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What Happened to 9/11 Truth? Here Is the Answer (VIDEO)


What Happened to 9/11 Truth? Here Is the Answer (VIDEO) | 911 | 911 Truth False Flags Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

September 10, 2017 Painting the Big Picture -Truth & Art Radio Podcast #9 with host Bernie Suarez of Truthandarttv.com.

This week I set aside the usual format of this podcast to discuss the September 11th 2001 false flag attack on America and what you need to know. Though I didn’t specifically discuss it in this podcast it is worth noting that not long ago former CIA agent Malcolm Howard delivered an explosive 9/11 death bed confession that most people simply ignored. Howard admitted he was involved in wiring WTC 7 for controlled demolition. This testimony of course matches the observable evidence perfectly. Additionally, given what we know today, we shouldn’t need a death bed confession to convince us more about what happened on 9/11. Science and empirical research guided by the scientific method which most truth seekers and activists simply don’t understand should be all you need to arrive at a sound conclusion about what really happened on that day. As I discuss in this 9th podcast of Truth and Art Radio, this single anomaly and inability of people to clearly understand the science, the scientific method and to reason logically and soundly is the single most important factor keeping people in the dark confused and divided debating unproven theories and blaming nation states for the event.

Watch on Youtube by clicking here.

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Parents of Public School Students, What Are You Supposed To Do? (VIDEO)


 Parents of Public School Students, What Are You Supposed To Do? (VIDEO) | public-school-indoctrination | Multimedia Parental Rights Propaganda Special Interests US News

The philosophy of the schoolroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

–Abraham Lincoln

Criminal and foreigner Barack Hussein Obama has, in the not too distant past, added to his long train of abuses against We the People in the education of American school children.

However, it didn’t begin with Obama.  This has been going on incrementally through administration after administration. “No child left behind” is really “No child left un-indoctrinated” through George W. Bush, which is nothing short of Communism.

In an attempt to level the playing field, they teach America’s posterity to shoot for the floor rather than aim for the stars.

Then, there is also, GLOBE. GLOBE stands for Global Learning & Observation to Benefit the Environment.  Mikhail Gorbachev is the head of an organization called Green Cross International, operating right here in the United States. Gorbachev is working to create world government and he is helping implement this education scheme.  He has also joined partnership with UNESCO, which is the source of much of the anti-American education curriculum, as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.  This GLOBE program is funded and implemented through the Federal Department of Education, created under Goals 2000, and now carried over in “No Child Left Behind.”

And don’t forget about International Baccalaureate, which is a global scheme conceived in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 and now making its way into American schools.

Among the things it promotes are:

1) Earth Worship.

2) Evolution.

3) Socialized Medicine.

4) World Government.

5) Animal Rights (animals seen as brothers and sisters).

6) Redistribution of American Wealth to other nations.

7) Contraception and “Reproductive Health” (legal abortions).

8) Debt Forgiveness to third world nations.

9) Adoption of the gay rights agenda.

10) Elimination of the right to bear arms.

11) Setting aside massive amounts of private land where no human presence is allowed.

Back to criminal Obama. Obama illegally implemented an extensive overhaul of public education from kindergarten through high school, bypassing Congress, the voice of the American people, and forcing states to agree to major changes that none of his predecessors attempted.

Apparently, Obama, the self-proclaimed “Constitutional Scholar,” hasn’t taken the time to read Article 10 of the Bill of Rights. The federal government has no business whatsoever in the education of American children.

Obama sought to implement something called the Common Core Standards, which has been implemented in 46 states and D.C., drowning students with mostly “informational text” and historical documents.

Some of the non-fiction texts that will be implemented into school curriculum are “FedViews,” by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2009) and “Executive Order 13423: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management,” published by the General Services Administration.

In 2011 in the state of Arkansas, Middle School Teacher of the Year Jamie Highfill said, “I’m struggling with this, and my students are struggling. With informational text, there isn’t that human connection that you get with literature. And the kids are shutting down. They are getting bored. I’m seeing more behavior problems in my classroom than I’ve ever seen.”

The curriculum change in public schools has been a downward spiral for many years. America has been so dumbed down that 700,000 students per year graduate without the ability to read their own diplomas.

Add to students’ confusion the innumerable amount of errors in school textbooks ranging from misinformation to omission of facts or outright lies. These “errors” can be found in virtually every subject, especially in math, science and history.


In Texas, the State Board of Education found a total of 109,263 errors in math textbooks reviewed for use in 2008 alone. Yes, I said 109,263 errors. The board had to go so far as to place a possible fine of $5,000 per error found if they were not fixed by spring of the same year.


In textbooks all across America, science (the study of Creation) is well-known for being laced with the dangerous theory of evolution, which wars against Christianity, the Bible, God and His Law, which is the foundation of our Republic.

Andrew Jackson said, “The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests.”

That is why evolution was illegal to teach in schools at the time of the 1925 Scopes Trial.

In complete contradiction to America’s foundational principles, the National Education Association agrees with humanism. Humanism is summed up in the following excerpt by John Dunphy in his article, “A Religion for a New Age”:

“The Bible is not merely another book … it has and remains an incredibly dangerous book. … I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith. … These teachers must embody the same dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach. … The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new – the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism, resplendent in its promise of a world in which the never-realized Christian ideal of love thy neighbor will finally be achieved.”

How far are they willing to go?


In Virginia, a state review committee found a slew of errors in many history textbooks. A committee of five historians caught errors ranging from the incorrect year John Rolfe married Pocahontas to quotes that do not even appear in historical records. One book illustrated Virginia soldiers in the Revolutionary War wearing red coats, when in fact they wore blue. Another textbook erroneously stated many colonial Americans were illiterate. In fact, literacy rates were extremely high.

Retired Library of Virginia historian Brent Tarter wrote in his review of one textbook, “Our Virginia,” “I also found some very significant omissions, some internal inconsistencies, and some erroneous or questionable descriptions and analyses of historical events. Some are so ludicrous and difficult to explain that I cannot understand where the misinformation came from.”

Muslim Indoctrination:

In recent years, American public schools have also been indoctrinated with the Muslim religion. Studies have shown over 500 historical errors in public school textbooks, giving an Islamic slant to our youth.

As a result, our youth are subject to the following teachings:

  • Learning to become a Muslim
  • Fasting for Ramadan
  • Learning the five pillars of Islam
  • Memorizing verses from the Quran
  • Adopting a Muslim name
  • Staging a Jihad (war against non-Muslims)

They are even subjecting elementary school students to the D.A.R.E. program, which has statistically proven to educate the students as to how to commit the crime of drug abuse rather than prevent it.

What of antidepressants prescriptions? They are simply attempting to set students up for the fall by prescribing dangerous psychotropic drugs.

Leon Eisenberg (Father of ADHD), in his last interview before his death, said“ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”

There has been a dramatic rise in the sale of antidepressants in the past decade alone. According to IMS Health, sales of antidepressants in the United States surpassed $11 billion in 2010.

Antidepressants are one of the most commonly prescribed drug classes. Four out of five physicians prescribing antidepressants are not even psychiatrists, and the drugs are increasingly being given for non-psychiatric uses.

This dramatic increase in usage could possibly be in direct connection to the controversial TeenScreen survey given to children as young as 9 years old in public schools. TeenScreen has been responsible for policing the mental health of students over the past decade.

More and more public schools have brought in the manipulative survey for children, setting them up for a prescription. For example, one of the questions asked is: “Has there been a time when you felt you couldn’t do anything well or that you weren’t as good-looking or smart as other people?” Another question is: “In the last year, has there been any situation when you had less energy than usual?”

Nearly 20 percent of students who take the survey are then labeled mentally ill, which leads to a prescription. This process is being sold as suicide prevention; however, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force found “no evidence” that screening for suicide risk reduces suicide attempts.

In past generations, parents would train their children in the way they should go, using the rod of correction (Proverbs 22) to drive foolishness from the hearts of their children, while the pharmaceutical companies compete for the position contrary to that which God commanded.

In the meantime, pharmaceutical companies are raking in hundreds of millions of dollars a day while America’s students are used as political and medical guinea pigs.

Most Americans don’t even realize that Obama was attempting to deputize the medical industry to screen the mental health of every American.

Herein lies the “attention deficit.”  The deficit lies within the responsibility of the parents, not the child.

To further add insult to injury with the help of the NEA, students are being made a prey to teachers.

The homosexual agenda is being forced onto the young.

The real question to ask here is “Why are there public schools?”

Only you can answer that!


As I said, the federal government of the United States of America has no lawful authority over the education of the young.

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

For as much as I know that the American people would like to blame Barack Hussein Obama for all of his illegal acts and things he implemented, and rightly so, I have to divert from this criminal to the people that are responsible for sending their children off to the cesspool of Un-American, Un-Constitutional and therefore, illegal indoctrination of indoctrination centers known as public schools.

The reason this is happening: 86 percent of the American people who call themselves Christian conservatives are the ones sending their kids into public schools to be indoctrinated in a worldview they claim they despise.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

William Bennett, Former Education Secretary under Ronald Regan said, “In America today, the longer you stay in school, the dumber you get…”

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58 New Science Papers Published in 2017 Reveal NO Global Warming…“Climate Change” Hoax Unravels under Scientific Scrutiny (VIDEO)


58 New Science Papers Published in 2017 Reveal NO Global Warming... "Climate Change" Hoax Unravels under Scientific Scrutiny (VIDEO) | global-warming-climate-change | Environment Global Warming Fraud Multimedia Propaganda Science & Technology Sleuth Journal Special Interests

By: D. Samuelson, News Target

Millions of Americans have been awakened to the diabolical falsehoods that proclaim the same mantra over and over; if our carbon output increases, the imminent destruction of our planet is at hand. But those who know better have heartstrings that are not pulled when bought and paid for scientists and politicians feign sympathy for third world nations and coastlines teeming with poor people who will starve, drown or become climate refugees unless we drastically reduce our carbon footprint. The enlightened observer may only give scant attention to these fifty-eight scientific papers published in 2017 which “invalidate the claims of unprecedented global-scale modern warming,” as reported by Notrickszone.com.

But maybe these charts and accompanying data can be shared with your brainwashed friends and family sheeple who’ve been hoodwinked by this insidious plan. They just don’t know, as Joannenova.com reports, that the trillion dollar climate change racket is the “only major industry in the world dependent upon consumer and voter ignorance.”  Ms. Nova asks some important questions:

What if they [the believing public] learned that the climate models are unskilled, broken, and non-functional, or that 28 million weather balloons show carbon reduction is a fruitless pursuit? What if they knew historic records are wildly adjusted to make the current weather look warmer than it would?”

What if ordinary, everyday folks who don’t really have time to do the research, and have children in school who are being indoctrinated with this false paradigm, knew that the whole idea behind the scheme, as reported by Cnsnews.com, is to  “intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history.”  That quote came from Christiana Figueres, who, at the time of her statement, was the executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and key architect of the Paris climate agreement. In other words, she was the propagandist in charge of getting 195 nations to agree how much money they would put in — or get out — of a slush fund, in order to control the globe’s temperature. Pure nonsense. Reason and intellect, when it comes to the climate change/global warming cabal, aren’t allowed at the table of ideas.

The Guardian reports that Ms. Figueres is on the short list of candidates who want to succeed Ban Ki-moon and run the world via the U.N. That’s a scary thought. Now her day job is cheerleader and chief conspirator for a new PR front group of climate liars called Mission2020. These people just won’t stop until they are exposed. Until then, they’ll spend a few of those collected billions to convince the whole world of one of the biggest scientific frauds in the history of mankind. Now, they’ve bumped up the impending doom to 2020, unless we stop exhaling our carbon filled outbound breath and eliminate cheap energy.

The results of severely lowering carbon could lead to starvation and genocide. But isn’t that the goal of these globalist snake oil salespeople? Knocking off a few million here and there is an end that needs a means. And boy oh boy, the money is good. Are these globalists not familiar with the sun’s influence on the earth’s climate? That truth just isn’t convenient for Mr. Gore and Ms. Figueres. We American’s should be very thankful to President Donald Trump for withdrawing from the fraudulent extortion racket called the Paris Climate Accords. But Ms. Figueres and her gang of thieves isn’t stopping. Take a look at her approach to the millennial generation at this outdoor stadium where she spewed her saucy lies. Why does she need cue cards?

Let’s not give up hope just yet. The truth always wins out. It may take a little longer, but, as Goodreads.com reminds us, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, ” The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” So be it.

Sources include:









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The Phony Iranian Threat


The Phony Iranian Threat | iran-flag | Propaganda War Propaganda World News

Washington invents threats to justify its unjustifiable imperial agenda. Israel operates the same way.

Palestinians wanting freedom on their own land in their own country are called terrorists. Netanyahu lied calling Iran a greater threat than ISIS. It threatens no other country.

Addressing the extremist pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) on September 7, former IDF deputy chief of staff General Yair Golan lied calling Iran a greater threat than regional terrorists.

“We cannot fight Iran alone,” he bellowed. Iran threatens no one. Israel faces no threats abroad or internally. Like America, its only enemies are invented ones – part of their agenda to prevent peace and stability, anathema notions to both countries.

According to Golan, Israel needs “three different militaries:”

  • to maintain occupation harshness (my words, not his);
  • to contest “our enemies along the border: Hezbollah, other Shia militias (and) Hamas; and
  • “fighting Iran; we cannot allow ourselves not to prepare for direct confrontation with Iran…We cannot do it alone” – suggesting Israel and Washington should partner in waging war on the country, a recklessly dangerous idea.

It’s not for any threat the country poses. Its sovereign independence prevents an Israeli/US partnership for unchallenged regional dominance. The same goes for Syria and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

Last week, Iran’s Chief of Staff Mohammad Hossein Bagheri warned if Washington and/or Israel launched war on its country, “certainly they will not decide about the time and place for its end.”

After over six-and-a-half years of trying, America and its rogue allies couldn’t defeat Syria, Russia, of course, the key reason why.

Iran is much stronger militarily. It’s a much larger country. Moscow and Tehran are close allies. They’re cooperating in combating the scourge of US-supported terrorism in Syria.

If Washington and/or Israel attacks Iranian territory, Russia at some point may intervene if requested.

US aggression on Syria is a lost cause. Would hawkish generals in charge of Trump’s geopolitical agenda dare attack Iran? Would Israel do it alone?

Unlikely unless it has a death wish. Iran likely has the ability to retaliate on Israeli soil like it never before experienced in its history.

Attacking Iran would gravely jeopardize its small territory and population. A joint US/Israeli operation would risk confrontation with Russia.

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Stuck On Stupid Is Systemic


Stuck On Stupid Is Systemic | sheep | Propaganda Society US News

Once in a while a phrase embodies the critical circumstances of the times.  Society is essentially stuck on stupid.  The American social order is especially afflicted with the habitual disease of self-delusion.  In their gut people feel that all is not well.  But few know in their bones that the cause of the discontent is a lethal cancer.  The illusion of progress even infects the body politick.  The nature of or the methods used to practice the black ops of realpolitik is lost on the vast majority of empathic – socially acceptable – populace.  The notion that to be a good citizen, one must internalize the popular culture and established order is a malignant death sentence.  This vast melanoma of a deceptive virus is spread by defining the ‘PC’ limits and curtailing meaningful political debate.  At its core is the art of perfecting stupidity as a national standard of conduct.

When General Russel Honore uttered this now famous adage, his frustration with the press was well founded.  Yet, for a civilized society to endure the prerequisite of a vigorous, skeptical, objective and investigative press is essential.  The certainty of failure in the mainstream press to operate by those principles is one of the few things that IS believable from their reporting.  The skill in asking and framing the optimum questions is at the root of insightful inquiry.  Reporters in the corporate media environment are employed and advance by their usefulness in serving the interests of their publisher masters.  The media moguls aspire to be the barons of the controlled culture.  As gatekeepers, they are an integral part of the master global plan for political integration and cultural assimilation.  On occasion, even inept reporters severely lacking the knack of germane analysis can prick the thick skin of the enforcers for the all-inclusive empire.

Those who view themselves as part of the investigative alternative media understand that they need not apply for career consideration with the propaganda machine.  The journalism profession seldom holds true to the – who, what, when, where, why – of news reporting.  The editorial objectives of an employer are implied prisms of the storyteller.  All too often reporters become the raconteur for a lying transnational conglomerate with distinct despotic motives.  Even so, with total and complete creative and editorial freedom, the practitioner of linguistic persuasion is often less concerned with facts and more enthralled with influence.  News reporting has been reduced to magic act slight of hand entertainment.

Non-mainstream correspondents have not been automatically inoculated with a vaccine that prevents stupid behavior.  They suffer from the same human condition and are not cured from the appetites of ego acclaim and fame.  Notoriety as a rebel, does not necessarily make one a believable journalist or an effective revolutionary.  Truth is still the ultimate benchmark by which to be judged.  Intelligent political action requires rational and pragmatic tactics to achieve principled objectives.  Paleoconservatives strive to safeguard those rare and few traditional value standards still practiced and worthy of preservation.  In order to achieve a restoration of civilization, the natural process of avant-garde revolutionary decay needs to be destroyed by a healthy reactionary revolt.  Make no mistake about the stakes, the cultural war is real and the winning side will not take prisoners.

The unqualified moral, fiscal and institutional bankruptcy of our social and political system should be crystal clear to any intelligent observer.  Redress of grievances and petitions for relief are as useful as a sun lamp in the heat of the noon desert.   The system is irrevocably broken and no constitutional modification is possible to restore the essence of the 1776 American Revolution.   The quack political physicians only offer a slow and painful bleeding treatment for a long-suffering and dying nation.  The public endures because they are “stuck on stupid” autopilot.  You know instinctively in your heart that this is the case.  So what do you do at this point in history?

Well, let’s start with the admission by sincere conservatives that the Republican administration in DC is incompetent and have entirely betrayed the cause of real conservatism.  Under George W. Bush, the principles of limited governance died as did the last vestige of the Republic.  Continued support for the GOP is plain stupid!  Impeachment is deserved, while unachievable.  Even that recourse for removal from political power will never resolve the systemic dilemma.

Next examine the wrong tactical method of public protest.  The recent march on Washington is a throwback to an era when people still retained a naïve hope that the ship of state could right itself.  By the Viet Nam period, that illusion was buried and the soundest minds of that time recognized that the “Establishment” itself was the root impediment to achieve a rightful self-determination.  The loons seeking a communal earthly paradise based upon a redistribution model of political fascism, compromised legitimate outrage against an insane and unnecessary war, with their collectivist utopian dreams.  The silent brain dead mainstream, as usual, resented the bold and moral appeal for political sanity from that generation, and dug in their heels with misguided and unwarranted support for the federal government.

Today the children or even grand kids of the 1960’s are much less qualified to take on a much more integrated and omnipresent central state.  The lack of moral character in this alliance of sabotage dissent is obvious for all to see.  It is impossible and just plain – “stuck on stupid” – to engage in protest with the likes of a congenital charlatan like Jesse Jackson.  Rational dissenters demand that a legitimate cause be purged from internal subversives.  Cindy Sheehan’s honorable appeal was destroyed when handlers stole her plea and perverted the rhetoric.  The agonizing lesson of the Johnson/Nixon nightmares is that the federal tyrant is a bipartisan affair, and that the central government is the dominant enemy.

Why were the likes of Pat Buchanan anti-war folks and pro America First proponents excluded from the demonstration?  Study your history better, or lose another generation to the deceit that flows from the fanatic collectivists that preach a progressive solution.  Genuine populism is soundly within the American tradition.  Radical action is necessary to combat this domestic war.  But at all cost, avoidance from the contamination of a progressive central government is a common sense requirement. Allowing the noble cause of defeating the forces of globalism to be usurped by factions of phony “do-gooders” is the definition of being – “stuck on stupid”.

The Michael Moore baggage that follows the anti-war, impeach Bush ‘collectivist civic circus’, harms the efforts of balanced opponents of an internationalist foreign policy.  The dissimilarity between the NeoCon – NeoLib partnership only smells from a different rot, both have the same stench.  The goal of ascertaining a truly patriotic form of government is a false hope as long as that society is willing to co-exist with and among “true believers” of un-American designs.  The perception that unity of cause can be achieved with adversaries of principle is doomed to sink to the lowest level of communal perversion.  There is no room for tolerance with those who sermonize a faith of government solutions.  There is no compassion for those who merely want to transplant the current regime with diseased hybrids of their own kind.

To ally yourself with a damaging communicable sickness out of an expectation that the Bush mayhem can be tamed is to guarantee a permanent repression.  The alternative to lying down with dogs is to elevate yourself with those who make up the backbone of an independent society.  What remains of the productive merchant class, the small business owners and the hard working wage earners is the last great chance for rescuing the drowning.  Lose the remnants of the middle class and you lose America.  It is “stuck on stupid” to think that coming home from Iraq is victory when garrison outposts have troops scattered throughout the rest of the world.

Get serious if you want revolutionary change, cease playing the game of the Socialist.  Activism for it to be productive needs to win the hearts and minds of the job creators and their employees.  How can that happen when you march under a Jacobean flag?  The intelligent strategy to employ is based upon a platform of exclusion not inclusion.  Secession must become respectable in order for it to become achievable. It is “stuck on stupid” to accept that your self-interest is served living under controlled chaos.  No doubt going radical is sensible, civil disobedience is the means, just focus your energy in productive reconstruction.

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Major Disinformation Trend In 2017: Fascists Were The Good Guys? (VIDEO)


Major Disinformation Trend In 2017: Fascists Were The Good Guys? (VIDEO) | fascism-article | Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Years ago in 2012, I published a thorough examination of disinformation tactics used by globalist institutions as well as government and political outfits to manipulate the public and undermine legitimate analysts working to expose particular truths of our social and economic conditions. If you have not read this article, titled Disinformation: How It Works, I highly recommend you do so now. It will act as a solid foundation for what I am about to discuss in this article. Without a basic understanding of how lies are utilized, you will be in no position to grasp the complexities of disinformation trends being implemented today.

Much of what I am about to discuss will probably not become apparent for much of the mainstream and portions of the liberty movement for many years to come. Sadly, the biggest lies are often the hardest to see until time and distance are achieved.

If you want to be able to predict geopolitical and economic trends with any accuracy, you must first accept a couple of hard realities. First and foremost, the majority of cultural shifts and fiscal developments within our system are a product of social engineering by an organized collective of power elites. Second, you must understand that this collective is driven by the ideology of globalism — the pursuit of total centralization of financial and political control into the hands of a select few deemed as “superior” concertmasters or “maestros.” As globalist insider, CFR member and mentor to Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, openly admitted in his book Tragedy And Hope:

“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank … sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

The philosophical basis for the globalist ideology is most clearly summarized in the principles of something called “Fabian Socialism,” a system founded in 1884 which promotes the subversive and deliberate manipulation of the masses towards total centralization, collectivism and population control through eugenics. Fabian Socialists prefer to carry out their strategies over a span of decades, turning a population against itself slowly, rather than trying to force changes to a system immediately and outright.  Their symbol is a coat of arms depicting a wolf in sheep’s clothing, or in some cases a turtle (slow and steady wins the race?) with the words “When I strike I strike hard.”

Again, it is important to acknowledge that these people are NOT unified by loyalty to any one nation, culture, political party, mainstream religion or ethnic background. In fact, they will happily sacrifice any country or any group of people if it will get them closer to their goal.

They are not defenders of the free market as the idiots on the extreme left like to claim. In fact, they abhor any business model that is not dominated by a government and a bureaucracy designed to give them an unfair advantage through legislation. Anyone who thinks free markets are the cause of our economic ailments in the past decade has lost sight of the fact that we have not had anything even remotely resembling free markets for more than a century. The corporations leftists and common socialists constantly wail about could not exist without government charter and the legal loopholes surrounding limited liability. So please, socialist warriors, shut up about free markets. You have no idea what you are talking about.

The globalists are also not loyal acolytes of any particular theological tradition (at least not any that are clearly identified). Meaning, they are NOT organized around Judaism or even loyalty to Israel as is the common claim of the clowns that make up what some are now calling the “Alt-Right.” Globalists do not care about Jewish people or Jewish beliefs even though some of them are genetically Jewish.

While a minority of globalists are associated with the political extremist faction known as “Zionism,” Zionists are just another exploitable group to them, and their greater objective has nothing to do with the elevation of Israel. They will gladly fund Islamic extremist groups, for example, that desire and will willingly carry out the obliteration of Israel or the murder of Jewish people. They also exploit elements of the Israeli government to trigger chaos on the other side of the chess board.

Those who argue that all our ills are engineered by “the jeeeewwws!” or “the tribe” are poorly informed and have chosen an overly simplistic broad-brush explanation for a much more complex enemy they have no ability to fathom. They tend to cite “evidence” that is highly unverified and poorly sourced.  They think the Rothschilds are the root of all globalism when the Rothschilds are just one element of a greater cabal.  Ask them which globalist institutions actually argue for Jewish or Zionist supremacy and they won’t be able to produce evidence of any, unlike the numerous globalist institutions and champions that OPENLY argue for GLOBALISM even at the expense of Jews and the nation of Israel (i.e. Barack Obama’s consistent support of Islamic extremist groups and the Arab Spring).  In fact, ask them for evidence that Jews or Zionists are the core of the globalist agenda and they will copy and paste the same list of perhaps two dozen Council on Foreign Relations members that are Jewish while ignoring the thousands of other members that are not.

They also tend to argue that the fascist movements of the past century were actually “doing battle with the globalist agenda” — i.e. they were the “good guys.”  Sorry to break it to the “Alt-Right” crowd, but almost everything they believe is wrong.

I have noticed a disturbing trend within liberty movement and conservative circles; a kind of invasion, if you will. A minority of disinformation agents and useful idiots are operating within liberty outlets to push an ideological revolution oddly similar in tactics to those used by Soros funded groups overtaking the political left. It is my belief that while some globalist created movements are meant to provoke the left to zealotry and cultural Marxism, other globalist created movements are meant to provoke the right to zealotry and a misplaced adoration for fascism.  Divide and conquer is the game here.

As I noted in my last article ‘Globalists Will Throw Antifa To The Wolves To Further Their Agenda’, the left is essentially a lost cause. Any semblance of the so called “classical liberal” that is so commonly linked back to certain American revolutionaries and founding fathers was snuffed out long ago. They don’t exist anymore. Conservatives (not necessarily Republicans) have taken up the mantle of individual liberty and small government. The labels may have changed, but the principles remain the same. Conservatives are the natural enemy of globalists. The ideals of conservative thought and the globalist agenda are mutually exclusive — both cannot exist within the same space at the same time. One of them has to go for the other to function.

So, what are elitists with aspirations of becoming god-kings to do? Well, they could try to attack conservatives directly, but this does not mean our ideals will disappear. The ideals might even spread and flourish in reaction to a crackdown, which is the opposite effect that social engineers desire. Instead, 4th generation warfare is in order. That is to say, conservatives must be bamboozled into embracing actions contrary to their principles.

They must be conned into applauding big government instead of fighting against it. They must be tricked into rationalizing violations of the Constitution instead of exposing said violations as a spreading cancer. They must be cajoled into cheering for even more expensive and ill conceived war efforts that do not serve the interests of Americans. They must be fooled into praising the relationship between corporations and government instead of working to dismantle the government framework that coddles corporations and protects them from free markets.

While globalists cannot destroy conservatism from without, they might be able to use 4th Gen tactics to destroy conservatism from within. Conservatives have to be convinced that conservative values are weaknesses that must be abandoned for the “greater good.” At this point, conservatives would no longer be conservative; they become something else entirely.

While the liberty movement in particular has been hyper-focused on the dangers of cultural Marxism and communism, the real danger is the psyop being played within the political right. Both communism and fascism serve globalist interests. It is to their advantage to promote both and to even pit one against the other. The key is to use the left to drive conservatives to desperate measures and then link conservatives to ideals that are counter to their natures until the original ideals are forgotten.

There are some core weakness to the propaganda campaign that gut the narrative completely. The fact that the establishment is grasping at such methods to me seems desperate, but then again, I make a rule never to underestimate people’s laziness or their ignorance. So, lets look at the primary argument popping up in every liberty comment thread and chat board: “Globalists are purely communists, and fascism is a misunderstood and necessary counterpunch.”

This assertion falls apart fantastically when historical fact is applied and one realizes that BOTH communism and fascism were movements funded and supported by the very same financial elites. Yes, that’s right, fascism cannot be opposed to globalism, because globalists created fascism to serve their purposes.

To find the most comprehensive evidence compiled on the relationship between the financial elites and the rise of fascism and communism, one of the best sources is the work of Professor Antony Sutton. Here Sutton answers questions on some of these ties, including the elitist funding and technological development of the Nazis as well as the Soviet Union:

Let’s not forget about the Bush family legacy of financial support for the Third Reich – yet some people are attempting to feed a growing argument that the globalists were opposed to Hitler or vice versa…?

Globalist conglomerates like the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil were even exposed during the Nuremberg trials as having funded and aided Nazi technological advancements throughout the war using close relationships to IG Farben. This is made clear in the ‘Von Knieriem Documents’ within the Nuremberg and WWII congressional investigative record, which can be read in full in Elimination Of German Resources For War, starting on page 1302.

This means that the disinfo-argument that “perhaps the elites funded fascism in the beginning but turned against it later” is a no-go. Of course, these revelations were ultimately buried and no one of import was ever prosecuted.

So, to be absolutely clear – Fascist movements are NOT a counterweight to communism, they are controlled opposition to communism.  If you want to join a real opposing movement to cultural marxists and communists, then the only answer is a movement that supports individual liberty and the reduction of government power.  Fascism does not support either.

Beyond general cash flow and technological backing for fascist governments, the globalist ideology is almost identical to fascist models. Mainstream assumptions aside, fascists are not true nationalists, rather, they are ideologues seeking to spread globally — their propaganda base just happens to begin with national pride. As mentioned earlier, globalism is best understood through the lens of Fabian Socialism, and Fabian Socialism is essentially fascism; though fascism tends to add a frontman dictator as a figurehead rather than an open cabal of oligarchs.

Fabian Socialists (globalists) are so fond of fascism that they have in the past presented unabashed defense of the Third Reich. George Bernard Shaw, a celebrity member of the Fabians, is notorious for praising the methods of both the Nazis and Stalin, including the mass murder of undesirables.

The difference between the communist model and the Nazi model? Nazis believed in population control based on genetic origin, while communists believed in population control based on labor potential. Both standards appeal to globalists.

Bottom line — fascists are slaves for globalists, just as communists are slaves for globalists. Both support big government power, both undermine personal freedoms. There is little more than cosmetic differences between them when one knows the true history behind each movement.

The disinformation brigade drumming up the pro-fascist/pro-Hitler dialogue on conservative forums may be part of a funded agenda to demonize liberty movements by false association. Or, it may be an attempt to lure conservatives into thinking the only way to counteract the insanity of the extreme left is to become more like their classic enemy, the fascist. And, perhaps it is simply a gaggle of morons with zero historical reference parroting what they have been hearing in their online echo chambers for years, but now they see an opportunity generated by the fear surrounding the mania of cultural Marxists.

They will seethe in the comments of this article, that is certain. I will be accused of being a “Zionist agent,” with zero proof of course. They will froth at the mouth about how “something must be done” about the cultural marxists as if our only other choice is to adopt even more egregious methods.  They will gather a dozen of their friends from their favorite online haunts and “mob up” to flood forums with angry discord to make it appear that there are more of them out there than really exist (much like social justice warriors do), but it is unlikely they will produce any hard evidence countering anything I have presented here. Their opinions might be loud, but they are also irrelevant.

My concern is that there is something larger afoot. That maybe, just maybe, the conservative right is being tenderized in preparation for radicalization, just as much as the left has been radicalized. For the more extreme the social divide, the more likely chaos and crisis will erupt, and the globalists never let a good crisis go to waste. Zealots, regardless of their claimed moral authority, are almost always wrong in history. Conservatives cannot afford to be wrong in this era. We cannot afford zealotry.  We cannot afford biases and mistakes; the future of individual liberty depends on our ability to remain objective, vigilant and steadfast. Without self examination, we will lose everything.


This article was republished from Alt-Market.com.

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Guess Who Concocted the War on Terror Doctrine Before 9/11?

Guess Who Concocted the War on Terror Doctrine Before 9/11? | war-on-terror | 911 Truth Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News War Propaganda World News

The War on Terror is a concoction to manipulate you out of your rights and allow an endless war against a faceless enemy.

War on Terror has become a catchcry phrase after the biggest of all false flag operations, September 11th. While it’s true that 9/11 became the pretext for the War on Terror™, and catapulted the doctrine from an idea to official US policy (and a preeminent Western ideology going into the 21st century), the idea didn’t originate with the George W. Bush Administration. The origins of the phrase War on Terror can actually be traced back to around 1979 and to another infamous New World Order agenda-pusher by the name of Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of Israel. The War on Terror™ has become such a hackneyed phrase that it’s worthy of being trademarked and corporatized, if the Military Industrial Complex hasn’t done so already. Think of how much carnage, death and destruction have been wrought in the name of fighting the War on Terror™ and its various offshoots such as Radical Islamic Terrorism™ – millions of people killed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Palestine and more – and there’s no sign of it stopping. The War on Terror™ is the ultimate abstract endless war against a nebulous faceless enemy. It’s not going to stop until enough people see through the deception.

Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Inventor of the War on Terror

Netanyahu is more than just an Israeli politician. Netanyahu’s father, Benzion Netanyahu, was a leader of Revisionist Zionism, a colonialist, aggressive, xenophobic and expansionist form of Israeli nationalism founded by Ze’ev Jabotinsky in the early part of the 20th century. Netanyahu was already talking about terrorism in 1979 when he wrote his book International Terrorism: Challenge and Response that year. He wrote another book on terrorism in 1995, a major work entitled Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorism. The book explains all sorts of themes that have now become public knowledge and household terms and ideas: terrorism, radical Islamic suicide attacks and Iran pursuing a nuclear program. He repeatedly uses the phrase “Weapons of Mass Annihilation” throughout the book – now you know where the term “WMD” (Weapons of Mass Destruction) originated from! Netanyahu is not a prophet but rather a driver of these agendas. Using the immense power of Zionism, Jewish lobbies in America and the Jewish international banking cabal, he persuaded the US to align itself with Israel and view Islam as the next great enemy.

Netanyahu’s Pre-9/11 Speech

According to this source, Netanyahu made a speech in Israel at the Jewish Agency Assembly Plenary meeting held in Israel on June 24th, 2001 (2-3 months before 9/11) where he made these points:

“1. The Palestinians are to blame for the conflict in the Middle East, and specifically Yasser Arafat.

2. It is legitimate for established states to engage in wars, because the societies are imperfect.

3. Palestinians are not waging a legitimate war (like established states using regular armies) and are terrorists.

4. The Palestinian terrorists deliberately attack civilians.

5. The Israelis are responding in self-defense.

6. When the Israelis respond, they respond against combatants.

7. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority are committed to the destruction of the State of Israel.

8. Arafat and the Palestinian Authority are using the illegitimate and criminal means of terrorism.

9. The Palestinian are wrong and the Israelis are right.

10. Terrorism invariably comes from terrorist regimes.

11. Terror is useful, only if the cost of waging terrorism, the cost of that regime is lower than the benefits of waging terrorism.

12. To stop terrorism, one must make the terrorist regime pay very very heavily.

13. The root core of the Middle East conflict is the existential opposition by a great many in the Arab world still, and certainly by the Palestinian leadership to Israel’s very existence.

14. The first way of ensuring Israel’s existence is that the Arabs simply understand that Israel is so powerful, so permanent, so unconquerable in every way that they will simply abandon by the force of the inertia of Israel’s permanence all opposition to Israel.

15. The second way [of ensuring Israel’s existence] is for the forces of democratization get to the Arab regimes.

16. Using propaganda techniques, like broadcasting American television serials (which Netanyahu sees as subversive material) will ultimately bring down regimes like the Ayatola regime and the Khoumeni regime in Iran.

17. In the 21st century, you cannot achieve a military victory unless you achieve a political victory to accompany it; and you cannot achieve a political victory unless you achieve a victory in public opinion; and you cannot achieve a victory in public opinion unless you persuade that public that your cause is just.

18. It doesn’t make any difference if you are on the side of the angels or on the side of the devil. Anyone fighting in the international arena for public opinion must argue the justice of his cause. Hitler argued for the justice of his cause and Stalin argued for the justice of his cause. They all had propaganda machines. Whether you are right or you are wrong you must argue the justice of your cause.”

Note how he was already setting up a distinction between “legitimate” war and “illegitimate” war, thus trying to provide a legal and moral justification for war (which is legalized violence and mass murder) that would be initiated by Israel, the US and allies in the years to come against the Palestinians and other Muslim-majority nations. He made the point that states using regular armies can engage in legitimate war, but not loose bands of fighters which he brands terrorists.

Guess Who Concocted the War on Terror Doctrine Before 9/11? | netanyahu-terrorists-gaza | 911 Truth Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News War Propaganda World News

Dubya Enshrines the War on Terror as Official US Policy and Ideology

Soon thereafter, George W. Bush declared the Netanyahu doctrine of War on Terror as official US policy on September 20th, 2001:

“We will pursue nations that provide aid or safe haven to terrorism. Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime … the civilized world is rallying to America’s side. They understand that if this terror goes unpunished, their own cities, their own citizens may be next. Terror, unanswered, can not only bring down buildings, it can threaten the stability of legitimate governments.”

This speech included the famous “you’re either with us or with the terrorists” ultimatum, a manipulative way to force other nations to take sides and to make a complex issue black and white. It also echoed Netanyahu’s concept of “legitimate” nations, “legitimate” war and “legitimate” government. In this way, the US tried to claim the moral high ground and granted itself the tyrannical power of being able to list any individual or group as “terrorists” and justify killing them them on those grounds, as well as branding any nation as a ”terrorist haven” and justify invading them on those grounds – both in stark violation of international law.

Guess Who Concocted the War on Terror Doctrine Before 9/11? | netanyahu | 911 Truth Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News War Propaganda World News

Netanyahu’s Post 9/11 Speech

It wasn’t long before Netanyahu expanded this now official War on Terror doctrine to include Israel. Netanyahu now expanded upon the childish “Us” vs. “Them” demarcation set up by Dubya to make it “US, Israel and the civilized democracies of the world” vs. “Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and other Arab and Muslim dictatorships of the world.” Here are the main points of his speech on April 10th, 2002 in front of the US Senate, from the same source:

“1. The American victory against terror in Afghanistan is only the first step in dismantling the global terrorist network. The other terrorist regimes must now be rapidly dealt with in similar fashion.

2. Israel, a democratic government that is defending itself against terror should not be equated with the Palestinian dictatorship that is perpetrating it.

3. Israel should not be asked to stop fighting terror and return to a negotiating table with a regime that is committed to the destruction of the Jewish State and openly embraces terror.

4. Israel has the right to defend itself.

5. The government of Israel must fight not only to defend its people, restore a dangerously eroded deterrence and secure the Jewish State, but also to ensure that the free world wins the war against terror in this pivotal arena in the heart of the Middle East.

6. Israel must dismantle Arafat’s terrorist regime and expel Arafat from the region.

7. Israel must clean out terrorists, weapons, and explosives from all Palestinian controlled areas.

8. Israel must establish physical barriers separating the main Palestinian population centers from Israeli towns and cities to prevent any residual terrorists from reaching Israel.

9. There can never be a political solution for terror. The grievance of terrorists can never be redressed through diplomacy. That will only encourage more terror. Yasser Arafat’s terrorist regime must be toppled, not courted. The Oslo agreements are dead. Yasser Arafat killed them.

10. A political process can only begin when this terrorist regime is dismantled.

11. The urgent need to topple Saddam is paramount. The commitment of America and Britain to dismantle this terrorist dictatorship before it obtains nuclear weapons deserves the unconditional support of all sane governments.

12. America must show that it will not heed the international call to stop Israel from exercising its right to defend itself. If America compromises its principles and joins in the chorus of those who demand that Israel disengage, the war on terror will be undermined.

13. For if the world begins to believe that America may deviate from its principles, terrorist regimes that might have otherwise been deterred will not be deterred. Those that might have crumbled under the weight of American resolve will not crumble. As a result, winning the war will prove far more difficult, perhaps impossible.

14. To assure that the evil of terrorism does not reemerge a decade or two from now, we must not merely uproot terror, but also plant the seeds of freedom.

15. It is imperative that once the terrorist regimes in the Middle East are swept away, the free world, led by America, must begin to build democracy in their place.

16. We simply can no longer afford to allow this region to remain cloistered by a fanatic militancy. We must let the winds of freedom and independence finally penetrate the one region in the world that clings to unreformed tyranny.”

Some key themes are introduced here, which those who follow Middle Eastern and Zionist affairs will notice. Firstly, Netanyahu pushes for the US to invade Iraq, a wish was fulfilled a short time later. Secondly, Netanyahu pushes back against calls for Israel to stop its harsh and barbaric treatment of the Palestinians, by simply declaring that Israel has a right to defend itself – even if Israel attacks first and uses missiles and bombs against Palestinian Arabs who throws sticks and stones at it. Thirdly, diplomacy doesn’t work with terrorists so Israel must keep fighting and killing its enemies (note the dehumanization that comes along with the word terrorist and the big lie that there’s no point talking or negotiating). Lastly, Netanyahu even promotes the idea of US seeding “democracy” (which has always been a big con – see US infiltration through NGOs) in other nations after the invasions – i.e. more permanent US occupation and military bases abroad, which only serve to expand the US (NWO) Empire! Time for the world to learn that when America or its allies say “democracy”, it’s a codeword for forced regime change.

The War on Terror is an Israeli War Strategy

If you are thinking that the term and concept itself of “War on Terror” has all the hallmarks of a New World Order scheme, you’re right. This article by Christopher Bollyn provides further background:

“The War on Terror is essentially an Israeli war strategy. It was first promoted on the world stage by Benjamin Netanyahu and Menachem Begin (of the terrorist Likud party) at the Jerusalem Conference hosted by the Netanyahu Institute in July 1979.

According to the War on Terror doctrine advocated by Netanyahu, “Islamic terrorists” attack Israel because it is a Western state with Western values. The West, Netanyahu says, is the real target so the U.S. must lead the West in waging a global War on Terror to destroy Islamic terrorists and the regimes that support them. This is exactly what the United States has done since 9/11, at incredible expense to its own population, leaving a trail of devastated nations in its wake.”

The War on Terror has been used by Israel to bring in the US (and the West) to help destroy Israel’s enemies by branding them as terrorists. The Zionist State has been fundamental in the creation of fake Islamic terrorism (Zio-Islamic Terrorism™) and in the manufacturing of scary enemies (al Qaeda, Daesh/ISIS, etc.) to serve as an excuse to target sovereign Arab and Muslim-majority nations surrounding them. Needless to say, the Zionist-controlled MSM has dutifully played its part by selling the fraudulent War on Terror to a largely unsuspecting public.

Final Thoughts

The War on Terror is an all-encompassing concept with which the NWO is expanding its Empire across the world. It’s a war that can never end. It’s a war whose success or failure can never be measured. It’s a war that leaders can always invoke to justify more money, power and regulation. 16 years on, have enough people woken up to the propaganda in order to break its spell?






The post Guess Who Concocted the War on Terror Doctrine Before 9/11? appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

Fake Pharma — The Ghosts in a Very Big Machine


Fake Pharma — The Ghosts in a Very Big Machine | pills-money-big-pharma-profits | General Health Medical & Health Propaganda Science & Technology Sleuth Journal Special Interests

Story at-a-glance

  • News outlet STAT published an op-ed piece praising pharma sales reps, but didn’t disclose that its supposed author had received more than $300,000 from drug companies in recent years
  • Further investigation revealed the article was ghostwritten at the behest of the Alliance for Patient Access (AfPA), a group that receives money from close to 30 drug companies
  • Washington D.C.-based PR firm Keybridge Communications was also involved, and it’s becoming increasingly common for drugs companies to hire PR firms to spin out industry friendly propaganda disguised as independent or expert opinions


Another media outlet has been caught promoting the interests of Big Pharma under the guise of real news. This time, somewhat surprisingly, it was news outlet STAT, which otherwise has a solid reputation in reporting science and health news. The story was titled, “How Pharma Sales Reps Help Me Be a More Up-to-Date Doctor,” written, supposedly, by Dr. Robert Yapundich, an experienced neurologist. You can see where this is going.

The article praised drug reps for providing vital information to doctors. And why wouldn’t it offer such praise? Yapundich has received more than $300,000 from drug companies in recent years, a fact pointed out by numerous Twitter users and readers in the article’s comments section, who suggested the obvious conflict of interest ought to be disclosed.1 The problem was, it wasn’t, at least not at first.

The article remained untouched for at least four days, during which other commenters pointed out more problems, like the fact that Yapundich said he’d not heard of a drug (Nuplazid) until he had lunch with a drug rep, yet, it turns out, he was previously paid for consulting services regarding the same drug.2 Commenters soon started calling on STAT to disclose the ties, fix the seemingly false statement or retract the article. STAT chose the latter.

STAT Retracts Ghost-Written Piece

The controversial article now contains an editor’s note stating that it was retracted because “it did not meet our standards,” continuing:3

“As a matter of policy, we ask all our contributors to disclose payments from industry and other possible conflicts of interest. In this case, the author disclosed no conflicts other than his affiliation with an organization that supports expanding manufacturers’ ability to discuss off-label uses of drugs.

In response to reader questions, we contacted Yapundich and he told us he had received more than $300,000 in recent years from pharmaceutical companies, including one he mentioned in the article.

He also acknowledged that his organization was funded in part by pharmaceutical companies. We disclosed that information at the bottom of the article … We also asked Yapundich to address reader questions about the veracity of the central anecdote in the piece. He said the anecdote was accurate as written.

But Yapundich later told HealthNewsReview that the anecdote was not, in fact, accurate. After that interview was posted … we contacted Yapundich again and he conceded to STAT that the anecdote was inaccurate. We then retracted the article.”

The organizational affiliation that STAT speaks of is the Alliance for Patient Access (AfPA), a group that receives money from close to 30 drug companies; Yapundich sits on the board. Kevin Lomangino, managing editor for HealthNewsReview, reported that, when he spoke with Yapundich, he said the article was AfPA’s idea and was written by a ghostwriter.

Yapundich then made some changes and edits to the article prior to it being published by STAT. Reportedly, when he asked his contact at the AfPA what he needed to do in terms of conflict of interest disclosures, the person wrote, “Hold on financial info. Hopefully only needed for AfPA and not for you individually.”4

HealthNewsReview then revealed another layer to the story, which is that Yapundich was working in some capacity with Washington D.C.-based PR firm Keybridge Communications, who says their goal is to “brand thought leaders.” It’s unclear who was paying for their services, as well as who was ultimately responsible for the lack of financial disclosure in the article. “It seems that wherever the op-ed originated,” Lomangino wrote, “it received careful attention from PR messaging pros before it ever reached Yapundich’s desk.”5

‘Ghost-Written Puff Pieces From PR Companies’ Passed Off as Op-Eds

“While authors of op-eds may get more latitude than they would in a straight news piece, the boundaries shouldn’t be so wide as to include ghost-written puff pieces from PR companies,” Lomangino wrote. Industrial ghost writers first became popular when tobacco executives hired them to spin positive press about cigarettes and secondhand smoke, published in the name of various scientists, according to New York University journalism professor Charles Seife.

“Since then, ghostwriters employed by parts of the pharmaceutical industry have been busily tobacconizing the scientific literature. Gaze into the depths of PubMed for long enough, and they will materialize before your eyes, promoting Wyeth’s Prempro, Merck’s Vioxx, and Pfizer’s Neurontin, just to name a few,” Seife says.6

Even Monsanto has gotten into the mix, with glyphosate articles ghostwritten by Monsanto’s toxicology manager published using names of academic researchers, and the practice is well-known among peer-reviewed journals. For medical journals, ghostwriting usually refers to writers sponsored by a drug or medical device company, who make major but uncredited research or writing contributions.

The pharmaceutical company hires a medical education and communications company, which is a company paid almost exclusively by pharmaceutical companies to write articles, reviews and letters to editors of medical journals in order to cast their products in a favorable light. One cross-sectional survey found that more than 20 percent of articles published in six leading medical journals during 2008 were likely written by honorary and/or ghostwriters.7

With the STAT piece, however, we’re now seeing that industrial ghostwriting has come to the mainstream media, allowing corporate interests to spread their propaganda over an even wider audience. Seife continued that many news outlets, including STAT, are aware that some of their opinion pieces are ghostwritten, but when the ghost-writers are being sponsored by powerful people with powerful agendas, that’s where the problems begin:8

“Many opinion sections have a grudging acceptance of some degree of ghostwriting in their pages; after all, high officials and A-list celebrities have entire staffs hired to meticulously shape each public utterance.

But even if you accept that kind of ghostwriting, the industrial version of ghosting is an entirely different beast. Instead of putting the words of an unknown in the mouths of the powerful, it does just the opposite — it disseminates the words of the powerful by putting them in the mouth of the unknown.

Indeed, in this case, it used the trusted institution of a friendly doctor to spread the gospel of the pharmaceutical industry. It’s not the sheep in wolf’s clothing that’s to be feared, but the reverse … It may be a losing battle; the wealthy industries using these tactics are adept at harnessing the forces of capitalism to defeat any attempt at transparency. After all, it’s nigh impossible to see who’s really pulling the strings when the invisible hand gets involved.”

Another STAT Blunder: Patient Praising TV Drug Ads Connected to Drug Company

Yapundich’s now-retracted piece wasn’t the first time STAT published an op-ed without disclosing the author’s true affiliations. In 2016, an op-ed titled, “You Can Complain About TV Drug Ads. They May Have Saved My Life,” was featured, written by patient Deborah Clark Dushane. Suffering from chronic hepatitis C, Dushane wrote that drug ads on television prompted her to ask her doctor about new drugs to treat the disease, which “cured” her.

“I strongly believe that if I hadn’t seen TV ads about chronic hepatitis C and new drugs to treat it, I wouldn’t have done anything to protect myself against it. Those commercials raised my awareness of the disease and gave me the courage to try again to beat it. I’m sure I’m not the only person they have helped,” Dushane wrote in the STAT piece.9

Again, reporting by HealthNewsReview revealed that the author wasn’t operating totally independently. A PR firm for Gilead, a drug company that manufacturers drugs to treat hepatitis C, contacted Dushane and asked her to write the piece. The positive press was intended to offset another STAT article that had recently been published, outing the “$100 million ad blitz for a $1,100-a-pill drug for hepatitis C.”10

Dushane wasn’t paid to write the piece, but Gilead flew her to California to learn more about the company and its products, after which she appeared on local TV stations to talk about the drug. Dushane was coached by Gilead’s PR people on what message to relay in the article and on TV.

STAT added an updated disclosure to the article on September 13, 2017, after HealthNewsReview brought the conflict to their attention. Seife, meanwhile, described Dushane’s role as a sock puppet for the industry11 while HealthNewsReview quoted Dr. Carl Elliott, a professor at the University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics and an affiliate faculty member in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications:12

“Of course this is wrong, and it’s wrong because it’s deceptive. I think the editors need to explain just what their policy is about corporate influence on the editorials they publish … Do they permit editorials that are completely ghosted by pharma? By a PR company working for pharma? What if the author wrote it himself or herself, but was paid to do it by pharma or a PR company?

What if the author wasn’t paid directly to write the editorial, but was coached what to write and got other benefits from a company? All of these scenarios seem disturbing to me, and I’d like to know if they are disturbing to the STAT editors too.”

Drug Company Faked Cancer Diagnoses in Patients to Sell More Opioids

A federal indictment and congressional investigation by Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill allege that Insys Therapeutics concocted a fraudulent scheme to sell more of Subsys, an expensive, highly addictive, sprayable form of fentanyl.13 Prior authorization was required from insurance companies before the drug could be prescribed by doctors, and a diagnosis of cancer was a requirement for prescription clearance.

Insys wanted to make it easier for patients to get the drug, even if they didn’t have cancer, so they had their own employees to talk to patients’ insurance companies, pretending they were working with their doctors. According to CNN, “The Senate report documented how beginning in 2014, when someone needed to obtain prior approval for a Subsys prescription, it was actually an Insys employee who called the insurer and its affiliates to persuade them.”14

The insurance companies would ask whether the patients had “breakthrough” pain caused by cancer. CNN reported, “Insys got around this by finding calculated ways for its employees to create the impression on the phone calls that the answer was yes, they did have cancer, without explicitly saying so, according to the report.” 15

Further, six former Insys executives were charged in 2016 with fraud and racketeering charges, alleging they paid kickbacks to bribe doctors to prescribe Subsys and defraud insurance companies. Another former Insys manager pleaded guilty to charges that she taught salespeople how to entice doctors with money, chocolate or spending time with them, and to look for “money hungry” doctors willing to “play ball.”16

Drug Reps Target ‘Thought Leaders’

Drug companies have long tried to influence doctors’ prescribing habits by giving them gifts, vacations, fancy dinners and the like. This practice has since become frowned upon, but paying them for research activities, speaking and other “consulting” gigs continues. In fact, it’s interesting that PR firm Keybridge Communications used the phrase “branding thought leaders,” because drug reps use this tactic too.

Speaking to NPR, pharmaceutical rep Mathew Webb said asking doctors to become speakers was a surefire way to get them to write more prescriptions. In particular, calling them “thought leaders” apparently has “incredible psychological power,” he said, continuing, “When you do say ‘thought leader’ I think it’s a huge ego boost for the physicians. It’s like a feather in their cap. They get a lot from it.”17

While doctors may think they’re being recruited because of their qualifications or know-how, former drug rep turned whistle-blower Angie Maher told NPR, “I think nowadays a thought leader is defined as a physician with a large patient population who can write a lot of pharmaceutical drugs. Period.”

Webb said that after paying a high-prescribing doctor $1,500 to speak, he might write an additional $100,000 to $200,000 worth of prescriptions for the company’s drugs. They know because they purchase data about each physician’s prescribing habits from companies like IMS Health, ensuring they get a good return on their investment.18

Is Your Doctor Being Bribed by Drug Companies?

What can you take away from the knowledge that Big Pharma’s ties run deep, perhaps to your local newspaper’s opinion pieces or even to your own doctor? It’s important to take what you read with a grain of salt, and do your own research if an “independent” source reeks of conflict of interest. This applies not only to what you read in the media but also what you hear from your doctor.

Drug companies have long tried to influence doctors’ prescribing habits, however it hasn’t always been possible to find out what gifts your own doctor might be accepting. The Physician Payments Sunshine Act, which is part of the Affordable Care Act, went into effect in 2013.

For the first time, the Act required drug and medical device makers to collect and disclose any payments of more than $10 made to physicians and teaching hospitals. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is in charge of implementing the Sunshine Act, which it has done via its Open Payments Program.19 You can easily search the site OpenPaymentsData.CMS.gov to find out what (if any) payments your doctor has received, along with the nature of the payments.

ProPublica’s Dollars for Docs website is another great tool you can use to search for general payments (excluding research and ownership interests) made to doctors from August 2013 to December 2015.20 If you don’t like what you see, you can take the steps necessary to put your health care in the hands of someone with your best interests — not Big Pharma’s — at heart.

The post Fake Pharma — The Ghosts in a Very Big Machine appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

Puerto Rico Mayor Hoax: Hurricane Relief (VIDEO)


Puerto Rico Mayor Hoax: Hurricane Relief (VIDEO) | puerto-rico | Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests World News


By: Barry Soetoro

In Puerto Rico, is San Juan’s mayor really blocking hurricane relief?

Standing next to food supplies, Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz attacks Trump — for failing to help Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria.

Why isn’t she handing out supplies — and why is Mayor Cruz wearing a custom T-Shirt?

Yes, the hurricane was real — but is Mayor Cruz running a Hoax?

Puerto Rico got destroyed by Hurricane Maria. But Mayor Carmen Cruz is accused of BLOCKING supplies from dying locals — while she blames Trump?

Meanwhile, a “cop” in Puerto Rico telephones an NYC radio station crying about Communism and begging the US Military to take over Puerto Rico.

Is this a real humanitarian crisis, made worse by corrupt Puerto Rico politicians? Or is this a ruse to make Puerto Rico the 51st State?

After all, if Puerto Ricans are getting abused/starved by their own leaders, doesn’t the US Government need to take over “for the good of humanity?”

Every few years, the Regime tries to make Puerto Rico the 51st State. This would mean millions of new Democrat voters in US elections.

Is that the goal of this “no supplies” scam? American Statehood for Puerto Rico, as State number 51?


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Everything Is Fake: Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World – Part 1

Everything Is Fake: Top 40 Pieces Of Fakery In Our World – Part 1 | truth | Mainstream Media Propaganda Sleuth Journal Society Special Interests US News

Everything is fake is our world, from media to medicine to food to water. Once you recognize this, you can begin to seek and find what is real.

Everything is fake in our society today – or at least a great many things are. Our world is filled with an extraordinary amount of lies, deception, disinformation, misinformation, fakery, fraud, facades, mirages, propaganda and brainwashing. The good thing though is that once you awaken to the deception, you can use it as a tool for raising your consciousness. The idea that virtually everything is fake can be empowering rather than depressing. Sure, we’ve all felt overwhelmed, sad, angry and impotent at times when we’ve seen just how easily our (mis)leaders can fool the masses with sophistry and empty rhetoric, but they’ve all been placed there to challenge us to wake up more quickly and fully, and reclaim our world.

Here’s my list of the top 40 pieces of fakery in our world today:

1. Fake News

Let’s begin with the MSM (Mainstream Media), better called the lamestream media, and their “news”, which is essentially corporate infotainment. The MSM waters down the news and makes it entertaining to further distract people from things of real significance. There is nothing balanced, impartial or fair about MSM news. In the US, Australia and many other Western nations, the news is dominated by a handful of for-profit corporations who are legally bound to provide a return on investment to their shareholders. This means running “news” pieces which either promote the agenda of the corporate owners (especially the military agenda) or censoring stories which would hurt political allies and advertisers (like Big Pharma, who is the biggest contributor of funds for advertising on MSM according to former US Senator Robert Kennedy Jr.).

Additionally, the news is literally fake – remember the CNN green screen stunt where they pretended they were being bombed in Saudi Arabia but were really in a studio? What about lying news anchos like Brian Williams and Bill O’Reilly (Bill O’Leilly)?

2. Fake Journalism

Alongside fake news, of course, comes equally fake journalism. MSM journalists today are not the true investigative reporters of yore. There are exceptions such as journalists who used to work for the MSM Big 6 and are now working independently (either leaving of their own volition or having been fired) such as Ben Swann and Sharyl Attkisson. However, they are few and far between. Most journalists function as little more than parrots repeating the corporate party line, and are too scared to rock the boat for fear of losing their jobs. The White House strictly controls who has “access” to the President and other officials. In general, if you want more access, you have to toe the line and ask easy, softball questions that make politicians look good. Additionally, the Government admitted it made video news releases or prepackaged news for the MSM, which then broadcast these releases as “news” without disclosing to its viewers that the pieces were premade by the Government!

3. Fake Entertainment

On the topic of media, let’s turn our attention to Hollywood and the entertainment industry. If you’re looking for fakery and superficiality, look no further, because Hollywood and certain parts of southern California are about as shallow as it gets. The dominating culture there dictates that it’s more important what you look like than who you are; more important who you hang out with (and are seen with) than what you know; and more important how big your Botox lips or silicone breasts are than how big your heart is; and more important what you own and what’s in your bank account than what gifts you’ve given to the world.

Hollywood’s film and music industries are imbued with Satanism. This is easily seen with its influence on heavy metal, rock, hip hop and these days even pop (take a look at the Illuminati symbology in the music and videos of Madonna or Katy Perry). Actresses such as Rosanne Barr and many other Hollywood insiders have exposed how mind control, prostitution (turning up-and-coming stars into prostitutes or forcing them to have sex to “make” it) and pedophilia are rife throughout Hollywood. Michael Jackson suffered from mind control and attempted to tell the world before he was killed. Many others such as Mariah Carey and Britney Spears show obvious signs of mind control.

4. Fake Corporate PR and Advertising

Another aspect of visual media (TV) that makes you sick are these generic “we care” fake feel-good commercials made by slick marketing departments of the corporatocracy, trying to get you to associate them with happiness, caring, giving, equality or any other value they choose from a list. They use marketing as a kind of weaponized psychology. Did you ever wonder why Big Pharma always shows beautiful models, happy retired people, bouncing dogs or smiling babies to peddle its poisonous, side-effect laden drugs? Corporations are soulless entities and legal persons – the epitome of fakery in many ways since they are fake persons with the rights of people and the responsibilities of none.

5. Fake Medicine

Big Pharma is the force behind Western Medicine, and Rockefeller is the force behind both of them. With its smorgasbord of synthetic drugs, vaccines, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, Western medicine or allopathy has earned the dubious honor of killing hundreds of thousands of people every year. A 2000 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield, MD, found that allopathy kills 225,000 per year in the US, while a 2003 study by Dr. Gary Null, MD and others, found that allopathy kills 783,000 per year in the US. Starfield concluded that Western Medicine in America causes:

– 12,000 deaths from unnecessary surgeries;

– 7,000 deaths from medication errors in hospitals;

– 20,000 deaths from other errors in hospitals;

– 80,000 deaths from infections acquired in hospitals; and

– 106,000 deaths from FDA-approved correctly prescribed medicines.

Null et al concluded that Western Medicine causes:

– 37,136 deaths from unnecessary procedures;

– 32,000 deaths related to surgery;

– 98,000 deaths from medical error;

– 115,000 deaths from bedsores;

– 88,000 deaths from infection;

– 108,800 deaths from malnutrition;

– 199,000 deaths related to outpatients; and

– 106,000 deaths from adverse drug reactions.

Now, with its antibiotic drugs becoming more useless in the face of rising super bugs, you have to really question whether an entire medical system that is based on masking symptoms, “managing” illness, and getting patients on a hamster wheel of pill after pill after pill, can really constitute true healing – or whether it’s just more fakery.

6. Fake Scientific Research

Backing the Rockefeller’s Western medical Big Pharma cartel is a massive pile of fake scientific research. Like anything fake, the veneer looks shiny and leads you to believe what lies inside is trustworthy and reputable, when in reality it’s reams of biased and concocted research with a peer-reviewed stamp on it. Former Big Pharma reps, esteemed medical journal editors and even insider governmental scientists have all confessed the shocking truth that a large amount of the published scientific data out there is fraudulent and simply can’t be trusted. Check out the top 10 tricks used by corporate junk science.

7. Fake Acquired Immunity

Another piece of fakery is the idea that vaccine-induced immunity or acquired immunity could possibly be identical to natural immunity, which one receives after having successfully warded off a disease (e.g. like chickenpox). Vaccine proponents even go so far as to insist that the unvaccinated are endangering the vaccinated by not getting their shots (the herd immunity argument) – which defies logic, since if vaccines really worked, there would be no need for the vaccinated to worry about catching anything from the unvaccinated. In my article Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom? I discuss how the human immune system is vastly more complex and sophisticated than we understand, and is made up of specific and non-specific parts. A vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity in many ways, including only engendering a specific response, having a completely different point of entry, not conferring lifelong immunity, etc.

Besides, vaccines are full of toxins and carcinogens, including fetal tissue. The elite have admitted vaccines are being used for depopulation. The real issue is not herd immunity but rather viral shedding, whereby the vaccinated are infecting the unvaccinated. Vaccines are yet another example of supreme fakery in today’s fake world.

8. Fake Food

True immunity is derived from lifestyle and diet, including what quality of exercise, sleep and nutrition you get. This brings us to the topic of food. Our food today has become so processed and packaged, so full of preservatives and plastics, that it has become fake food. It gets churned out of a factory rather than grown on a farm or field. It’s full of artificial flavors and synthetic tastes – some of them even derived from aborted fetal tissue as Pepsi was forced to admit. Some of it is so refined and over-cooked it barely has more nutrition inside of it than a piece of cardboard. When you add the monstrosity of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) into the mix, you get a final product that Dr. Rima Laibow calls “phude” rather than “food”, because the final engineered, processed product is so far removed from what our ancestors knew as real food. By the way, GMOs, in case you hadn’t heard, can lead to organ failure, infertility and cancer, and are genetically modifying you as GM proteins bypass digestion and go directly into your blood (as is their ultimate purpose).

GMOs by their very nature are engineered to withstand massive doses of chemical and hazardous pesticides. GMOs are basically a way for chemical companies like Monsanto and Dow to sell more chemicals, because people need them to grow Big Biotech’s fake food. The WHO recently declared Monsanto’s glyphosate and Dow’s 2-4,D pesticides as probably and possibly carcinogenic, respectively.

9. Fake Water

Just as we have fake food, we also have fake water. Real water is flowing and alive, as you can find in a river or mountain stream. Unfortunately, most of our drinking water today is dead, having passed through 90° right angles in a pipe, having been treated with chlorine and fluoride (both toxins), and containing remnants of antibiotics, glyphosate and Big Pharma drugs. It may do just enough to keep us alive, but it’s not allowing us to thrive.

Water has memory and carries past information, as the pioneering research of Masaru Emoto showed. It absorbs what you are thinking and feeling, and changes its structure accordingly. If we as a society keep using synthetic drugs and flushing them down the waterways, the water will remember that, and future drinkers of it will get the “memory information” of drugs in their system, regardless of whether they actually take pharmaceuticals or not.

Not all water is equal. How beneficial it is depends on how it is structured. It is heartening to see people promoting structured water, which returns the buoyancy to the hydrogen and oxygen atoms making up the water molecule. We are water. Whatever we do to our water we do to ourselves. One way out of the deception and conspiracy is to take control of your water, and find a pure source, or ensure you both filter and structure your water to make it as life-giving as possible.

Everything is fake, and seeing that helps us return to what is real.

This article listed the first 9 of 40. Further parts to follow in this series …




5 Reasons that Corporate Media Coverage is Pro-War

Robert F Kennedy Jr. Says 70% Of News Advertising Revenue Comes From Big Pharma











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Las Vegas False Flag Mass Shooting: Real Casualties and Crisis Actors?

Las Vegas False Flag Mass Shooting: Real Casualties and Crisis Actors? | las-vegas-false-flag-mass-shooting-cnn | False Flags Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

This CNN image of the Las Vegas mass shooting shows people standing very close to the police and even calmly using their cellphones. Why? Image credit: CNN

The Las Vegas false flag mass shooting that occurred on the night of October 1st, 2017, is without doubt another false flag operation. The clues are everywhere, the official narrative is full of holes and the event fits the pattern of the false flag formula we have to come to know. We have another patsy who is a highly unlikely precision killer, we have evidence of multiple shooters, we have foreknowledge and we have no semblance of a motive. We live in such a twisted world that now, when events like these happen in the US, in an attempt to get to the truth we have to truly consider the possibility that the incident may have been a false flag hoax, i.e. a drill with crisis actors, fake ammo and fake blood. However, in this case, I personally know someone I trust who said their daughter’s friends were shot and injured. So: did real people die in this Las Vegas false flag operation? Was it a mixture of real casualties and crisis actors? Let’s take a look at the evidence and you can decide for yourself.

Las Vegas False Flag: Real or Hoax? A Look at the Evidence

Right off the bat, the official narrative is very difficult to swallow for many reasons. It seems impossible for an out-of-shape 64 year old man, with no military training, to kill 59 people and injure 500 from the height and distance he was at in the time he was said to have fired. Many videos have exposed the muzzle flashes that were occurring around the 4th or 5th floor. If the bullets were even real, there were multiple shooters.

However, it is far from proven that there were actually real bullets fired that killed real people. Consider these 3 pieces of eyewitness testimony in this video (embedded above). A man down on the ground claims that:

“Someone has tapped into the sound system. There’s no hits, no hits. It’s the sound system.”

Another person in the same video shouted 3 times:

“They’re not real gunshots.”

A third person states:

“I really don’t see anybody actually injured.”

Someone in the comments below that video claimed they knew someone who died, and linked to this LiveLeak video. However, this video doesn’t definitively prove anyone has died. It shows people who appear to have been hit … including some that bystanders say were hit in the head but are still breathing (is this even possible?). It also shows more of that bright red “blood” that was used during the Boston marathon false flag bombing (see image below).

Las Vegas False Flag Mass Shooting: Real Casualties and Crisis Actors? | las-vegas-false-flag-bright-red-blood | False Flags Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Bright red “blood” from the Las Vegas false flag mass shooting. Real or fake? Image credit: LiveLeak

Where There’s No Smoke, There’s … No Fire

If the patsy Stephen Paddock really had discharged his AR-15 rifle for 10+ minutes as we were told, there would have been plumes of smoke emanating from the window from which he was firing … yet in the multiple videos of the event, there was no smoke. Not even a little. Therefore, how can we seriously entertain the notion that real shots were fired from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel?

How is it that eyewitnesses in this video at the 9-min. mark were able to see where the alleged shots were coming from, but it took the cops (in CCTV-ville Las Vegas) an entire 72 minutes to get to the scene?

Las Vegas False Flag Mass Shooting: Real Casualties and Crisis Actors? | las-vegas-false-flag-mike-cronk | False Flags Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Las Vegas false flag event: alleged eyewitness Mike Cronk.

Crisis Actors Busted

Remember the crisis actors in false flag ops like 9/11 who just knew too much information right after the event had unfolded – information they could not possibly have known were they not plants, being handled by governmental operatives? This guy on 9/11, “Mark Walsh”, is surrounded by the Men in Black as he trots out his story about how he witnessed the whole event and that the towers collapsed “mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense.” Talk about a scripted narrative! Who talks like that? Who talks like that right in the middle of an emotional crisis? The same type of planted actors can be found in the Las Vegas false flag too. This video exposes some of them who appear to have incredibly detailed information about the event that could not possibly have known unless they were reciting a script.

Every false flag shooting or bombing seems to have some key “heroes” who were not only eyewitnesses but also active participants in saving people’s lives. In the case of this Las Vegas false flag op, the MSM have decided to give a lot of air time to a guy we are told is called “Mike Cronk”. Mike apparently saved his buddy “Rob Macintosh”, who, we are told, was shot 3 times in the chest but still survived … and seems to be doing remarkably well in hospital, fully conscious and smiling for the cameras. Amazingly, Cronk didn’t even get any blood on him despite being next to his best friend who got shot in the chest so would have been spurting blood everywhere. This video shows footage of Mike Cronk’s testimony and the “injured” Rob Macintosh who isn’t even hooked up to IV.

Las Vegas False Flag Mass Shooting: Real Casualties and Crisis Actors? | las-vegas-shooting-4chan-user-warned-3-weeks-advance-231017 | False Flags Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Las Vegas false flag mass shooting: this 4chan user knew about it 3+ weeks in advance.

Las Vegas False Flag Foreknowledge

There are at least 2 examples of foreknowledge here. The first is the Hispanic woman who allegedly told everyone that “you’re all gong to fucking die” 45 minutes before the shooting started. The other is the prediction made by an anonymous user on 4chan (see image above). Truthstream Media shone light on the motive, which is not only the predictable gun control agenda, but also the more specific agenda to roll out metal detectors/body scanners throughout American hotels – as a stepping stone to having them virtually everywhere in society, so that wherever you go you will be monitored, radiated and bombarded with personalized advertising as in The Minority Report.

Question everything. Like Sandy Hook and other false flag hoaxes, this Las Vegas false flag op has elements of being a hoax, yet there is also evidence real people were shot. Please post your thoughts and comments.












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Columbus Day Honors a Genocidist



Columbus Day Honors a Genocidist | columbus-day-a-federal-holiday | Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

Columbus Day was commemorated on Monday. The US federal holiday should have been abandoned long ago. It never should have been established in the first place.

The arrival of Columbus in what’s now the Bahamas and Hispaniola was followed by the mass slaughter of around 100 million native people – the most horrific genocide in human history, continuing for 500 years, before and after what’s now America became a nation.

Columbus sought gold, other riches and slaves for Spain. A second voyage followed the first. Native people were slaughtered throughout the Caribbean.

No gold was found, just hundreds of human beings taken captive, those surviving the journey to Spain sold like sheep or goats, treated like vermin.

Arawak people in the Caribbean deserved better. They were friendly and receptive to new arrivals, greeting them with gifts, food and water, making them feel welcome, much like Native Americans, leaving them vulnerable to the viciousness of conquerors – their first exposure to the scourge of Western civilization.

Swords and daggers later were guns, cannons and other weapons against their peaceful way of life, crude weapons used for hunting, not warfare.

Beginning over 500 years ago, horrors never stopped. A serial killer became an American hero.

In Chapter 1 of his People’s History of the United States, the late historian Howard Zinn explained Arawaks “were much like Indians on the mainland, who were remarkable (European observers were to say again and again) for their hospitality, their belief in sharing.”

They “swam out to greet” their arrival. Columbus took “some of them aboard ship as prisoners because he insisted that they guide him to the source of the gold.”

There was none. He hadn’t reached Asia, as he claimed, marveled at the generosity of native people, willing to share anything they had.

His bounty consisted of hundreds of slaves. Others “were hunted down with dogs and killed,” said Zinn.

“Trying to put together an army of resistance, the Arawaks faced Spaniards who had armor, muskets, swords (and) horses.”

“When the Spaniards took prisoners they hanged them or burned them to death. Among the Arawaks, mass suicides began, with cassava poison.”

“Infants were killed to save them from the Spaniards. In two years, through murder, mutilation, or suicide, half of the 250,000 Indians on Haiti were dead.”

Slaves taken to Spain “were worked at a ferocious pace, and died by the thousands.” Columbus arrived in 1492. “By 1550, there were five hundred (left).”

“A report of the year 1650 shows none of the original Arawaks or their descendants” remained – all exterminated or enslaved, those surviving the rigorous voyage. Many perished.

“Total control led to total cruelty. The Spaniards ‘thought nothing of knifing Indians by tens and twenties and of cutting slices off them to test the sharpness of their blades.’ “ Zinn quoted Bartolome de las Las Casas, a priest participating in the conquest of Cuba.

By 1508, “over three million people had perished from war, slavery, and the mines,” he wrote. “Who in future generations will believe this? I myself writing it as a knowledgeable eyewitness can hardly believe it…”

Zinn said “(t)hus (was) the history, five hundred years ago, of the European invasion of the Indian settlements in the Americas.”

By some estimates, eight million human beings perished. “When we read the history books given to children in the United States, it all starts with heroic adventure-there is no bloodshed-and Columbus Day is a celebration.”

High school and higher education provide some hints of the horrors officials in America tried suppressing throughout the country’s history.

Columbus historians providing a glimpse into what happened glossed over the horrors, “bur(ied) them in a mass of other information” considered more important, Zinn explained – telling readers:

“(Y)es, mass murder took place, but it’s not that important. It should weigh very little in our final judgments; it should affect very little what we do in the world.”

This distortion of history tries justifying the unjustifiable. It’s too late to undo what happened. It’s easy to say unspeakable atrocities were a “necessary price to pay for progress,” said Zinn.

History is told “from the point of view of governments, conquerors, diplomats (and) leaders.” No one speaks for victims.

Long ago, belligerents had swords, then rifles and cannons. Today nations have vast armies, supersonic warplanes, ICBMs and thermonuclear bombs able to annihilate millions with a single detonation over a large metropolitan area.

It took 500 years to slaughter 100 million native people in what’s now the Americas. Today it could be done in days with enough WMD detonations.

Humanity has come a long way in honing its killing skills, surviving them given scant attention.

The post Columbus Day Honors a Genocidist appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

Media Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Asking Hard Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting


Media Attacks Republican Candidate For Congress For Asking Hard Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting | Mandalay-Bay-Photo-from-Wikipedia1 | False Flags Mainstream Media Politics Propaganda Special Interests

I didn’t expect that I would be getting “the Trump treatment” this early in the campaign.  Last week, I wrote an article about the Las Vegas shooting that posed 16 questions that I did not feel were being addressed by the mainstream media adequately enough.  That article was picked up by Zero Hedge, and it has now been read more than 1.6 million times.  All along, I have never claimed to know exactly what happened in Las Vegas.  But I feel very strongly that there is nothing wrong with asking questions.  In the old days, that is what real journalists would actually do.  Unfortunately, the art of critical thinking has almost entirely disappeared from the field of journalism, and so it is up to us in the alternative media to ask the hard questions that “professional journalists” used to pursue.

The emails have been pouring in from many others that also have serious questions about what happened in Las Vegas, but according to the Idaho Statesman, it was improper for me to ever raise any of these questions at all…

A Republican candidate for Idaho’s District 1 Congressional seat has drawn attention and criticism after promoting several unfounded theories on his blog about the Las Vegas shooting that left 59 dead and more than 500 injured on Sunday night.

Michael Snyder, a conservative author who lives in Bonners Ferry, posted a entry on his blog “The Economic Collapse” on Tuesday posing “16 unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooting that the mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about.” He has also posted two entries about the shooter, claiming he may have been an anti-Trump activist with ties to antifacist organizations, among other claims.

Following that article in the Statesman, I received several hateful emails about my article on the Las Vegas shooting.  For example, one individual called me “a nut” that needs “help”…

You’re a nut. Not the good kind. Get help.

Another email suggested that I should do anything else rather than run for public office…

You are obviously completely insane.

Please don’t run for any public office.

Go apply to be a manager at AppleBee’s. Go work as an assistant manager at a Tire Depot.

Do anything. But please don’t ever run for any kind of public office or put any more of your nonsense in the universe. It’s not helping anyone or anything.

And in yet another email, I was told that I am not wanted in Idaho…

You are too ******* crazy even for northern Idaho.

I know that you and your type consider Idaho an easy target, a fat pigeon for your to make an easy way. But you are not wanted here.

Of course the overwhelming majority of the emails that I have been receiving have been extremely supportive.  Like me, most people out there have very serious questions about what happened in Las Vegas, and so many have encouraged me for being courageous enough to ask questions that other politicians would never dare to ask.

At the heart of the Idaho Statesman’s criticism of me was the fact that I suggested that Stephen Paddock may not have acted alone.  And it turns out that Clark Country Sheriff Joseph Lombardo agrees with me.  During a press conference on Wednesday, Lombardo publicly stated that Paddock almost certainly “had to have help at some point”

“You got to make the assumption he had to have help at some point, and we want to insure that’s the answer. Maybe he’s a super guy, super hero–not a hero, super–I won’t use the word. Maybe he’s super — that was working out this out on his own, but it will be hard for me to believe that.”

He also said, “Here’s the reason why, put one and one–two and two together, another residence in Reno with firearms, okay, electronics and everything else associated with larger amounts of ammo, a place in Mesquite, we know he had a girlfriend. Do you think this is all self-facing individual without talking to somebody, it was sequestered amongst himself. Come on focus folks these type of investigations have been occurring in the last few years and we have to investigate that.”

So perhaps my questions are not so “unfounded” after all, eh?

The truth is that the Idaho Statesman owes me an apology.  But I am not expecting one, because they have a very long history of treating conservatives very unfairly.

Of course some of the questions that I posed in my original article have now been answered.  For example, some information about what was in the written note that Paddock left in his room has now been released to the public

A note found in the hotel room of the man who shot into a crowd  from his perch in a Las Vegas high-rise included hand-written calculations about where he needed to aim to maximize his accuracy and kill as many people as possible.

In an interview airing Sunday on “60 Minutes,” three police officers who stormed Stephen Paddock’s hotel room in the Mandalay Bay hotel tell correspondent Bill Whitaker new details about the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. The officers were the first to see Paddock’s body and the arsenal of weapons and ammunition he had stockpiled.

That is part of the process of journalism.  We knew that there was a note, and millions of us wanted to know what was in it, and so I asked the question.

Now we at least have part of the answer, and that is a good thing.

And guess what?  Law enforcement authorities are acknowledging that they still don’t have all of the answers about this case either, and so they are reaching out to the public for help

Baffled police and FBI agents, still lacking a clear motive for the Las Vegas massacre of 58 people by a lone gunman five days ago, appealed to the public on Friday to come forward with any information that might help solve the mystery.

Clark County Undersheriff Kevin McMahill said investigators have, to no avail, run down more than 1,000 leads seeking clues to what drove a 64-year-old wealthy retiree with a penchant for gambling to carry out the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

I greatly applaud law enforcement authorities for reaching out to the public like this.  Perhaps if we all keep asking questions and if we all work together, maybe we can start to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

As for the Idaho Statesman, shame on them for criticizing my search for answers.  If I am fortunate enough to be elected to Congress, I will always ask the hard questions, and I will always work very hard to get answers for the people that I am representing.

Since I am the most conservative candidate in this race, the Idaho Statesman would rather see anyone else win rather than me.  In fact, I think that they would rather see a steaming pile of garbage take this seat rather than me.  So if you would like to help me stick it to the Idaho Statesman, you can contribute to the campaign right here.

When I first entered this race, I was naive enough to actually believe that the mainstream media would not treat me like they do President Trump and other true conservatives.  But the good news is that they would never even be criticizing me at all if we weren’t gaining so much traction with the voters, and next May we are going to shock the entire Idaho political establishment by pulling off a stunning victory.

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How to Succeed in Western Media Without Really Trying


How to Succeed in Western Media Without Really Trying | cultural-media | Mainstream Media Propaganda US News

Most important is loyalty to monied interests, war-profiteers, and the imperial state – serving as their press agents, abandoning fundamental journalistic principles, learning how to lie well, along with leaving honesty and integrity at home when heading for work.

Julian Assange offered his own recommended strategy for success. It’s simple, he said. Blame Russia for everything.

“You can do it” – without really trying.

“1) Pick random globally newsworthy event.

Russian press will also be reporting it by definition.

2) Write story: Russian state secretly behind globally newsworthy event as proved by their press reporting it.

3) Profit!”

Bashing Russia works, the bandwagon effect when everybody does it, following the same script.

Saying it makes it so. Repeating it ad nauseam works best. Lying is simpler than truth-telling – no evidence needed, no sources required.

Citing the usual unnamed ones works fine. Who’ll check? Lying pays well in America and other Western countries, truth-tellers shunted, contradicting the official narrative not tolerated.

Western major media are deplorable, truth-telling a lost art in their publications and broadcasts. The fourth estate, dominated by corporate giants, feature disinformation, fake news and advocacy instead of what legitimate journalism is supposed to be.

It’s shocking how low major media reporting has sunk. It’s biased, sensationalist, irresponsible rubbish, what Project Censored calls “junk food news.”

Major media are in cahoots with other powerful interests, government and private. Free and open societies are threatened when propagandists pose as journalists, letting fiction substitute for facts, stifling the free flow of content, shutting out dissent, working as paid liars, what famed journalist George Seldes called “prostitutes of the press.”

Imperial wars are called liberating ones, humanitarian intervention and responsibility to protect. Civil liberties are suppressed for our own good.

Beneficial social justice is considered heresy. The marketplace works best, we’re told, so let it. Patriotism means going along with what harms our welfare.

Independent journalism is the only legitimate kind, notably digital democracy, threatened by administration efforts to control Internet content.

Facebook, Twitter and other social media are willing accomplices. So are Google and other search engines, censoring and suppressing content, flagrantly violating the most vital of all constitutional rights – media and speech freedom.

During pre-television days, noted journalist and author AJ Liebling once said “(p)eople everywhere confuse what they read in newspapers with news.”

HL Mencken called US journalism “predominantly paltry and worthless. Its pretensions are enormous, but its achievements are insignificant.”

He explained why major media sanitize news, filtering out unwanted content, saying:

“The most dangerous (person) to any government is (anyone) able to think things out for himself (or herself), without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.”

“Almost inevitably (they come) to the conclusion that the government…is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…”

The state of Western media today is too deplorable to fix. Independent sources provide the only reliable news, information and analysis, no others.

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Eyewitnesses Accounts Contradict Media’s LAS VEGAS Narrative! (VIDEO)

Eyewitnesses Accounts Contradict Media’s LAS VEGAS Narrative! (VIDEO) | las-vegas | False Flags Mainstream Media Multimedia Propaganda Sleuth Journal Special Interests US News

LAS VEGAS — A view from inside the venue which hosted the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival where 57 people lost their lives on Oct. 1. (Joe Ward/Street View)

“And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” (Jeremiah 11:9)

I have a couple questions for you to preface this week’s column.

Who is Leon Czolgosz? Who is Charles J. Guiteau?

The answer: Leon Czolgosz was President McKinley’s assassin.

And Charles J. Guiteau is President Garfield’s assassin.

Most people do not know who these men were because at the time, it was for the world to know the facts as to what took place concerning these assassinations.  These were not conspiracies.  They were simply two men who took things into their own hands and committed the act of murder (1 John 3:12).

There were no diversions, no media cover-ups. They were simple cases to solve, as it was reported through eyewitness accounts and easily solved.

Now, let me ask you who was John Wilkes Booth?

Most can speedily answer with “That’s easy, that was President Abraham Lincoln’s killer!”

The same with John F. Kennedy’s assassination, that Lee Harvey Oswald was responsible.

Year after year, new generations are raised up to believe, by the media and lies in textbooks, that John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were solely responsible for the assassinations of these two presidents.  A Gallup poll, for what it’s worth, taken in the U.S., reveals that 61% of the American people still believe that the JFK assassination was a conspiracy while the establishment media is hard at work doing their best to keep the up and coming generation deceived into believing their contrived theories and covering for those who are committing the act of conspiracies.


  1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition or insurrection against the government.

P.S. In this country it is the American people that are the government! Read the preamble to the U.S. Constitution.

Reading of the Declaration of Independence!

As a matter of fact, you will find that for decades in this country, it has been the controlled media who has been demonizing and accusing those of being “conspiracy theorists” or just plain “crazy” when it comes to questioning the narrative that they attempt to set.

Below are Conspiracies that were sold by the controlled media as “conspiracy theories.”

  • The Dreyfus Affair
  • The Mafia
  • Operation Mocking Bird

“Operation Mockingbird,” was a fully implemented CIA program to spread disinformation throughout American media.  CIA Director William Colby testified to the Church Committee that over 400 CIA agents were active in the U.S. media to control what was reported through American mainstream television, newspapers and magazines.

  • Manhattan Project
  • Asbestos
  • Watergate (Was about a pedophile cover-up in government)
  • The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  • Operation Northwoods

In the early 1960s, American military leaders drafted plans to create public support for a war against Cuba, to oust Fidel Castro from power. The plans included committing acts of terrorism in U.S. cities, killing innocent people and U.S. soldiers, blowing up a U.S. ship, assassinating Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees, and hijacking planes. The plans were all approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but were reportedly rejected by the civilian leadership, then kept secret for nearly 40 years.

Ted Gunderson Former FBI Chief – Most Terror Attacks Are Committed By Our CIA And FBI

“It is the function of the CIA to keep the world unstable, and to propagandize and teach the American people to hate, so we will let the Establishment spend any amount of money on arms.” -John Stockwell

  • 1990 Testimony of Nayirah
  • Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists in the 60s
  • The Iran-Contra Affair (drug trafficking was omitted from media coverage)
  • CIA Drug Running in LA
  • Gulf of Tonkin Never Happened
  • The Business Plot
  • July 20, 1944, Conspiracy to Assassinate Hitler
  • Operation Ajax
    Operation Snow White
  • Operation Gladio
    The CIA Assassinates A Lot Of People (Church Committee)
  • The New World Order

In 2002, Rockefeller authored his autobiography Memoirs wherein, on page 405, he wrote:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents … to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

  • Kennedy Assassination – The 2nd Investigation by Congress Few People Know About, United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations(HSCA)
  • 1919 World Series Conspiracy
  • Karen Silkwood
  • CIA Drug Smuggling in Arkansas

  • Bohemian Grove
    Operation Paperclip
  • The Round Table
  • The Illuminati
    The Trilateral Commission
    Big Brother or the Shadow Government
  • The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World (or so they think Isaiah 28:18)
  • The Report From Iron Mountain
  • The Federal Reserve Bank

Now think of that.  The media, in whom 94% of the people do not place any trust, and rightly so, wants you now to believe them when they tell you something that is in stark contrast to what the eyewitnesses have seen with their own eyes concerning the shooting that took place in Las Vegas.

Look at the diversions and inconsistencies that are taking place.

Furthermore, the stupidest and most telling thing that the controlled media has done here is tried to convince Americans to disarm in the face of an alleged mass murderer with a gun.

How stupid do they expect the people to be? (Just look to Hollywood) This is very telling as to the responsible party when you see a concerted effort from corrupt politicians, as well as the corrupt media, to call for gun control.

Hollywood Hypocrites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0VVh7vXiV4&t=2s

Here are some videos and articles for you to see which contradicts the controlled media narrative.

Timeline of the Las Vegas shooter continues to


Incredible Forensic Acoustic Analysis Demonstrates A Second Shooter In Las Vegas

Vegas Survivor says she heard multiple shooters!

Las Vegas Police Radio “Multiple Shooters”

And here you have the media attempting to demonize anyone that questions their propaganda because it does not fit their narrative.

Shooting a Watermelon with Shotgun and tells viewers that it is an AR 15? Not!

Las Vegas Sherriff told “Don’t go there!” by the FBI!

Conspiracies are very real and they continually breed when you let the conspiracy go as a theory. Remember who is telling you it is a theory.  For history shows us, that it is, in fact, the media giving cover to those who are committing the act of conspiracy.

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All Out Warfare On Political Correctness


All Out Warfare On Political Correctness | political-correctness | Free Speech Government Control Politics Propaganda Society

The bastion of Totalitarian Collectivism is based upon a culture of political correctness. Before authoritarians impose their rigid formulas for shaping and defining a false reality, the ground needs to be prepared for molding public opinion. The details and narrative of mind control works best when people have already adopted an urbanity of collective singularity. The nature of “TC” is the next level beyond political correctness.

Peer pressure may be expected during school adolescence but part of growing up requires a level of maturity to distinguish between facts, moral conduct and social values arrived at through sound and rigorous intellectual scrutiny. The primary source of mental malady comes out of media. As the media covers their daily inventions from papier-mâché substance from toilet paper sagas the public sinks deeper into the fog of war. The conflict that pervades the minds of the remaining rational thinkers becomes a struggle for survival.

Analyzing the merits of the dished out information from the media barons, is an experience like being put on the “Strappado Wrack” of political torture. While these media outlets share the spotlight that places the focus on the intended outcome, the strings of propaganda are being pulled by government intervention in the reporting process.

Rarely are the barbs of establishment mass medium used as an attack on the ruling elites. When a lonely threat rises out of the “PC” orthodoxy, the reams of paper used to put down a rabid dog come at no expense. Protecting the appointed order is the purpose behind professing the conformity of compliance.

Eradication of dissent is the supreme use of applying political correctness to the national consciousness. One way or the highway has become stick to your side of the center line or get run off the road. Meaningful political discourse is almost impossible in an environment where socialized purity has become a fatal blood disease. The Sepsis condition caused by an overwhelming immune response to accepting a fictitious version of certainty is a terminal infection.

A glaring example of the beginnings of an upside down world is outlined in Political correctness has replaced British Politics! It is noteworthy that the two primary totalitarian European regimes of the twentieth century were engaged in their own versions of ideology dogma.

So how did it all start? Political Correctness started in a think tank (called The Frankfurt School) in Germany in 1923. The purpose was to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia. Why wasn’t the wonderful idea of communism spreading? Read the short history here, the full history and purpose here or watch a 22 minute documentary here.

The Frankfurt school recommended (amongst other things):

  •  the creation of racism offences
  • continual change to create confusion
  • the teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
  • the undermining of schools and teachers’ authority
  • huge immigration to destroy national identity
  • the promotion of excessive drinking
  • emptying the churches
  • an unreliable legal system with bias against the victim of crime
  • dependency on the state or state benefits
  • control and dumbing down of media
  • encouraging the breakdown of the family

It was no coincidence that the same themes of cultural destruction affect the British Empire after the “so called” victory over fascism. The cultural Marxism that emerged in the post war era has an undisputed record of causing the decline and destruction of Western Civilization.

Missing in the conformist and accepted version of recent history is the role and influence of the tribal architects of de-constructing traditional values and Christian heritage. Admitting the linkage of the war on humanity with the tenants of “Political Correctness” is a crucial step in the bitter struggle to overcome the movement to stamp out the free exchange of knowledge and backdrop of our common bonds.

In a series of videos from Red Ice Creations, entitled Minority Rule: The Rise of Political Correctness is an unfinished documentary directed by the late Byron Jost (A Line in the Sand). The focus of the documentary is the role of the organized Jewish community in creating political correctness. Interviewees include Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Dr. E. Michael Jones, Dr. James Sanchez, and Canadian free speech activist Paul Fromm.

Review the evidence and ask who exactly benefits from the devastating dismantling of our European legacy? A “PC” culture is not compatible with individual freedom or social liberty.

The last fifty years has seen the acceleration of attacks on all aspects of Western thought, morals and political discourse. In a New Yorker essay, Not a Very P.C. Thing to Say, Jonathan Chait is quoted: “The PC movement has assumed a towering presence in the psychic space of politically active people in general and the left in particular.

From the BBC, Anthony Zurcher comments on the substantial danger in allowing a “PC” culture to sack the landscape in, A political correctness war that never really ended.

“Chait defines this new political correctness as mainly an internecine war among liberals, where “more radical members of the left attempt to regulate political discourse by defining opposing views as bigoted and illegitimate”. It is at its heart, he says, illiberal and anti-free speech.

Among the examples he cites of modern-day PC extremism are calls for white males to “check their privilege”; trigger warnings on articles and college curricula; small slights called “microagressions” that, taken together, create a hostile environment for the unempowered; demands for inclusive language for trans-gendered persons; and protests that have prevented controversial lecturers from appearing on university campuses.”

Sincere traditionalists defend free speech, but the war against true American values and a rational way of life was started by the very pseudo intellectuals, who are converts to the sick and demented collectivist handbook written in a Marxist language and implemented by the monolith media and education indoctrination structure.

The natural counter weight to such an endemic perversion can be seen in the Donald Trump phenomena. “PC” is grounded in culture but is realized in economic despotism.

 Donald Trump vs. Davos Man appears in The Economic Populist.

“Trump’s economic policies and theoretical framework challenge the Establishment’s basic operating assumptions to the core. The Establishment economic policy is globalist neoliberalism. They want to decrease the importance of national borders and national sovereignty in order to make the world safer for international finance and commerce, hence their support for mass immigration and sovereignty compromising “free trade” deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Trump’s opposition to “free trade” deals and open borders and unabashed advocacy of economic nationalism directly challenges the Establishment consensus in a way that no other candidate dose. All the major candidates in both parties with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders actually take Establishment neoliberal presumptions for granted.”

Trump, the person is not the issue, but his economic nationalism is at the core in the clash against the “PC” war against civilization. The Radical Reactionary column, Playing the Trump Card for Political Correctnessaddressed the initial reaction to his candidacy. Since that time excitement has transitioned into a movement. The “Silent Majority” that gathered to attend the Mobile, Alabama rally understand that the enemy of the nation is the mindset that talks tolerance, while advocating and promoting the elimination of all that is worth preserving and defending.

Jeff Crouere writes in the Christian Post, Donald Trump Wins in Battle Against Political Correctness.

“America today is replete with cowards who are afraid to “tell it like it is.” Fortunately, one of the rare truth tellers is running for President. Let’s see if the American people want the truth or if they want to maintain their belief in fiction, supported only by politically correct lies.

Today, our problems are so severe, it is time for not only tough talk, but, more importantly, strong action. Political correctness is a very serious affliction that has done incredible damage to our country. It will eventually destroy America if it is not pulled up by the roots and finally eradicated.”

Are you one of those cowards who are so timid to think about, much less, discuss the origins of the “PC” doctrine? Progressive academia is a sewer of tribal censorship. The stakes cannot be higher. The very survival of our society is being shattered by allowing the “PC” proponents from going unchallenged.

The enthusiasm for Trump recognizes leadership and guts. To paraphrase Douglas MacArthur, there is no substitute for results.

For any citizen who has retained even the most modest level of brain cells, you must see the truth in the Trump statement: “You know, this country is so politically correct. Nobody wants to take a stance on anything.”

Now you know this is the prevailing posture for professional politicians, but what about you, your family, neighbors and fellow workers? There is no escape from the combat. The totalitarian collectivists are dedicated to your destruction. You are neither a victim nor a bully, but a target for elimination. Act accordingly at your own peril.

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Fake CIA Documents Linking Iran to Al-Qaeda


Fake CIA Documents Linking Iran to Al-Qaeda | CIA | CIA Government Propaganda World News

Iran fundamentally opposes ISIS, al-Qaeda and other US-created terrorist groups. It’s aiding Syria, Hezbollah and Russia combat them.

The notion of an Iranian/al-Qaeda link is absurd on its face, a CIA scheme to give Trump (fake) ammunition to abandon the JCPOA nuclear deal, along with perhaps a pretext to wage war on the country – implementing longstanding US regime change plans.

CIA spokesman Ryan Trapani said the following:

“Documents collected during the (May 2011) bin Laden raid, which have been declassified, indicate Iran and al-Qaeda have an agreement to not target each other.”

“The documents indicate bin Laden referred to Iran as the ‘main artery’ for al-Qaeda to move funds, personnel and communications.”

Documents released were fake. Claims of “secret dealings” between Iran and al-Qaeda, implying ties to bin Laden, are phony.

Fact: Obama did not kill Osama. He died of natural causes in December 2001 – reported by the New York Times, BBC, Fox News and other major media.

Then-Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said “(t)he truth is that Osama bin Laden is dead.”

David Ray Griffin’s must read book on the topic titled “Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?” explained it best with scholarly accuracy.

Bin Laden was seriously ill from kidney disease and other ailments. In July 2001, he was treated at the American Hospital in Dubai.

On September 10, 2001 (one day before 9/11), CBS News anchor Dan Rather reported his admittance to a Rawalpindi, Pakistan hospital.

He had nothing to do with 9/11. He died and was interred in southeast Afghanistan – a decade before Obama claimed US navy seals and CIA operatives killed him in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Information about his 2001 death was suppressed in reporting Obama’s Big Lie, most Americans none the wiser.

Newly released CIA documents, claiming Iran and al-Qaeda conspired to attack US interests in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region is a colossal hoax.

Al-Qaeda is a US creation, serving its interests as imperial foot soldiers – armed, funded, trained and directed by CIA operatives and US special forces, used for hostilities in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, and anywhere else its fighters are deployed, including against Iran if ordered.

The notion of Tehran supplying al-Qaeda elements with “money, arms (and) training in Hezbollah camps in Lebanon,” as claimed by the CIA, is a Big Lie, vilifying the country unjustly, perhaps ahead of a diabolical US plot against it.

Fact: Nothing from the CIA is credible, operating as a global mafia hit squad. Western media regurgitate state-sponsored disinformation, fake news and Big Lies, pretending reports are credible.

Bin Laden wasn’t in Abbottabad at the time of the high-profile raid. It’s unclear who was, or if any so-called documents were discovered, certainly nothing linking long ago deceased bin Laden to Iran.

When alive, he was an unwitting CIA asset in Afghanistan in the 1980s during Soviet Russia’s occupation, recruited by Pakistani intelligence.

Current al-Qaeda leadership was recruited by CIA operatives, taking orders from Langley and Pentagon commanders, working for US interests, not opposing them, a longstanding enemy of Iran, not an ally as falsely claimed.

According to former CIA analyst Edward Price, what’s going on is a “ploy” similar to what preceded 2003 US aggression on Iraq, Iran now the target.

The notion of an Iranian tie to al-Qaeda is baloney, a sinister fabrication.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif dismissed phony US allegations as an attempt to “whitewash” the truth about America’s responsibility for 9/11 along with its “allies.”

One document quoting bin Laden, saying “(a)nyone who wants to strike America, Iran is ready to support him and help him with their frank and clear rhetoric” is a clear fabrication. – composed by the CIA in Langley, not found in Abbottabad.

It’s unclear if anything significant was found there – also unclear who was killed.

In August 2011, 30 US forces died when their helicopter in Afghanistan went down, 25 casualties from Seal Team Six, involved months earlier in Abbottabad.

A coincidence or sinister US plot to silence them?

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US Hitting ISIS “Ten Times Harder?” A Big Lie!


US Hitting ISIS “Ten Times Harder?” A Big Lie! | donald-trump | Politics Propaganda War Propaganda World News

In response to Tuesday’s violent Manhattan incident, causing multiple deaths and injuries, a possible false flag, Trump lied claiming US forces responded by hitting ISIS “10 times harder,” adding:

“They will pay a big price for every attack on us!” He lied. America created and supports ISIS. It doesn’t strike its imperial foot soldiers.

No know ISIS attacks occurred against Americans – at home or abroad, nor any by other terrorist groups.

None occurred against other NATO countries, Israel, Saudi Arabia or other pro-Western regional rogue states – supporting ISIS and likeminded groups.

US-led terror-bombing in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere supports operations by ISIS and other terrorists, America’s proxy force, massacring civilians and destroying vital infrastructure instead.

In response to Trump’s remarks, Pentagon spokesman Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway lied, saying:

“We have, and we will continue to strike ISIS hard and often, along with Al-Qaeda and other affiliated or likeminded violent extremist organizations wherever they are globally.”

“We are fighting and killing ISIS in operations in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Philippines, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, the Sinai in Egypt and wherever these groups emerge.”

Fact: Just the opposite is going on. US terror-bombing supports ISIS and other terrorists in countries where Washington deploys their fighters.

Manhattan incident suspect Saipov may or may not be “an animal,” as Trump described him.

America’s killing machine is monstrous, raping and destroying one country after another, responsible for countless millions of casualties, intending endless more rampaging worldwide, making the world safe for Western monied interests and their rogue allies, nightmarish for most others.

On Friday, Trump departed for Hawaii, a stopover on his lengthy Asia-Pacific trip, visiting Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines.

North Korea is the key focus, along with US hostility toward China’s growing economic might and influence, as well as its trade advantage.

Possible US war on North Korea has the world community concerned, notably China and Russia, strongly against belligerence on the peninsula.

On Friday, Pyongyang’s Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said US Guam-based B-1B strategic bombers “conducted a nuclear bomb simulated attack drill on major targets in North Korea” near its territory.

“The gravity of the situation” is compounded by three US aircraft carrier strike groups deployed in the Asia-Pacific, conducting joint naval exercises, Pyongyang considers a rehearsal for war on the country, KCNA adding:

“This clearly shows that the US is aggravating the situation on the Korean Peninsula and seeking to spark a nuclear war.”

At a Friday press briefing, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said “(w)e have heard statements to ease the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula and others which escalate tensions.”

“China hopes all parties could act and speak prudently when the situation on the peninsula is fragile and complicated.”

All relevant parties “should make more efforts to enhance mutual trust and ease tensions.”

Perhaps the die is cast, US war plans readied. Reckless remarks from and actions by Washington are eerily similar to the run-up to other American aggressive wars – demonizing an adversary for months, manipulating the public mind, justifying unjustifiable hostilities, media scoundrels going along, repeating state-sponsored propaganda.

War on North Korea would be catastrophic for the peninsula and region. Russia and China could get involved, their security threatened by regional war possibly going nuclear.

America’s military/industrial complex controls Trump, hawkish neocons in charge, escalating ongoing wars, deciding what nations to be attacked next – North Korea and Iran prime targets.

Nuclear war if launched threatens humanity, the greatest threat to life on earth.

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NASA Engineer’s Forgotten Admission (VIDEO)


NASA Engineer's Forgotten Admission (VIDEO) | Wernher-von-Braun-227x300 | Black Ops CIA Conspiracy Corner False Flags Government Government Control Government Corruption Insider Exclusive TV Mainstream Media Military Multimedia National Security Agency News Articles Pentagon Politics Predictive Programming Propaganda Science & Technology Sleuth Journal Society US News Whistle Blowers World News

Genius German moon rocket designer, Wernher von Braun, had this to say about the mathematical facts required to reach the moon in his forgotten published book “Voyage to the Moon” . . .

“It is commonly (and falsely) believed that men will fly directly from the Earth to the moon, but to do this we would require a vehicle of such gigantic proportions that it would prove an economic impossibility. CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN CAREFULLY WORKED OUT on the type of vehicle we would need for the nonstop flight from the Earth to the moon and to return. THE FIGURES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES: THREE rockets would be necessary, EACH rocket ship would (need to) be TALLER THAN THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING (1250 FEET) and weigh about TEN TIMES the tonnage of the Queen Mary (or some 800,000 TONS).”

The “moon rocket” the United States Government could afford weighed just 2500 tons (a difference of 32,000 percent) and was just 363 feet tall . . . and there was just one of them, rather than the THREE required. Furthermore, Braun went on to say that a Space Station MUST be constructed BEFORE a manned mission to the moon, from which to ferry the three rockets with the necessary extra fuel, needed to reach the moon and return. (The International Space Station was not completed until 2011.) Braun further INSISTED that after once landing on the moon, crews would have to find or dig a cave in which to shelter themselves from thousands of micrometeorites per hour hitting the moon’s surface traveling at speeds in excess of 20,000 miles per hour, which would inevitably puncture the spacecraft, as well as the astronaut’s spacesuit, causing catastrophic, and fatal, environmental decompression. This, of course, like the other requirements, was NEVER DONE.

When the government told the man in charge of the “moon rocket” to adjust his numbers “a little bit” to reflect a fictitious way to reach the moon with the available resources and technology of the time, he immediately, and obediently, dramatically recanted on his previously INDISPUTABLE figures which “SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES” and had been “CAREFULLY WORKED OUT“. Did I mention that this man in charge of the “moon” program’s authenticity, Wernher von Braun, was a former World War Two Nazi whom our own government’s State Department is on the record for saying that, had he not prematurely died shortly after the “moon missions”, he would have been immediately thereafter indicted for War Crimes for overseeing the genocide, and the cover-up thereof, of hundreds of innocent people during the war? This threat of blackmail was obviously used to gain his obedient submission to the government deception and his “adjustment” of irrefutable mathematical calculations.

BOTH rocket and fuel calculations could not be true AT THE SAME TIME, thusly Von Braun caved to political pressure from the United States government, or he was a highly incompetent mathematician, being in error of fuel calculations by a factor of 32,000 PERCENT. If the latter, how could such a fool get us to the moon on the VERY FIRST ATTEMPT with 1960’s technology in the first place, when the feat cannot even be repeated TODAY with FIFTY YEARS more advancements in rockets and computers?

Watch the incredible forgotten video below in which Von Braun plainly states, on camera, the very same above remarks that were widely published, and then forgotten, under the veil of a much needed pep rally during president Richard Nixon’s highly unpopular Vietnam war.

Brother Bart-

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Sibrel’s Detailed Article on the Moon Landing Fraud

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon

Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon?

Astronauts Gone Wild

Apollo Zero

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The Character Assassination of Roy Moore


The Character Assassination of Roy Moore | judge-moore | Mainstream Media Politics Propaganda Special Interests

The latest example of the outright fabrication of factual reality puts Judge Roy Moore directly in the gun sights of the District of Criminal Swamp. The premier presstitute of fake news, the Washington Compost has manifested their obvious political ideological bias based upon a deep seeded disdain for truth and fair play. The enormous pile on from the usual suspects, especially the RINO’s who have long betrayed the legitimate conservative cause expose themselves as cowards of the Republic. The establishment will stop at nothing to eliminate any patriot who challenges the globalist empire. All the calls for Moore to withdraw from the Alabama Senate race are based upon reporting from a publication that has distinguished itself as systemic purveyors of fictitious innuendo.

The Jeff Bezos funded rag is not serious journalism. The gunslingers hired by the Amazon baron of libtard dominances are the modern day equivalent of the Pinkerton assassins, who purported to be defenders of society, while actually practicing the art of political executioner. Their account of Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32 is a classic lynching by a posse of deranged zealots.

“Neither Corfman nor any of the other women sought out The Post. While reporting a story in Alabama about supporters of Moore’s Senate campaign, a Post reporter heard that Moore allegedly had sought relationships with teenage girls. Over the ensuing three weeks, two Post reporters contacted and interviewed the four women. All were initially reluctant to speak publicly but chose to do so after multiple interviews, saying they thought it was important for people to know about their interactions with Moore. The women say they don’t know one another.”

The NY Slime wasted no time and jumped on the band wagon to destroy the conservative populist. Sex Allegations Against Roy Moore Send Republicans Reeling is a pathetic attempt to paint a defiant GOP candidate as a sexual deviant and pervert. Sorry folks, the Gray Lady never had sincere outrage when William Jefferson Clinton was raping all those women. The NYT spent years trashing the long laundry list of victims when ample proof of criminal conduct was readily available if the newspaper had any credibility.

The same believability factor plagues the Washington Post. MARK LEVIN Exposes WaPo Hit Piece on Judge Moore As Complete Fabrication gets to the heart of the false reporting.

“How did the WaPo know there were four women, who they were, and how to contact them?… A Washington Post reporter just happens to be in Alabama talking to Roy Moore supporters… And he happens to hear what no one has reported in 38 years, no political opponents – No one… That Roy Moore, 38 years ago, made advances to teenage girls. Four of them. Now, the four girls do not know each other, they have never met. Yet the person who the Post reporter happened to run into and speak to, the person who supposedly told the reporter the story about the four girls, happened to know all four girls and how to contact them?


Woefully, the usual staunch conservative Sean Hannity: I ‘was not totally clear’ while defending Roy Moore over sexual misconduct report was not as definitive.

“How do you possibly tell, know the truth, except — Okay, so, the two other girls were older in this case. He was apparently, like, 32, and he dated — one girl was 18, one girl was 17, they never said he did — there was no sexual — there was kissing involved, and then they’re saying this one encounter with a 14-year-old —,” Hannity said, according to a transcript published by Media Matters.

For those who are so inclined, read Roy Moore’s full statement on teen sex encounter allegation. Debating the veracity of the accusation is just another diversion from real issues. Avoid the manufactured mass media trap and focus upon the tactics used in this cultural civil war that is designed to annihilate any opposition to the bipartisan gatekeepers of the shadow government.

Brush up on some recent history in the event which never appeared in the corporatist press. From an account in Roy Moore Is Victim of Political ‘Witch Hunt,’ Says Legal Group that states: “A conservative legal organization is crying foul at the appointment of a former member of the Southern Poverty Law Center to prosecute a case against Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore.”

Just another example of the determination to remove Judge Moore from the public square. The persistency of the subversive detractors of traditional American society are hell bent on burying this man, preferably alive so that his voice will never be heard in the chambers of the august Senate.

When Judge Roy Moore rose to national prominence it was over his defense of the Ten Commandments and defiance of the unconstitutional dictates of the illegitimate court culture that expresses an anti-Christian viewpoint.

“Judge Moore is a National hero. Let the cultural war turn into a judicial battle that will see the Federal black robes cast into the pit of hell. Those who understand the nature of our Republic have a duty to rally to the cause of this courageous jurist. Civil disobedience against the central court tyrants is not only appropriate, but necessary.”

The demons within the ingrained establishment are inflicting payback as they rally round the stench from their deep state dung heap.

So when the Washington Examiner reports that Roy Moore allies: Sexual allegations are ‘smear tactics’ to derail his Senate bid just remember this kind of public slander is directly out of the cesspool playbook from political careerists.

“Sources close to Moore, who spoke to the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity, said the head-turning allegations were reminiscent of the “Access Hollywood” tape that was released one month before last year’s presidential election and led to a flurry of sexual assault allegations against then-candidate Donald Trump.

“The whole thing smells like an act of desperation. It’s just classic smear tactics,” said a former Trump campaign aide, who remains a supporter of Moore. “It’s just too suspicious – the timing, the packaging.”

Stop the presses. Jump back and put on your thinking cap. In a society obsessed with every perversion imaginable, the apologists for Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey work overtime to prevent their house of cards from collapsing. What better way to divert the ooze from sinking into the scum hole of debauchery than to blame an upright and real conservative for some trumped up thirty year old claims?

What next, drag out that tired old bellyache Gloria Allred to be the public face for dropping the ax? At least under this scenario her face would be covered with a mask. Yet all those snowflakes that Scream Helplessly at the Sky a year after Donald Trump’s election as President would be the ones most indignant over the sham charges that are being spun against Roy Moore.

However, being incensed does not receive much influence in the Senate chambers. What does is the loathsome response from U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) who released the following statement today on Roy Moore: “The allegations against Roy Moore are deeply disturbing and disqualifying. He should immediately step aside and allow the people of Alabama to elect a candidate they can be proud of.” This coming from a Manchurian Candidate that hates all things that a trusted conservative like Roy Moore represents.

Add Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell to the RINO parrot cage that picks apart the carcass of genuine Americans and you have the reason why the vulture culture makes up the policy-making governance.

Surely, you remember the famous quotation: “Where Do I Go To Get My Reputation Back?”  Well, in case you missed this one, Ray Donovan was Reagan’s Labor Secretary. After he was found not guilty of corruption charges he asked this question. No Virginia; this is not the same Ray Donovan that appears on Showtime. That one has a notoriety that cannot be confused as having character.

The popular assessment being fostered on the airwaves, in the ethernet and on the news channels are hedging their bets on Roy Moore. BATR does not dodge or sidestep the underlying motivation to take out Roy Moore by whatever means needed.

Accusations in the media psycho environment now exemplars conviction because the claims are reported by their flagship of falsehoods. Lest one forgets, the WaPo has been a primary source of distributing leaks, disinformation and intelligence community psy-ops. Add in the Bezos factor and you are getting the biggest fantasy that resides in the cloud of their scripted narratives.

If you doubt the lamestream media as an entrusted source on current affairs, why do you patronize the beast by buying items on Amazon? Any potential opponent to the Bezos universe becomes a threat, especially elected officials to Congress. Roy Moore is not the issue, the newspaper fabricators that spin the first edition of history are the actual subversives.

The post The Character Assassination of Roy Moore appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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