrative?)

It was reported that the Broward County Sheriff’s office (which has had 66 open investigations into his department from drug trafficking to kidnapping), under Sheriff Scott Israel, released 27 minutes of surveillance which came from 4 cameras from the roughly 70 security cameras at the school.

They didn’t release any videos that showed the shooter, just the ones that focused on what Deputy Scott Peterson did as chaos unfolded.

Yet, they have Americans in a debate over the 2nd Amendment? Our God given RIGHTS (Luke 11:21) are not up for debate, period.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

“Resistance to tyranny becomes the Christian and social duty of each individual. … Continue steadfast and, with a proper sense of your dependence on God, nobly defend those rights which heaven gave, and no man ought to take from us.” – John Hancock. 

Reality Check: 3 Things You Need to Know About Sinclair News Anchors (VIDEO)


Reality Check: 3 Things You Need to Know About Sinclair News Anchors (VIDEO) | sinclair-news-anchors | Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News


By Ben Swann, Truth in Media

There is a new video making the rounds of news anchors from Sinclair-owned TV stations, all saying the exact same thing.

All of them.

When you put the news anchor clips together, they are speaking in unison. So what is this video, why are these news anchors reading like drones, and is there a bigger issue here?

Let’s give it a Reality Check.

Next week we will break down the big picture, but today I want to show you the Sinclair news anchor clip and tell you what’s going on here in three main main points.

Before I get to my three points, let me say that I actually know some of the anchors in that video. Some work in Cincinnati for the the Sinclair station there. Others are in El Paso at the Sinclair station there. And some of those journalists, I have worked with before.

Okay, so point No. 1: So what is this video?

Well first, it’s not news. Clearly, this is a promotional segment which the stations are recording in order to express why they are unique. It is done everyday in local television stations.

What’s different about this promotional segment is that Sinclair clearly has one promotions director who is sending down the same copy to all its television stations. They seem to have thought that people in those markets would never know that anchors in multiple markets are reading the same thing. But thanks to the Internet, we know.

Point No. 2: this video is clearly evidence of the fact that these anchors from various markets are simply reading what they are told.

And that happens in every TV market in the country, every day.

Anchors have a job and that job is to sell the copy. But they are not allowed to change the copy. In fact, a friend of mine who works at one of those stations says that station management was required to have the script read, word-for-word, exactly how it was written. They couldn’t even substitute the word “hi” for “hello.”

Point No. 3: this video highlights the biggest problem with media consolidation.

When one company owns so many television stations, they have the ability to push messaging however they choose to vast parts of the country. Now, some people want to jump all over this because it’s Sinclair, which is seen seen as friendly to President Trump. But to raise the alarm over just Sinclair is disingenuous, because media consolidation has been happening for for years. And it’s not just Sinclair that controls messaging.

Next week, we’ll break down how local media consolidation is happening across America, and why decentralized media, thanks for cryptocurrency like Dash Digital Cash, is the answer.

That’s Reality Check. Let’s talk about that on Twitter and Facebook.

Skripal Incident Big Lie Unraveling in Plain Sight


Skripal Incident Big Lie Unraveling in Plain Sight | rope-knot-unraveling | Propaganda World News

Whoever dreamed up the scheme should be fired for disinformation incompetence – falsely blaming Russia for what lack of evidence proves otherwise.

Social media are in an uproar over exposure of false accusations against the Kremlin – revealed by UK Porton Down Defense Science and Technology Laboratory CEO Gary Aitkenhead, explaining no evidence from its forensic probe links the Skripal incident to Russia.

The “precise source” of the agent analyzed cannot be determined, Aitkenhead said. Theresa May lied repeatedly, especially Boris Johnson, saying:

“The people from Porton Down, the laboratory, they were absolutely categorical. I asked the guy there myself. I said are you sure, and he said there’s no doubt.”

He disgraced himself, his government and Britain for what’s exposed as a disgraceful Big Lie – and he knew it.

Porton Down CEO Aitkenhead said precisely the opposite of Johnson’s fabricated claim.

Johnson should resign or be sacked. Brits and Labor should demand a new election – anyone but May and Johnson to head a new government.

It’s too late for apologies, damage already done – likely more to Britain than Russia when the episode plays out ahead.

Labor shadow home secretary Diane Abbott issued a press release, saying:

“It seems Boris Johnson misled the public when he claimed that Porton Down officials confirmed to him that Russia was the source of the nerve agent used in the Salisbury attack.”

“Those officials have made it clear they cannot identify its source, and are not able to definitively say it came from Russia or elsewhere.”

“Boris Johnson is supposed to represent Britain on the world stage, but time and again he has shown he is unable to do so responsibly.”

Former UK MP George Galloway called for Johnson to resign, tweeting: “For a Foreign Secretary to lie about such a grave matter it must be a resignation matter.”

Britain’s Foreign Office deleted the following March 22 tweet saying: “Porton Down lab @dstlmod clearly established that the source of Salisbury toxic agent was Russia”

Clearly it was NOT Russia! An April 4 Foreign Office damage control statement reinvented Johnson’s remark, turning truth on its head, saying:

“The foreign secretary was making clear that Porton Down were sure it was a novichok – a point they have reinforced.”

“He goes on in the same interview to make clear why based on that information, additional intelligence and the lack of alternative explanation from the Russians, we have reached the conclusion we have.”

“What the foreign secretary said then, and what Porton Down said recently, is fully consistent with what we have said throughout.”

“It is Russia that is putting forward multiple versions of events and obfuscating the truth.”

Cold hard facts disprove this statement. Porton Down clearly said it cannot determine the origin of the toxic agent given the lab to evaluate.

Johnson despicably lied claiming otherwise. Earlier today, Russian director of foreign intelligence Sergey Naryshkin blasted what he called a “grotesque provocation rudely staged by the British and US intelligence agencies.”

The great US/UK Skripal affair Big Lie attempt to demonize Russia more than already is unraveling in plain sight.

All EU and other nations going along with the scheme know what they’re unwilling to admit publicly. So are increasing numbers of people in Britain, America, Europe and elsewhere.

Historian, former UK ambassador, human rights activist Craig Murray highlighted the “straightforward lie from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, a lie that British diplomats around the world have been promoting to foreign governments.”

Porton Down revelations caught Britain with its pants down, exposing its Big Lie. Yet May and Johnson refuse to back off, sticking with the official fabricated narrative.

Sooner or later it’ll have no choice. Truth will out in the end. Big Lies have a life of their own until exposed in the light of day.

May, Johnson, others in Britain and America are exposed as despicable characters for everyone paying attention.

The official US/UK narrative on the Skripal affair is a disgraceful Big Lie.

Believe nothing from these governments on anything. They long ago lost the public trust.

Reality Check: Media Consolidation and News Script Repeaters (VIDEO)


Reality Check: Media Consolidation and News Script Repeaters (VIDEO) | mainstream-media-fake-news | Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda US News

A viral video showing news anchors all over the nation reading the exact same words verbatim has people wondering, is this fake news?

The promotional content all comes from media giant Sinclair, who owns all of these local broadcast news stations. But is Sinclair the only broadcaster that controls what its anchors and reporters say?

This is a Reality Check you won’t get anywhere else.

It is the latest “outrage” over fake news, now a viral video of local TV anchors all reading the same copy.

Last week I explained in a Reality Check why this video isn’t about fake news. It’s a promo video.

The uproar over this video though is a little disingenuous because it is pointed solely at Sinclair, which is being painted as “pushing the Trump agenda.

News networks across the U.S., owned by various corporations, have been doing this for years. And it’s not just Sinclair that controls messaging.

Truth In Media Editor-in-Chief Annabelle Bamforth explained in an op/ed for our site that local news stations have been parroting familiar stories across the U.S.

“Among the most popular illustrations of this practice is a segment called “Media Reacts” from Late Night With Conan O’Brien, in which O’Brien pokes fun at the identical media messaging from local news stations. Note that a handful of stations in this clip ARE owned by Sinclair, but there are plenty of stations in these clips that are not; some are owned by Nexstar Media Group, Tegna, Heartland Media, Tribune and Raycom Media.”

In a report for Truth In Media from 2013, our writer quoted my experience as a TV anchor at multiple stations across the country. What I had to say then, I stand by today.

“In most of these cases where O’Brien uses anchors from different TV stations all over the country reading the exact same script word for word, the source of that script is some kind of wire service. This means those stations have subscribed to AP, Reuters, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, etc wire services. In those cases, the wire story will come down and a station reporter or producer will copy and paste it word for word into a newscast.

“The problem with this policy is that reporters and producers simply take that content as gospel and no one in any newsroom ever bothers to fact check or verify if the wire story is correct. Simply put, in a newsroom, if it is on the wire it has to be true.”

That was five years ago, well before the phrase “fake news” was trending in our culture.

The problem with newscasters using their news block to reading station promos or wire stories verbatim is that they are participating in a propagandizing of the population.

This demonstrates the danger of when one company—whether it’s Sinclair, Tribune, Cox, Meredith, or another—owns and controls so many stations around the country. If the corporate leaders decide to require stations to read news stories, without allowing anchors or reporters to fact check or edit their scripts, that’s a problem.

Now consider this: with media consolidation, more and more stations in America are owned by fewer corporations. Each corporation can control the station’s messaging. And here’s the kicker: most American’s don’t even know who owns their local news station.

What you need to know is that there is a solution to all of this. It’s called decentralization.

No matter what they say, all corporations that own news media, whether TV, radio or internet are controlling what content you see.  Period.

But under a decentralized funding model, news can be created that is accountable, not to some corporate suit that wants to impress his or friends, not to politicians, not to advertisers like Big Pharma, but accountable to the truth.

That’s Reality Check. Let’s talk about that on social media.

Big Lies Drown Out Truth on Syria


Big Lies Drown Out Truth on Syria | truth-lies | Propaganda War Propaganda World News

When America goes to war, truth-telling is the major casualty, especially in Western media reports – disinformation and Big Lies substituting for journalism the way it should be.

Earlier I explained ISIS is the pretext for endless US-led aggression in Syria, Assad the target, regime change the objective, wanting pro-Western puppet governance replacing the country’s sovereign independence.

So-called “rebels” are terrorists by another name. There’s nothing civil about war in Syria, raped by US imperialism, partnered with rogue allies.

Things are about to escalate dangerously if Trump follows through on his threat to attack government forces directly – based on a Big Lie.

Clear evidence shows no CW attack occurred in Douma. Al-Qaeda-linked White Helmets staged the incident, supported by fake images.

On Wednesday, Russian General Viktor Poznikhir told reporters “(o)n April 7, probably the last attempt to stage a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta was made.”

“The notorious White Helmets, who operate as part of terrorist groups, staged and filmed a chemical weapons attack on civilians in the town of Douma” – no CWs used, pretense alone, along with fake images.

“During the humanitarian operation, the illegal armed units fighting in Eastern Ghouta have incessantly attempted to organize provocations involving the alleged use of toxic chemicals so as to put the blame for the use of chemical weapons on the Syrian government forces,” Poznikhir explained, adding:

“Since the beginning of the humanitarian operation in Eastern Ghouta terrorists have failed to fake a single so-called chemical weapon attack against the civilian population.”

A liberated East Ghouta workshop was found where US-supported terrorists loaded munitions with toxic agents.

Media scoundrels ignore what’s most important to report. Without visiting Douma, the World Health Organization (WHO) lied, claiming around 500 people were treated for “signs and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals after a suspected poison gas attack,” adding:

“In particular, there were signs of severe irritation of mucous membranes, respiratory failure and disruption to central nervous systems of those exposed.”

Syrian Red Crescent doctors, along with Russian medical personnel and toxic weapons experts visited Douma, finding no one hospitalized or otherwise ill from toxic exposure, no deaths reported, according to Russian Defense Ministry’s Radiation, Chemical and Bacteriological Protection Force head Aleksandr Rodionov.

“The inspection found out that not a single person having symptoms of sarin or chlorine poisoning has been brought to the hospital. The patients who were examined at the hospital had no traces of effects caused by nerve gases, such as sarin or chlorine,” he stressed.

Claims otherwise were fabricated, including by the WHO, the organization loosing credibility by spreading Big Lies, siding with Washington’s imperial agenda instead of opposing it.

Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis said “(w)e’re still assessing the intelligence – ourselves and our allies. We’re still working on this.”

The die was cast, US aggression planned once Trump orders an attack. Putin’s remarks on Wednesday weren’t helpful – on the one hand accurately saying “(t)he state of world affairs invokes nothing but concerns. The situation in the world is becoming more chaotic.”

At the same time adding, “we still hope that common sense will eventually prevail and international relations will enter a constructive course. The entire world system will become more stable and predictable.”

He’s well aware or should be that US rage for dominance precludes the possibility of “constructive…stable” conditions.

Violence and chaos serve Washington’s agenda. World peace and stability defeat it.

Troubling times appear heading toward getting much worse.

Russia Has Indisputable Evidence Douma CW Incident Fake


Russia Has Indisputable Evidence Douma CW Incident Fake | russia-douma-syria-chemical-weapons-attack | False Flags Propaganda Special Interests War Propaganda World News

Sergey Lavrov explained indisputable evidence proves the April 7 Douma CW incident was staged by special services of a foreign country.

The guilty one is either America, Britain, France, Israel, or perhaps elements from these countries working together.

Lavrov said the following:

“The mission of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has set off to Syria not so quickly and without abundant enthusiasm but under our and Syrian pressure. It is due to arrive in Damascus in the morning of April 14.”

“We expect the mission to go without any delay to Douma where Russian specialists who examined this place have not found any confirmations of the use of chemical weapon.”

“We have the irrefutable data that this (CW incident) was staged. (S)pecial services of a country, which is now seeking to be in the first ranks of the Russophobic campaign, were involved in this staged event.”

The incident was fake, no evidence of toxic substances found in Douma, no one ill or hospitalized from chemical exposure, no one dead.

Syria’s UN envoy Bashar al-Jaafari said US-supported terrorists “acquired chemical substances from Libya a long time ago from the Libyan stock.”

“This operation was facilitated by the Turkish intelligence, Saudi intelligence and the American and French intelligence services. They smuggled chemicals from Libya to Istanbul on board of civilian airlines and the guy who was in charge of transporting these substances was a guy named Haitham al-Qassar,” adding:

Damascus “denied maybe 1001 times similar to 1001 nights Arabian nights using any chemical substances against our own people.”

“And we provided all the necessary and required justifications for saying that. So it’s time to digest and metabolize what we are saying.”

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov slammed America and other Western countries for making “indiscriminate and unfounded accusations” against Syria, adding:

“The Russian Defense Ministry has plenty of evidence that on April 7, a planned provocation was carried out in Douma with the aim of misleading the world community.”

“The provocation’s real purpose today is clear to everyone – to prod the United States to launch missile strikes against Syria.”

Russia has clear evidence of Britain’s involvement in the scheme. Video and other images of the fake incident were staged.

“We managed to find direct participants in the shooting of this video and interview them. Today we are presenting a live interview of these people,” Konashenkov explained.

“Douma residents in detail told us how the filming was conducted, in what episodes they took part themselves and what they did.”

It was staged, not real, a transparent hoax exposed to the light of day. After the filming, individuals involved fled with foreign help.

Days leading up to the April 7 incident, “London put pressure on representatives of the so-called White Helmets group in order to facilitate the implementation of the provocation,” Konashenkov added.

East Ghouta is totally liberated, over 170,000 residents evacuated to safety, including around 63,000 US-supported terrorists and family members.

Syrian forces now control the enclave, things stabilizing so residents can return home if they wish.

“Russia…reserves the right to counter any attack on Syria,” RT reported.

(image source)

Nikki Haley’s Big Lies About Iran, Russia and Israel


Nikki Haley’s Big Lies About Iran, Russia and Israel | nikki-haley | Politics Propaganda Special Interests World News

Haley’s announced resignation as Trump’s UN envoy effective yearend was welcomed by all peace-loving people everywhere.

She and John Bolton were the most deplorable choices for the position since establishment of the UN post-WW II, using “diplomacy” as a political weapon against US enemies.

Bolton now serves as the most extremist US national security advisor since Henry Kissinger. Haley will likely resurface in a new political capacity ahead, perhaps as a presidential aspirant in 2020 or 2024 – an ominous prospect.

She’s a recklessly dangerous ideological extremist, an unapologetic supporter of endless imperial wars of aggression, militantly opposed to sovereign independent states – notably ones Washington wages war against, along with Iran and Russia.

Her hate-mongering disinformation and Big Lies are notorious, never letting facts interfere with her imperial worldview.

She supports virtually everything just societies abhor, an anti-diplomat masquerading as one in her UN post.

Last year, she lied calling the JCPOA a threat to US national security. It’s an international treaty supported by the world community – other than the Trump regime, Israel, the Saudis, and a few US colonized Pacific island states.

Haley lied accusing Iran of cheating on its nuclear obligations. The IAEA repeatedly explained otherwise, saying Iran fully complies with all JCPOA provisions.

She lied saying Iran “was born in an act of international lawbreaking.” The 1979 Islamic Revolution ended a decade of US-installed fascist tyranny.

She lied claiming Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) founded Hezbollah “to spread Iran’s influence and its revolution abroad.”

Following Israel’s lawless 1982 aggression against Lebanon, the organization was founded as a national liberation movement.

It’s a legitimate political and social organization. Its military wing is for self-defense, given the threat of Israeli aggression.

Haley lied saying Hezbollah “is doing (Iran’s) dirty work, supporting the war crimes of Syria’s Assad. And it is building an arsenal of weapons and battle-hardened fighters in Lebanon in preparation for war.”

Hezbollah fighters allied with Syrian forces to combat US-support ISIS, al-Nusra, and other terrorist groups. Its defense forces are for peace, not war – unlike how Washington and Israel operate, partnering in each other’s aggression against nations and people threatening no one.

Haley lied saying Iran aims “to overturn the international order.” It’s “unaccountable to” its people. “It’s hard to find a conflict or a suffering people in the Middle East that the Iranian regime, the IRGC, or its proxies do not touch.”

In discussing Middle East geopolitics, Haley resembles Netanyahu with a gender difference – consistent Big Lies substituting for truth-telling.

She’s an unapologetic Russophobe, the face of US imperial rage at the UN, using the Security Council as a hate-mongering/war-mongering platform.

She turned truth on its head, roaring. “As we have long suspected, Russia does not now and has never had any intention of making this time productive for this council and the international community.”

“Russia’s veto…shows us that Russia has no interest in finding common ground with the rest of this council” on major issues.”

“Russia will not agree to any mechanism that might shine a spotlight on the use of chemical weapons by its” Syrian ally.

All of the above is utter rubbish. Why other SC members put up with her is hard to explain. Britain and France ally with all destructive US policies, including its wars of aggression.

Days after Putin/Trump summit talks in Helsinki, Haley roared: “We don’t trust Russia. We don’t trust Putin. We never will. They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact.”

No matter what high crimes Israel commits against Palestinians, Syria, or elsewhere, Haley unapologetically supports the Netanyahu regime.

During an earlier Security Council session, she lied claiming “Israel has been forced to live under constant security threats like virtually no other country in the world.”

Its only threats are invented ones. Real ones don’t exist. She lied saying the UN “spends half its time on” Israel, the remainder on the rest of the world.

She lied claiming Israel “stands up for the ideals of freedom and human dignity” – notions it abhors.

She lied calling Israel “the one true democracy in the Middle East.” Most Jews in the country are oppressed by neoliberal harshness – occupied Palestinians and Israeli Arab citizens by apartheid fascist tyranny.

She lied claiming the world body is biased against Israel, telling AIPAC conference participants last year that “(t)he days of Israel bashing are over.”

Hopefully, they’ve just begun. The world community should hold Israel and other rogue states fully accountable for their high crimes of war, against humanity, and other abuses.

The UN has 193 member-states. Haley displayed geopolitical ignorance, referring to “a world body of 198 countries…”

She considers all historic Palestinian territory part of Israel, including all of Jerusalem, a UN-designated international city belonging to no single country.

Haley is an international embarrassment to the position she holds, the worst of what diplomacy is supposed to be all about, against virtually everything just societies cherish.

Most of Us Are NOT Participating in the Hysterical Rage You See on the News


Most of Us Are NOT Participating in the Hysterical Rage You See on the News | Capture4 | Mainstream Media Propaganda US News

If you were to read about the United States of America from someplace else, you’d probably think it was a nation full of people who are gearing up to go to war. Anyone would think the same thing from what they saw in the media. You would see hysterical rage fueling terrible acts. You’d see the intense hatred between people who belong to different political parties. You’d believe this is nationwide.

But this isn’t the America of the media.

When I went through the news today to search for a writing topic, it was like being hit with a wall of despair. Parts of the country are truly in bad shape. The venomous hatred is like nothing I’ve ever seen in this nation.

There are absolutely pockets of rage – violent enclaves studded with people who are nothing more than domestic terrorists. Full-on fascists who unironically call themselves anti-fascists.

In Portland yesterday, some people in masks (and some who brazenly went without them) took over a major intersection and “directed” traffic, shouting obscenities and racial slurs toward white drivers. An elderly man became fearful and drove through them. They chased him down and began striking his vehicle with batons and rocks. AN OLD MAN. They were within minutes of beating him, according to reports. Meanwhile, the police “monitored” the situation from a distance, allowing the mob free reign. (Read more at Zero Hedge.) Near Portland, arsonists actually set fire to a truck bearing a couple of pro-Trump stickers.

In Kentucky, Senator Rand Paul’s wife sleeps with a gun. Fear is now a constant companion for her. She wrote an open letter to Senator Corey Booker that was published on CNN, calling him out for urging people to “get up in Congresspeoples’ faces.” Booker isn’t the only member of Congress who is inciting violence, either. Judicial Watch has filed an ethics complaint against Representative Maxine Waters for “inciting violence and assaults on the Trump Cabinet.”

It goes on and on. A writer for The Late Show tweeted “I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life.” A special education teacher in Minneapolis tweeted, “So whose [sic] gonna take one for the team and kill Kavanaugh?” An executive from Google tweeted, “You are finished, @GOP. You polished the final nail for your own coffins. F–K. YOU. ALL. TO. HELL.” And these are just this week. Wow, and we thought Trump’s tweets were a bit over the top.

Over the past year, we’ve seen violence at a Unite the Right rallies, notably the one in Charlottesville, Virginia that left a woman dead when a car drove into a crowd.

It’s impossible to find truly unbiased links for all of these and that leads me to my point.

It isn’t like this in everyday America. The media is painting an ugly picture and putting that picture everywhere so it seems like this is our reality.

It’s not.

Rage is not the reality for most of us.

Here’s the America I’ve seen.

A couple of days ago, my neighbors were grilling and we chit-chatted over the fence. They shared some delicious southern barbecue with us, and I passed on some of the last, delicious late tomatoes to them. They had a Hillary Clinton sign in their yard when we moved in, but they still caught our dog Bella and brought her home when she escaped over the fence for a little walkabout.

We helped the neighbors on the other side of our house when the husband had a heart attack last year. We couldn’t do much, but we went over while they were waiting for the ambulance and took care of their pets during the hospital stay. Later, the wife brought us a cake.  I have no idea for whom they voted and I don’t care. It was a delicious cake.

My landlady has bumper stickers all over her car with which I disagree. Some of them make me cringe internally, but I don’t feel obligated to point out her errors in critical thinking. I gave her a nice plant to thank her for letting us move in and she gave us a couple of pumpkins for the front porch. She brings dog biscuits for our pets every time she swings by to do a repair or collect the rent.

When I was in California, I was a part of the warmest network of homesteaders you can imagine. When there were wildfires, they opened up their fields and barns to others fleeing the flames with their livestock. We got together monthly to learn new skills and all “paid” the teacher with a homemade or homegrown goodie. When one homesteader broke her leg, we all took turns looking after her livestock until she recovered.

This is the America that I see. Neighbors being kind to neighbors. Communities that care about one another. People who don’t want to participate in the hysterical rage that we’re seeing all over the media.

I see an America that pulls together.

In times of trouble, our communities are there for one another. We do this without government intervention and media urging.

There’s the Cajun Navy, which formed after a bunch of guys who fish and hunt banded together and then went and rescued people who needed rescuing. There are the people in Hawaii who saw that the government wasn’t doing anything to help people displaced by a volcano, so they stepped in and built a tiny house community for their homeless neighbors.

There was the guy in Puerto Rico who bought a utility truck with his neighbors and restored power to their neighborhood himself. After Hurricane Harvey in Texas, there were stories of community that would melt even the coldest heart. And remember how practically the whole internet stepped in to support the woman who got in trouble for rescuing abandoned dogs and cats after Hurricane Florence?

We can and do pull together during hard times. And when those hard times happen, it doesn’t matter who somebody voted for or what they said on Twitter. That rage doesn’t matter anymore.

A few ways to have a less outraged day

First of all, I refuse to connect with any of my neighbors on social media. I won’t look up old friends there either. I just don’t need to know their deeply held political convictions that may or may not be ridiculous enough that I’d feel differently about them.

I know how kindly they treat stray cats. I know they share the extra apples from their tree with the rest of us. I know how cute the kitchen is of the woman with the apple tree because I spent a pleasant afternoon in there teaching her how to can applesauce. These are the things that matter.

I only use social media for business purposes, to help people who want to be better prepared, and to tell funny stories or share pictures of my cat, if I’m being honest. I can’t be bothered to get into arguments on there. When in history has anyone ever totally reversed their deeply held opinion on anything because someone on Facebook ALL-CAPPED the “truth” at them?

I don’t talk about politics and religion. Remember the days when this was the norm? When it was considered discourteous, particularly at the dinner table or at family functions? It was absolutely not done at the workplace either. Maybe instead of avoiding the topics, we should have learned to have these discussions civilly, but that ship has sailed. It’s now truly impossible for most people.

Over in my Facebook group, these topics are completely off-limits too. People get a warning when they post something political, and then if they continue to do so, they’re out of the group. That’s because we’re a community. We learn from each other and we celebrate our similarities. The hot-button issues don’t add to our conversations. Instead, they make people angry. Insults start to fly. People leave – good people. We don’t need that stuff. We need the exchange of information.

I believe these topics that will cause nothing but strife and alienation should be pushed back into places where they’re appropriate instead of front and center of all media publications, all social events, all online forums. Is the fact that I’m neither a Republican nor a Democrat really pertinent to my ability to teach you how to prepare for a power outage? Do my stepfather’s deeply held beliefs – ones with which I strongly disagree – actually change the fact that he is a wonderful, generous soul? Of course not. I focus on his kindness, not his cringe-worthy opinions. I know that arguing with him would be pointless – he’s not going to change his mind. And I like having a pleasant relationship with him.

These opinions we’re all so currently worked about?

They’re mere asides, personal tastes, like preferring whiskey instead of vodka over the ice in your highball glass.

These political arguments?

They don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

If the SHTF tomorrow, you’d no longer care who the people surrounding you voted for in some rigged election. (I’m not talking about Russians. I’m talking about the fact that our entire system is corrupted.)

You would care about whether you could trust them to have your back. You’d care about whether they were willing to trade their eggs for your tomatoes. You’d care about how you could work together to keep your families safer.

Stop letting social media draw you into fights that are not your fights. It isn’t your responsibility to tell someone they’re wrong.

Stop letting the media make you feel like you’re under siege. While there are definitely some pockets of political violence here in the US, these pockets do not represent the majority of us.

Stop taking part in the rage

Sure, you can personally dislike things done by the President or by some member of Congress on the “other side of the aisle.” But stop thinking each one is a personal attack. These are just politicians politicking.

And they’re really be politicking in the next little while. They want to stir us all up into a frenzy as they try to motivate people to get out there and vote to put their corrupt heinies back in their comfortable seats on Capitol Hill. “It’s the most important election of our lifetime,” they’ll say.

Yeah. Just like the last election and the election before that.

Just like this recent clusterf*ck of a SCOTUS confirmation and the SCOTUS nomination before that.

They  – the politicians, the media, the rich people pulling the strings, and industries like Big Tech and Big Pharm – want us at each other’s throats. It supports them. It confirms the veracity of their whims. It puts money in their pockets and power in their hands. Divided we fall and these are the people who want that to happen.

Every single one of us is being manipulated. We’re being turned against one another. We are being ripped apart for the benefit of those who love power.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

We are better than this.

The People “Stopping Election Interference” Are the Ones Who Are Actually Rigging the Election


The People “Stopping Election Interference” Are the Ones Who Are Actually Rigging the Election | manipulation-computer-puppet-internet | Internet Censorship Mainstream Media Politics Propaganda Special Interests

Last week, Mark Zuckerberg made the media rounds to give a rather shady explanation of why Facebook suddenly closed hundreds of incredibly popular pages in what’s being called The Alternative Media Purge. Zuckerberg accused the closed pages, many of which had millions of fans, of spreading “political spam.”

Ironically, many of the pages that were shut down had absolutely nothing to do with politics or elections, unless you include the fact that they recommended skipping the entire circus. None of these pages were accused of being “the Russians,” who were the scapegoat of the last surprise presidential election results. A couple of the things that many of the pages did have in common, incidentally, were an anti-war outlook and a police watchdog mentality.

But as far as making the election more resistant to interference, the result of the Alternative Media Purge is the diametric opposite. People will now only get one side of the story.

The alternative media changed everything during the last presidential election.

When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, much of the world snickered. Who was this reality television star to take on part of the Clinton Empire? There was no way, people scoffed, that Trump could possibly win.

It’s a proven fact that Hillary Clinton was in cahoots with the mainstream media throughout her candidacy. And the reason it’s proven is that organizations like Wikileaks released the evidence of it in a series of emails with her campaign manager and people like Donna Brazile of CNN. Brazile finally publically admitted that she’d done so and that it was her “job to make all our Democratic candidates look good.”

The alternative media jumped on this story, as well as many other questionable emails that were divulged by Wikileaks, while the mainstream pretended that none of this was happening. And the mainstream did very little to cover the Democratic National Convention, during which the nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders, who – if we’re being honest – probably would have had a much better chance of beating Trump than the notoriously unlikable Clinton. Here’s my coverage of it at the time.

The fact that we had a robust alternative media at the time meant that these stories were heard. At the same time, the mainstream media was busy painting Donald Trump as a neo-Nazi fascist who hated minorities and would nuke somebody the day he got into office.

Now, imagine there had been no alternative media during that election.

If we hadn’t have had an alternative media telling other stories – enough stories that people were able to get a fuller picture of who both of these candidates really were – things might have turned out entirely differently. And while that would be all right with any number of people who loathe Donald Trump, would it have been a “fair” election?

Let’s look back even further at the candidacy of Congressman Ron Paul back in 2012. Dr. Paul was an incredible candidate with a glowing political resume, but he didn’t get the time of day. There was a media blackout on his candidacy and finally, he was forced to withdraw from the race. Many of us were budding alternative journalists at that time learned a valuable lesson during that election – what we were doing was important. There needed to be an option instead of letting the mainstream media present the only options and information to people.

By the time the 2016 election rolled around, those disappointed in how Dr. Paul was treated were determined that it would not happen again. That a candidate with a background full of sordid scandals would not get through an election cycle unscathed, painted as a glowing Madonna who would save us all.

So…during the fierce battle between Clinton and Trump, both sides of the story were told and told loudly.

Alternative journalists engaged the power of social media to connect with people who wanted to know more and they did it to such a degree that everything changed. Clinton, originally the front-runner, was suddenly in the fight of her life against a candidate that most people had considered a joke.

And that’s when everyone started blaming the Russians.

In a shocking article, the Washington Post printed a long list of websites that they claimed were run by “the Russians.” Many of these sites were run by folks I know personally who are decidedly not Russians, but simply bloggers who wanted to share the truth as they identified it. (This article was removed from WaPo – I’m guessing due to threats about legal action by many of the site owners accused of working for Russia.)

Although investigation after investigation has been undertaken, there’s still no proof that Russia tampered with the election, nor that they colluded with Donald Trump.

Years later, the Washington Post sticks to their story with headlines like “Without the Russians, Trump Wouldn’t Have Won.” In the piece, they admitted that there isn’t any official proof and they cited Buzzfeed.

While the intelligence agencies are silent on the impact of Russia’s attack, outside experts who have examined the Kremlin campaign — which included stealing and sharing Democratic Party emails, spreading propaganda online and hacking state voter rolls — have concluded that it did affect an extremely close election decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. Clint Watts, a former FBI agent, writes in his recent book, “Messing with the Enemy,” that “Russia absolutely influenced the U.S. presidential election,” especially in Michigan and Wisconsin, where Trump’s winning margin was less than 1 percent in each state.

We still don’t know the full extent of the Russian interference, but we know its propaganda reached 126 million people via Facebook aloneA BuzzFeed analysis found that fake news stories on Facebook generated more social engagement in the last three months of the campaign than did legitimate articles: The “20 top-performing false election stories from hoax sites and hyperpartisan blogs generated 8,711,000 shares, reactions, and comments on Facebook.” Almost all of this “fake news” was either started or spread by Russian bots, including claims that the pope had endorsed Trump and that Hillary Clinton had sold weapons to the Islamic State. (source)

Buzzfeed? Isn’t that where you go to take a quiz to find out what kind of potato you are?

That leads us to Facebook’s potential election interference

Last week, as I mentioned, hundreds of Facebook pages were shut down without warning. Many of these sites also lost their Twitter accounts on the same day. This is reminiscent of last month’s attack on Alex Jones.

Anyone who disagrees with the establishment is being abruptly silenced.

Zuckerberg and friends are saying that this is so that we can be sure we don’t have election interference in the midterms…but what they’re really doing is interfering in the elections themselves.

They’ve gloated about everything from “featuring Facebook pages that spread disinformation less prominently so that fewer people potentially see them” to “559 politically oriented pages and 251 accounts, all of American origin, for consistently breaking its rules against “spam and coordinated inauthentic behavior”.

The pages which have been removed or shadowbanned have run the gamut of political philosophies, but the fact is, people like Mark Zuckerberg, the folks at Google, and Jack Dorsey of Twitter are deciding which information gets to be seen. They’re deciding whether something is “disinformation” or truth. They’re deciding if people who have spent years building a following get to still reach the people who opted to follow them.

Because Facebook reaches more than 2 billion people each day, this is a problem of epic proportions.

I believe that it is Facebook itself that is tampering with the election by manipulating what they want people to see.  If the alternative media changed everything in the 2016 election due to the availability of more information, Facebook will change future elections due to their manipulation of the information users are allowed to see.

If you are conservative or antiwar or anti-overreaching-government or libertarian, you’re now persona non grata. Even if you aren’t in the minority, you’ll be made to feel like you are in the giant echo chamber of “approved media.” If you support a different candidate than Big Tech, prepare to be marginalized, silenced, and ignored. That holds true whether you opt for anyone other than their “choice.” They WILL control the outcome of the presidential election the next time around.

If you really want to see what election interference looks like, you’re getting a live demonstration right now.

FCC Prohibits Broadcast of False Information

FCC Prohibits Broadcast of False Information | FCC | Mainstream Media Propaganda US News
Editor’s Note: The Federal Communications Commission forbids broadcast station licensees to knowingly transmit news concerning what it deems “hoaxes,” or “false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe.” Broadcasters are required to present a disclaimer before news programming that they know to be false.
Given the large number of dubious events over the past several years, particularly probable active shooter drills presented as real events, this theoretically means that many station owners might be in a bind if actual information came to light concerning such events.
In reality the FCC’s regulatory enforcement is lax and license holders may have plenty of wiggle room, especially if the programming originates from the parent network. The dominant culprits, cable news networks such as CNN and FoxNews, aren’t governed by the FCC.
From the FCC’s Website:

The Commission’s prohibition against the broadcast of hoaxes is set forth at Section 73.1217 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 73.1217.

This rule prohibits broadcast licensees or permittees from broadcasting false information concerning a crime or a catastrophe if:

  1. the licensee knows this information is false;
  2. it is foreseeable that broadcast of the information will cause substantial public harm; and
  3. broadcast of the information does in fact directly cause substantial public harm.

Any programming accompanied by a disclaimer will be presumed not to pose foreseeable harm if the disclaimer clearly characterizes the program as a fiction and is presented in a way that is reasonable under the circumstances.

For purposes of this rule, “public harm” must begin immediately, and cause direct and actual damage to property or to the health or safety of the general public, or diversion of law enforcement or other public health and safety authorities from their duties.

The public harm will be deemed foreseeable if the licensee could expect with a significant degree of certainty that public harm would occur.

A “crime” is any act or omission that makes the offender subject to criminal punishment by law.

A “catastrophe” is a disaster or imminent disaster involving a violent or sudden event affecting the public.

Complaints alleging violation of this rule should be sent to the Federal Communications Commission, Enforcement Bureau, Investigations & Hearings Division, 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, D.C. 20554. Complaints should include the call sign and community of license of the station, the date and time of the broadcast(s) in question, and a detailed description of the public harm caused as a result of the broadcast. In addition, if possible, complaints should include a transcript or recording of the broadcast in question.

America, Did You Forget About The Created “Fake News” Legalization from 2016 Which is Being Played Out Today? (VIDEO)


America, Did You Forget About The Created “Fake News” Legalization from 2016 Which is Being Played Out Today? (VIDEO) | fake-news-propaganda | CIA Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.” –Harry S. Truman

President Harry S. Truman said of the Central Intelligence Agency that he would have never have agreed to the formulation of the CIA back in 1947, if he had known it would become the American Gestapo.

Just think of this, he compared the CIA to the American Gestapo (Hitler’s SS).

The Gestapo was a secret state police of Nazi Germany. They were given authority to investigate cases of their definition of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany, which history teaches us were self-inflicted.

He then went on to say:

“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government.”

A policy making arm of the government? In other words, we now have the government working and representing the government and its interests in spite of the people that they are to serve.

Policies, in fact, circumvent and undermine constitutional law, they are not law.  Remember, policy follows law, law does not follow policy.

An article was written at Common Dreams on Monday, December 26, 2016, called “Under Cover of Christmas, Obama Establishes Controversial Anti-Propaganda Agency.”  I’d like to quote from the article and comment on it. 

“It owns all these not-at-all-important laws are smuggled into NDAA that are signed on Christmas Eve with basically no public debate,” wrote media critic Adam Johnson.

Notice that it was signed on Christmas Eve while everyone was enjoying the Christmas holidays in taking a much-needed break from the “circus of politics” and the agents of their particular “special interest” groups.

Notice also that there was “no public debate” because they did not want the people to know what it was that they were enacting upon them.

“In the final hours before the Christmas holiday weekend, U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday quietly signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) into law—and buried within the $619 billion military budget a controversial provision that establishes a national anti-propaganda center that critics warn could be dangerous for press freedoms.”

Notice the acronym NDAA stands for the “National Defense Authorization Act.”  They did not want to raise eyebrows, and furthermore, they create names like this because they know all the while that no one would dare talk down a bill with a name like “National Defense.”

Also, take note that it was “buried within the $619 billion military budget.”

We were warned from President Eisenhower of the Military Industrial complex on Jan. 17, 1961.

This bill was not out in the open.  It had to be hidden, tax dollars being illegally dispersed and allocated to programs that suppress the very laws that they have been entrusted to uphold, namely the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

Still, it was sold to the American people as “anti-propaganda” when, in fact, it was written and funded to promote propaganda.

This is much like the “PATRIOT Act” which was implemented at 3:30 in the morning without giving adequate time for any one representative to read before voting on it after September 11, 2001.  That act undermines the United States Constitution while setting up agencies which target the government’s political opposition, namely Christians (Acts 11:26), constitutionalists, patriots and conservatives.

Remember, the Gestapo did the same things after Hitler attacked his own Reichstag.  They created various security police forces only to combine them on a later date into one force (Homeland security, TSA, CIA, FBI, etc…)

The Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, introduced by Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, establishes the Global Engagement Center under the State Department which coordinates efforts to “recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.”

Further, the law authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies to help “collect and store examples in print, online, and social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda” directed at the U.S. and its allies, as well as “counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda to influence the policies and social and political stability” of the U.S. and allied nations.

“The law authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies.” Really?

What constituent has delegated authority to his representatives to allocate funds to non-governmental agencies?

Government is merely securing their position against the American people, which is the opposite of their purpose.  This is tyranny.  It also is to further indemnify themselves from the consequences of what they are responsible for in creating in these types of bills.

The head of the center will be appointed by the president, which likely means the first director will be chosen by President-elect Donald Trump.

The new law comes weeks before the New York billionaire assumes the presidency, amid national outrage over the spread of fake news and what many say is foreign interference in the election, both which are accused of enabling Trump’s victory.

Friends, here you have the CIA-controlled media creating “fake news” and then turning on the free press and accusing them of “fake news,” only to further garner more control over the internet and media resources abroad.

They want control. They want no opposition to their propaganda. They want it one-sided, and they want it biased in which you will always see it their way (John 8:44).

Look to Facebook, Twitter, Google and their latest stunt of censoring and shadow banning much of the government’s political opposition, which proves the point of what it is that they are involved with here.

Look to local media paper outlets who are all feeding from the same source.  They want controlled talking points and controlled dialogue where nothing else is permissible but what they release.

They have even gone so far to set up their own version of “fact checkers,” which are funded through the CIA, such as Snopes.

Those combined forces have already contributed to the overt policing of media critical of U.S. foreign policy, such as the problematic “fake news blacklist” recently disseminated by the Washington Post.

Look to who released the “fake news blacklist.”  It was the Washington Post. Who then fueled the fire? The same media that 94% of Americans say they do not believe in, and rightly so. They want to knock everyone over by force while they are left standing. Who then gains from all of this?

And for those paying attention over the holiday weekend, the creation of the new information agency under the Propaganda Act appears to be another worrisome development.

If only people would learn (Psalm 9:17, Hosea 4:6).

Trump Regime Blames Iran for Its Own High Crimes

Trump Regime Blames Iran for Its Own High Crimes | donald-trump | Politics Propaganda Trump World News

[image credit: ANDREW HARNIK/AP]

The blame game is longstanding US policy, blaming other governments for its own wrongdoing – notably its endless high crimes of war and against humanity, along with supporting the scourge of terrorism it pretends to oppose.

The Trump regime’s harshest venom targets Iran, a nation pursuing cooperative relations with all other nations, supporting world peace and stability, involved in combating regional terrorism.

Throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and since taking office, Trump consistently lied about Iran – following script written for him by AIPAC as follows:

“Iran — the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism — remains Israel’s and America’s greatest long-term threat in the Middle East.”

“The United States must confront Iran’s aggression, take firm action to support regional allies, and ensure that Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapons capability.”

“Iran is a radical Islamic theocracy that seeks to export its revolutionary ideology abroad by supporting terrorist proxy groups.”

“Iran continues to provide arms, funding and personnel to…Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons against its own citizens.”

“For more than two decades, Iran has flouted its obligations under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and sought a nuclear weapons capability to further its hegemonic aims.”

“The Islamic Republic is rapidly advancing toward a nuclear weapons capability in defiance of mandatory UN Security Council resolutions requiring the suspension of its nuclear program.”

All of the above rubbish are bald-faced lies, AIPAC notorious for proliferating them, ignoring Israeli apartheid viciousness, its regional aggression, inventing reasons to vilify Iran. Legitimate ones don’t exist.

Fact: The US is “the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism” – NATO, Israel, Turkey, the Saudis, and other regimes its junior partners.

Fact: No Iranian “aggression” exists. The nation hasn’t attack another country in centuries – what the US and its imperial partners do repeatedly.

Fact: Iran abhors nuclear weapons, wants them all eliminated. Its legitimate nuclear program has no military component.

Fact: AIPAC, Israel and US hardliners lied, claiming the Islamic Republic is pursuing development of nuclear weapons.

Fact: Israel is the Middle East’s only nuclear armed and dangerous country, armed as well with banned chemical and biological weapons, used in its wars of aggression – all of the above ignored by AIPAC, supporting Israeli high crimes.

Fact: “(R)adical Islamic theocracy” defines the Saudis and other regional despotic monarchies – not Iran.

Fact: Israel is ruled by Zionist zealots, religious fundamentalists, Islamophobes, and warmongering fascists – the state notorious for its “malign activities.”

Fact: Terrorists supported by the US, other Western countries, the Saudis and Israel use chemical weapons repeatedly against Syrian civilians – incidents wrongfully blamed on Damascus.

Fact: Not a shred of evidence suggests Syrian forces ever used CWs throughout years of war. Claims otherwise are bald-faced lies.

Fact: IAEA inspections prove Iran fully observes NPT and JCPOA provisions. Washington and Israel flagrantly breached them. The Jewish state refused to sign the NPT treaty – its nuclear weapons program a longtime open secret.

“Iran’s malign activities” include pursuing Middle East peace and stability, combating the scourge of terrorism the US, NATO, Turkey, the Saudis and Israel support.

Trump is a serial liar. Nothing he says is credible. In his UN address last September, he turned truth on its head, claiming “Iran’s leaders sew (sic) chaos, death and disruption. They do not respect their neighbors, borders, or the sovereign rights of nations.”

“Instead, they plunder the nation’s resources to enrich themselves and to spread mayhem across the Middle East and far beyond.”

He repeated the above Big Lies and others about Iran numerous times, other regime officials doing the same thing.

On Fox News Sunday, Mike Pompeo used its platform to lie about Iran, saying:

Reimposed sanctions aim to deny “the world’s largest state
sponsor of terrorists the capacity to do things like they did this past
couple weeks, an attempted assassination campaign in the heart of Europe” – a bald-faced lie.

Pompeo refused to confirm US waivers granted to China, India and other countries to keep buying Iranian oil, along with maintaining normal relations with Iran.

He lied about the effectiveness of (illegal) US sanctions. For nearly 40 years, they achieved no strategic objectives – nor will new ones.

The world community largely opposes US “maximum pressure” on Iran, including EU and other major countries.

On CBS News’ Face the Nation Sunday, Pompeo boasted about “the toughest sanctions ever placed against the Islamic Republic of Iran” – ignoring their flagrant illegality and world community opposition to the Trump regime’s unacceptable anti-Iran agenda.

He lied claiming the Islamic Republic “threatens Israel.” Polar opposite is true.

He shamefully blamed Iran for “prolonging suffering of the Yemeni people,” including starvation threatening millions. The US, NATO, Israel, the Saudis and UAE bear full responsibility for endless genocidal war – not Iran.

Trump, Bolton, and Pompeo repeatedly lie to the US public and world community about the Islamic Republic and virtually everything else.

They consistently ignore Washington’s responsibility for endless wars of aggression, their mass slaughter and destruction, along with human misery they cause – together with its imperial partners.

Iran is unacceptably vilified for its sovereign independence, refusal to bow to Washington’s will, support for Palestinian rights, along with opposition to Israeli apartheid viciousness and US imperial wars.

Its leadership warrants universal support for being on the right side of these vital issues.

VISIT MY NEW WEB SITE: stephenlendman.org (Home – Stephen Lendman). Contact at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. My newest book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.” http://www.claritypress.com/LendmanIII.html

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the “David Hogg/’Alex Vieux’ Interview” (VIDEO)


Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | parkland-school-shooting | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

“It’s Not Real”

(Memory Hole Blog) In the wake of the Parkland shooting a handful of individuals pointed to one of many especially glaring discrepancies in the event’s coverage. An odd video depicts an apparent Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student rehearsing a pro-gun control rant.

She’s doing so at the prompting of David Hogg, the would be high school-attendee and aspiring journalist, on the morning of February 14, 2018. This footage then oddly aired after the “live” Parkland incident that afternoon. To make matters more confusing, the individual goes by “Alex Vieux” in the morning, and “Isabelle Robinson” hours later as the same footage is widely broadcast in the aftermath of the event.

“I really don’t think there’s anything new to say, but there shouldn’t have to be because if you looked around this close and saw everyone just hiding together you would know that this shouldn’t be happening anymore, and that it doesn’t deserve to happen anymore [sic]. And no amount of money should make it more easily accessible to get guns [sic]. Uhm, and that’s that.”

Shortly thereafter the young woman becomes visibly nervous and, when Hogg asks, “Do you want to say anything else?” she demurs from stating her name on camera, “That was more or all articulated in my head.”

Hogg or another party present can then be heard whispering something indecipherable to her. Apparently to set the student at ease, Hogg tells her, “We’ll point it [the camera] at the ground.”

Hogg then states, “This is Alex Vieux. This recording was taken at 9:32 February 14, 2018. Alex, are you OK with me recording this?” The interviewee responds, “Yet, I’m OK with you recording this.”

“Alex’s” remarks are hardly natural or spontaneous. Even so, after Hogg continues to point the camera downward her awkward soliloquy resumes, becoming more pointedly anti-Second Amendment.

“I personally have rallied for, you know, gun rights, she continues,

and, uhm, not necessarily less control [sic] but this experience has definitely changed my viewpoint. I wanted to be an NRA member. I wanted to learn how to hunt. I was always fascinated by guns as a young girl. But this experience was so traumatizing to me to the point where now I can’t even fathom the idea of a gun in my house or on my body [sic]. I did have plans to go to  Nexus gun range to learn how to shoot, but at this point I don’t want to even be behind a gun.

I don’t want to be the person behind a bullet because I don’t want to be the person to point a bullet at someone [sic]. And to have the bullet pointed at me, my school, my classmates, my teachers, my mentors, it’s, just, it’s definitely eye opening to the fact that we need more gun control in our country, because for this to happen, and for people to be so neutralized to it [sic]. I even texted my sisters, “Shooting at my school. I am safe.” They both responded with, “Omg, lol, you’re funny.” And that’s a problem in society and a bigger problem in America, and it needs to be fixed and I believe the most definite way to fix it is by changing our laws when it comes to gun ownership.

The South Florida Sun-Sentinel used a small part of the “Alex Vieux” interview footage in a February 15, 2018 video report (brief excerpt at 4:07 below), referring to the interview subject as “Isabelle Robinson.”

One party brought their interpretation of the interview discrepancy to the attention of the Sun-Sentinel via Twitter less than two weeks after the Parkland shooting event, suggesting how there may have been be two interviews of the same party using different names.

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | QbFR7XJW_normal | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

South Florida Sun Sentinel


How to get official Stoneman Douglas apparel —
with all proceeds going to the school http://sunsent.nl/2HHtCND 

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | DW5hg-rXUAALVsB | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | default_profile_normal | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Yama Dass@yama_dass

At 9:32 AM, before the Parkland school shooting happened, David Hogg interviewed a girl named Alex View about this shooting. At 2:52 PM, he interviewed this same girl about the supposed shooting in progress, but this time she went by Isabelle Robinson. pic.twitter.com/tMLFUC3DZV

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | zeN7TE3ETrOQdlmX | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

See Yama Dass’s other Tweets

The comment was mocked and the news outlet provided no response to the query. Nor did its editors issue a correction or qualifier to the video report referenced above. In fact, the article remains unaltered from its February 16 publication.
Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | Screen-Shot-2-1024x822 | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

As Harold Saive observes, portions of the same interview transcribed above and derived from the erroneous Sun-Sentinelreportage were likewise unwittingly aired by Newsweek Media Group as part of the broad media extravaganza. He provides a thoughtful overview of the discrepancy:

The Newsweek media group failed to check the content of Hogg’s interview where he states the time of Alex View ’s gun control rant is at 9:32 in the morning – nearly 5 hours before the alleged shooting. The time of 9:32 PM is ruled out since all students had long been evacuated by that time.

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | Screen-Shot-2018-11-07-at-8.20.41-PM | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

When you listen to the dialog it’s clear the interview is said to be held while “hiding in this closet”. This should mean that the interviews were recorded at around 2:30 PM. But David Hogg slipped and revealed foreknowledge of the shooting drill when he asserted the time of the interviews were at 9:32 on 2/14/18 …

Alex View was obviously reading from a script. It would be awkward for her to be seen looking at prepared text. The background noise clutter and chatter remains the same on both interviews. So, nobody changed location from the phony closet scenario from one interview from the next regardless [of] the B-roll video inserted on top of the Alex View script reading.

This is but one facet of mounting evidence suggesting how at least parts of the Parkland incident are inauthentic. As we noted hereshortly after the event, the most powerful (and corrupt) Democratic Party leaders seized upon the event minutes after it transpired.

Stoneman Douglas High students impacted by the event were rapidly mobilized by Democratic political leaders to advocate for the Party’s foremost rallying cries–strengthened gun control laws. News media including CNN and state and federal Democratic Party operatives, including Florida Representative and former Democratic Party National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, advised key Stoneman students in organizing the #NeverAgain movement and arranging protests, including a lobbying trip to Tallahassee to meet with Florida legislators. Parkland, however, is represented by Democratic Representative Ted Deutch, another staunch gun control advocate.

Parkland Shooting: Revisiting the "David Hogg/'Alex Vieux' Interview" (VIDEO) | eHI49K4W_normal | False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Debbie Wasserman Schultz


After one of the worst school shootings in US history, rather than being thoroughly traumatized, several Parkland students embarked on a massive publicity campaign including the “March For Our Lives” in anticipation of the US 2018 midterm elections.

According to the New Yorker, Wasserman Schultz and her aides touched base with Stoneman junior and NeverAgain leader-in-training Jaclyn Corin on February 15–one day after the shooting. “Conversations with state representatives followed, and preliminary arrangements were made to bus a hundred Douglas students and fifteen chaperones to Tallahassee to address the state legislature. Yesterday, I asked Corin if she had been politically active before the shooting. ‘Not even a little bit,’ she said.”

Corin appears especially astute having absolutely no previous experience in issue-oriented politics. “The action has been so quick,” the 17-year-old told the Naples Daily News. “And that’s necessary because this is a fresh and open wound and we can’t let it close up. We need to do something about it before it just disappears like it always has.”

Robinson became one of the many Parkland/MSD players, being profiled by CNN and lending her name to an op-ed published in the New York Times, where she claimed to befriend alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz.

More recently the young woman known as Robinson was featured in an impressive music video production, “Carry You On,” commemorating the Parkland shooting event and released just prior to the 2018 Midterm Elections.

At the end of the day how much of this is real? When Robinson was approached at the “March For Our Lives” event in March 2018 by online researchers and asked to explain the time and identity discrepancies of the February 14 video, one of the two women accompanying her stated, “Alex Vieux is a different girl.”

Pressed further, Robinson finally responds, “He edited it. It’s not real.” She smiles, half waves, then hastily ushers her friends away.

Not real indeed.

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